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located in Earth, a part of Buried Under An Avalanche, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Charles Xavier, or Professor X, sat back in his chair and beamed. Today, the second class of growing mutants would come to his Institute of Higher Learning, to become the ambassadors of his kind to the humans. His ultimate goal was to create a world where he wasn't necessary. A world where humans and mutants could live in peace. That was a lofty goal that most likely would not happen in his lifetime. But, his life's work was to see that through as far as he could.

Charles knew all too well the sting and stigma of being a mutant in a human's world. His step-father and step-brother bullied him mercilessly as a child before his mental powers were strong enough to repulse them. His older step-brother, now the mutant known as Juggernaut, still found a way to try and bully him by having his powers mystically released and wearing a helmet that repulses his powers when Juggernaut is not distracted. Ever since facing Juggernaut on their own, his students had grown more and more self-sufficient until they basically ran the entire Institute themselves. It was great to see his seedlings grow into such beautiful flowers, but their toughest days were still ahead. A seed in the ground is protected from the world, while a flower must face it head-on.

His students were a powerful force when combined, but individually, they still had room to grow, even in their middle ages. Cyclops had yet to let go of the rest of his arrogance, Wolverine had yet to remember or fully open up to him about his past, Rogue was still afraid to touch people without the use of gloves because of lack of control, Iceman was still working on mixing emotion and logic, Storm had yet to stop patronizing him about wanting to be the military leader of the X-Men, Colossus had yet to let the guilt of his past go, Nightcrawler was still learning to stand up for himself, and Jean was still working on controlling her impressive power after the Phoenix debacle. However, Kitty's unresolved feelings for Lance had led him to a surprising revelation. When Kitty was a teenager, Xavier had thought at first that her love for Lance was just part of her rebellious phase. However, as time passed, Charles began to notice that there was far more to Lance than met the eye. It turned out that the tough guy persona was just that, meant to hide the scars of his life.

Lance, with the help of his good friends, finally threw off the tough guy persona to be himself, which was even tougher than the persona. He was now the de facto head of the Brotherhood, and his loyalty to his friends and non-presumptuous nature made him a more humble and better leader than Cyclops, if you're just comparing personality. However, if Lance joined the X-Men someday, he would have to endure ostracism and a difference of philosophy. He would have to realize that there was a difference in philosophy behind the X-Men, so being the better person might mean walking away. But, no matter what his shortcomings as a person, though there were few, he could handle it. Lance had grown into a fine man, and it was time for him to complete himself.

However, now was the time to turn his attention to those that the Human World had failed. His first visit would be to Lucas Williams, a growing young psychic with parents that were not sure how to help their son. He knew exactly how to handle him, as he had done the same thing with Jean years before. Now, Jean was ready to help those who were once like her, scared, angry, and alone. Lucas would be a challenge, but more pressing on his mind were the mutants who were more militant, and some who could be swayed to be turned to evil. The mutants were Sniper and Nightmare.

For Sniper, he would need Wolverine, his toughest and most grizzled fighter. Terrence Young, the mutant in question, was one of the most dangerous he had ever seen. He emulated tough from every pore in his body, and his fighting skills were on par with seasoned warriors due to countless battles throughout his life. His power was energy manipulation, which at its best, had the potential to eclipse any psychic, even himself. A man with the potential to levitate whole cities at his best is one that must be taught discipline and control. More than anything, Xavier needed somebody that could beat him in a fair contest and earn his respect.

Cyclops would have been a nice choice if not for his arrogance, which would make him a punk in Sniper's eyes. He needed a man who would fight without words, a man who would just attack him like an animal, like he was used to. Wolverine could do that and earn Sniper's respect. As for the woman named Nightmare, he would have to think long and hard about what to do with her if he was going to stop her from being swayed to evil. For now, though, he had to help Lucas. Jean Grey sensed his needs and began wheeling him out to the handicapped van.

Xavier let Jean drive the van, though he looked forward to the day that he could be self-sufficient himself and lead the X-Men as a complete leader. With enough physical and mental conditioning, he could do that. They drove to the house in the complete silence of two people who know what to do and how to do it, and need to say nothing about it. As they reached Lucas' house, Charles was let down on the handicapped van. He could have levitated himself, but sometimes, human technology is easy in its sophistication. The two rang the doorbell, and a nicely dressed young woman opened the door.

She was harried looking and had been recently arguing with her husband, so Charles put on his most reassuring smile and used his warmest and most polite voice.
"Good afternoon, Mrs. Williams. May we come in for just a second?"
"Who are you people?" she asked with a sniffle.
"My name is Professor Charles Xavier, the Head of the Xavier Institute of Higher Learning. We specialize in teaching young people with special gifts, like your son, Lucas."

Mrs. Williams looked at him with the eyes of a woman who had finally reached the light at the end of the tunnel.
"C-Can you really do that? Is there really hope for him?"
It was Jean's cue, and she smiled with all of her internal beauty.
"It's more than a possibility. I was once like Lucas, and this man helped me become the person I am today."

Mrs. Williams beamed when she saw the beautiful, confident young woman who offered living proof of her son's salvation. She turned her head.
"Honey, please get the den ready. We have guests."
"What? Why should I-"

"Just do it," the mother said in a voice that left no room for argument.
The man put up his arms and went to do it. Jean and Professor X went in, but Charles stopped the chair.
"Before meeting with him down there, I should meet with him in his sanctum. I need to show him that I can truly help before we even put the offer on the table."
Charles rose from the chair, and took a few baby steps.

"Charles, maybe you.."
She then stopped herself, knowing that if the Professor could not count on himself, he could never convince Lucas. Xavier worked hard and made it up the steps before sending out a pulse that nullified all thoughts to Lucas except his own. He then knocked on the door.
"Lucas, if I may have a moment, I would like to speak with you about your special ability."
Xavier than waited for Lucas to reply to him, letting him know if he was ready to talk to someone, anyone, about his powers.