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Snippet #16912

located in SPACE (our arm of the Milky Way Galaxy), a part of A Galactic Picasso, one of the many universes on RPG.

SPACE (our arm of the Milky Way Galaxy)



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Maunkee Empire Territory
Planet T'au
High Orbit

The Maunkee fleet had not expected the anti-matter orbital torpedo to be dispatched, however, being trained to react to any thinkable situation, the first thing they did was to hack into the system of the torpedoes, redirected them from flying towards the fleet and destroying it all in a few explosions to turning around and fly through the space while the technicians worked on shutting down the engines. Space drones were dispatched and retrieved the anti-matter torpedoes, and brought them back to the fleet. They would be examined by the Maunkee, and most likely copied as well, the Maunkee loved technology and would study everything they could get their fingers into, and now that they had not only prevented their own planet from being destroyed by these deadly torpedoes.

The Maunkee fleet send a report to the Internal Government of the Maunkee Empire, explaining what had just happened, and as expected, the politicians were outraged by the actions of the Oracle. If he wished to provoke the Maunkee and even destroy their precious planet, then it would mean war between the Maunkee Empire and the Kirata Empire.
The government of Maunkee, without any debate, declared the Kirata Empire for Hopeless, and gave orders to the Park'tau System that they were to dispatch a fleet to attack the Kirata Empire, in the sense of Hopeless War.

Hole two fleets of Achilles were dispatched, filled with battle droids that would fight in the Kirata Empire. The Maunkee wouldn't risk having organic soldiers to fight the Kirata, for they had proven themselves genetically superior, however, now the Maunkee would prove themselves for technologically superior.

The antimatter orbital torpedoes were send to the Illumi System where they would be examined and copied, for the usage of the Maunkee Empire, the Vispeer system were give orders to increase its military productions, and cut down on research fees as the Maunkee empire was entering a two fronted war and could not afford to lose either.

A ODS ship was prepared for the war between the Kirata Empire and the Maunkee Empire, and the Maunkee solar scopes pointed out the Kirata Empire's location along with taking tons of pictures of the many planets, which were used to formulate plans of invasion against the Kirata.
The Maunkee didn't know the Kirata's way of fighting, thus they would send in a testing squad of combatants to get a general idea of how the Kirata fought, and then they would take it to the next level. Genocidal warfare.

There was only one problem now, the Maunkee Empire didn't know the exact location of the Kirata Empire, thus orders were dispatched to calculate the direction that the Kirata ship had set course for, as the Maunkee had been watching the Kirata since they entered their solar systems, so they used this data to give them directions for where they could start looking for them, but it would take, at the very least, two hole weeks to locate any solar system that could belong to the Kirata Empire, and even then they would have to make additional calculations about the atmospheres of the planets so they would know what the gravity strength of the planets would be as well as if there were any nearby asteroid fields that the Maunkee could take advantage of.

Maunkee Empire Territory
Planet Phophies I
178th Day of Invasion ; Commencement of operation : Wasteland & Chi-shoa

The night was silent across the trenches between the Maunkee division and the USSR division of planet Phophies I. Highly unusual as the USSR usually used the night to do night raids, send thousands of missiles at the trenches and behind the Maunkee lines and the Maunkee usually had reinforcements to come and replace the lost robots that were destroyed during the day.

This day, however, it was all different. The USSR and the Maunkee had both planned that this day would be the start of their Frontal Operation, and both sides had designed their aggressive operation to bring their faction total victory.

Tanks suddenly rolled over the USSR trenches, the skies were light up with the fire from millions of missiles and rockets that were fired at the Maunkee trenches, blowing the trenches into pieces within minutes. The tanks raced over the Maunkee trenches, the trucks were quickly bringing both soldiers and ammunition over the borders and in the skies, hundreds of RAF Jets were flying behind the enemy lines, their targets were vital military locations, which they had to attack and bomb.

ten minutes before this hell had been released, the Communication Center of Trench Sector Q3-66H had been blown up by the Dreken Devils that had been send behind enemy lines, and the other Death Korps troops, who had been parachuted behind enemy lines, were now attacking Maunkee villages, burning down their storage rooms with agricultural productions and destroying the robotic work force, since all the Maunkee workers had been evacuated from the planet.

The USSR send three atomic bombs behind the Maunkee lines, targeting military locations and military production factories. Since the Deutch were immune to nuclear radiation they wouldn't worry about dying from the radiation, and as the atomic bombs were powerful enough to wipe out large cities, they would surely cripple the Maunkee infrastructure.

The Forgotten Steel Legion had been left to defend the trenches of the USSR, however, only the few million soldiers wouldn't be enough to weather off a full scale attack against them, despite their tactical training to fight in trenches, they weren't as many as the Death Korps.

The Maunkee had, on the other hand, hacked into the USSR system and shut down all communications with one of the heavier defended trenches, making the soldiers that guarded it isolated from the outside world, and thus they would be a easy prey for the Maunkee robotic soldiers. Also, the Maunkee had gained access to the USSR's control over many of their AI controlled defenses, effectively crippling the defenders and forcing them to use other methods if they were to defend their trenches.
The Maunkee launched their attack against the USSR trenches, first using missiles to hit the trenches where it was highly populated, and then the Combatant robots jumped into the trenches and opened fire on the hostile USSR soldiers, while the tanks and transportation hovered over the trenches and moved into the USSR territory.

The Maunkee's advancement was quicker than they had expected as the USSR was defenseless when they had lost communications, and as most of the army itself had crossed the borders of the Maunkee trenches, and as the Maunkee robotic soldiers were armed with plasma guns that would easily penetrate the armor of the USSR soldiers, they made a quick battle against them and their gun powder weapons.