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located in California, a part of The Elementalists 2, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Christian Cassidy

(San Francisco Chinatown)

Cobra's Journal: San Francisco, a beautiful city by the pacific coast. The cities entire population of over eight hundred thousand, eradicated in one day. It's streets which were once full of people and buildings reduced to nothing, nothing but the dead and rubble. How is it that I am writing this? How can I know of all the terrible things which have happened to this city? The answer is quite simple really... I am one of those who caused this chaos and destruction.
Why would you do such things? Why would anyone wish the annihilation of an entire cities population? You ask these questions but are unwilling to accept the answers. You do not wish to know why we would do such things, you only seek this knowledge because you believe you want to know it. No... you can not handle the truth behind our actions... not yet. But one day you will know why we do these things, one day you will all know... but you will not believe us. But what we will say is the truth and in your hearts you will know it to be truth.
If you believe that we are sinners, terrorists... demons, you are correct, we are all of those things you believe us to be. But who are you to judge? You do not know anything. You live your lives day to day without a care in the world. You indulge in your indecent desires and lusts, you are no saints. No... you are like me, people who's souls are darker than black from all of our inequities. We are all sinners and we all commit acts that are against your so called, "God". Whatever you may call this "being" you believe in, or not, it matters not. Do you truly think I care about such things? Do you think I care about your "God"? No... I do not. Your "God... my "God"... betrayed me long ago.
I do not write this for my own pleasure or amusement. No, I write this for the future generations of this "Earth" that they may know the true story, the real untold history. This is the beginning of a revolution greater than any which has yet come to pass. This is a revolution against not a nation but of the entire human race. Us "freaks" are fed up of our ill-treatment, we will not be subjected to humanities torture any longer. This is the beginning my friend... The beginning of the end...


On a rooftop there stood a man who was writing in a journal. This man was wearing; a black suit, black shirt and tie, and black Italian leather shoes. His hair was as black as night and his eyes as red as blood. The man's skin was of light complexion and he was of tall stature. Finishing his writing the man placed his journal and pen within his suit jacket inside pocket. Standing up the man now held a sheathed katana, which had a white and silver handle. The man looked out from the rooftop, seeing the destruction of the city his eyes were full of apathy. Emotionless was his face, he showed no sign of emotion. The man began to speak saying, "This world... it is bleak. Humanity, what a laughable idea... no one has a shred of humanity anymore... Humans live destructive lives; pursuing needless ends, acquiring useless money, giving false charity, giving into the most darkest of desires. Humanity is just a mask in which they hide their true motives and emotions... I pity them..."

The man stood there silently. The air was filled with despair, a feeling which he was now accustomed to. The city was eerily silent, there was no more life there, or so he believed. No longer then a minute passed by but suddenly there was noise, a sound of life. This intrigued the man as he left the rooftop in search of this sound. Now on the broken streets he wandered in search for what he had heard. Was their life still existing within this barren wasteland? Was someone still alive after the attack? These thoughts filled his mind as he searched. At that moment several men armed with weapons had emerged from behind the man. Those who were armed with firearms began to open fire on the man. The sound of bullet shots filled the air as the man began to fall to the ground, motionless he lay as if he was dead.

The group of men approached the man's body, looking to see if he was now dead. But before they were close enough to inspect him, the man had disappeared. Confused the men began to look around for the body. Before they could find the body, it had found them. Now standing behind the men the man called out to them, saying, "Good effort men... but undoubtedly foolish... You should have listened to your primal desires and wishes... you should have fled. But instead you chose to fight... you are all foolish." The man began to unsheathe his katana as the men began again to open fire. Their bullets however never connected with the man's body as the bullets seemed to disintegrate into nothing while in flight. The man now slowly walking towards the men now held his unsheathed katana, as he smiled devilishly at the men. The men now fearful of their lives began to flee from the man's presence. Before they could escape however they were all decapitated by the man.

Wiping the katana's blade across his suit cuff the man looked down at the beheaded bodies and said, "Courage... it is a funny thing. One believes that they are able to do amazing feats when one has courage, but I assure you that what you did now was not out of courage... but of foolishness. Instead of triumphing against your fears and of death you are nothing but a pile of dead bodies, whose blood had dirtied a man's blade... You are now as worthless as dust... No, you are worst than that. Human's serve no purpose in life... we don't even support this Earth in which we live in. All we do is take... If humans were to not exist nature would flourish... What a distasteful existence." The man then grabbed a rose from inside his suit jacket and then he placed the rose among the bodies. "May your afterlives be as beautiful as this rose..." A purple mist then descended upon the dead bodies. After a few seconds the mist had cleared and all the bodies were now no longer there. All that remained was the rose.

The man then began to walk, sheathing his katana as he did. While walking he heard the faintest noise of someone breathing, someone else. He then approached the noise as he had then spotted a teenage girl, crying and scared for her life. Looking down at her the man's once emotionless eyes began to form tears as well. What is this? Why am I shedding a tear? This girl... she will grow up to be the same as them. Same as those heartless humans who had experimented on him while he was young... No... I am not a monster... I will not kill her. Lost in his own thoughts the man then looked down towards the teenage girl with empathy now in his eyes. He then said to the girl, "I am sorry for what you had to witness here today... I am sure you hate me, I would not blame you... I possibly killed all your friends and family and I will say that I am truly sorry for that... I never wanted something like this to happen... But it was the only way. You may not understand me... you may not even wish to believe me... but I am sorry." Placing his arms around the girl he then said, "You will live to tell this story..."

A few minutes had passed as the man suddenly appeared at the end of the "Bay Bridge" near the Oakland harbor, holding the teenage girl in his arms. Placing her down he noticed that Maxi had been there earlier, hoping that he wouldn't see what he was doing. The girl then asked the man crying, "If you didn't want to do this in the first place... why did you kill all of those people?" The man looked at her and said, "There are people who deserve death and those who deserve life. Do you have the power to give them what they truly deserve... Do not judge so quickly which yourself can not fully understand the reason of such events. Not even the wisest can tell why some things happen, all we can do is acknowledge what is and what was... Do not fear me for I am not your enemy... but I also am not your friend... Continue down this road, you will eventually find someone who can help you..." The man then placed two hundred dollars in the girls hands. "...This should be enough money to get you to Oakland city. Once there gain the attention of a news reporter... no doubt they will wish to hear you're story."

The man then began to walk back towards San Francisco. Before he could leave the teenage girl called out to him saying "What is your name and why are you helping me?" The man then turned around and said, "My name is Christian Cassidy and I am one of those whom humanity deems as a "demon" or "freak"... I am helping you because I still believe there is some hope left in humanity... even if the chance is slim... Take care of yourself." Christian had then disappeared from the girls sight.