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Snippet #1599469

located in Altor, a part of Chronos, one of the many universes on RPG.


A peaceful land thrown into chaos.


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Dominic studied the odd sudden glowing coming from the scepter. It unnerved him for some reason, as if he was being told both by this scepter and by the odd man, Elris, to go somewhere that he should not be going, to look for something that should not be found. It was glowing towards the pond, he silently noted, but said nothing about it at first. He needed to clear his head. With his sister standing perilously behind him, the Blue Fighter somewhere nearby, and Loki by his side--all he could think of was how much he wished they'd all just go away. He understood they were trying to help him, he really did; and he understood they were all trying to support him, he got that, too; but what they didn't understand that by 'helping' they were actually impairing him. With them around, he couldn't risk a fight and, no offense to either of their skills or powers or abilities, but he hardly lasted a minute in a fight against Elris and he somehow doubted any of them would either. They were just as large at stake here as him. Not to mention, each and every one of them were weaknesses. As rude as it might sound if it were said aloud, to Dominic, he saw them as just three big, obvious weaknesses, urging him on and nagging at him in the back of his mind; little demons whispering to him, They could be killed at any second now...and there's nothing you could do.

A creature flew in from the skies and the raven-haired Prince jumped, holding the scepter tightly as if it actually meant something to him. He studied the creature with wide, awed eyes. she an Angel? Wings on a human body basically fit the description to a tee. This was his first time seeing one and, though he knew they were dangerous beyond all reason, it excited him in an indescribably way. Like a child meeting their favorite celebrity or getting to go on their favorite amusement park ride for the first time ever. It was something surreal, something that one would always think would never actually happen to you, because it always happened to other, more deserving people. But when it happens, you think Wow, now I'm that person. And it feels kind of...nice. In a sickening, scared-for-my-life sort of way.

Dominic found himself only able to watch in awe as Elris cast the Angel into the lake, never to return again. An almost empty, disappointed feeling came over him. It was as if by doing that, Elris had confirmed the existence of angels was a bust. The Prince had grown up with preachings of God and Angels and Saviors and all that jazz, and though logically throughout the years he'd managed to convince himself none of that could possibly be true, a little piece in the back of his mind supposed he always wished it had been. But, he supposed, it was for the best. One less Angel to worry about. He was getting too distracted. He needed to focus on the situation at hand.

"You know pops," Dominic said, forcing himself to bite back the bile he felt building in his throat, "all work and no play makes a man grow old and gray." He was referring to the fact that Elris seemed to be dealing with 'work-related' issues of 'employee' backfires. It was a stretch, but Dominic always made a joke work, whether it really did or not. He patted the scepter in his hand, letting it bounce up and down. "Come to think of it, I think I see a few gray hairs growing in that thick head of yours. You might wanna watch yourself. Stress isn't too easy on people, y'know? Take a break." He wasn't sure what he was even getting at, but he was overwhelmingly nervous and stressed and freaked and, more than that, confused, so his mouth worked on its own as he circled around the lake, searching for the glowing area the scepter was pointing to. I shouldn't be doing this.

"So that 'Angel' wannabe... Didja make her?" He smirked widely and winked at Elris. "She was pretty cute. You've got good taste, my man." Shut up! "She's not the one who kidnapped my sister, is she? I heard it was some boy. I wonder if they were dating. If so, I bet that guy Angel'd be pretty mad with what you just did..." He hummed for a moment. "Then again, I wonder if Angels could even date other Angels? Do they feel those kinds of things? I mean, what kind of date would they go on if Heaven is supposedly a perfect place, right?" He hardly took notice that half-way through his rambling, his voice grew slightly higher in pitch and louder in volume. His hands were shaking almost uncontrollably. It was hard for him to keep a good grip on the scepter. "If you made the Angels, does that make you the 'God' of this situation? I mean, I'm supposed to be a descendant from 'God' so, does that make you my dad?" He laughed nervously, strained and unnerving. His eyes were trying to focus, but his vision kept wavering, bouncing around the area, trying desperately to just find the place the scepter was pointing to. "Hear that, Amira? I found Daddy!" He laughed again.

Then he just stopped, his face going blank. He stood, staring at the scepter for a long time, a good five minutes, without saying anything at all, his thoughts just as clear as his expression. "It's pointing to the lake," he finally said, pointing at it.