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Snippet #1779754

located in The Dimensions, a part of Tsubasa: The Second Age, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Dimensions



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Aelita breathed a sigh of relief when the black haired sorcerer, Gui, put his hands down and extinguished their flames. She couldn't stand to see them fighting, not here. They would probably destroy Yuko's house. And then the woman would be mad and not explain to them what was going on. She diverted attention quickly to William when he asked about her ears. "Of course their pointy, I'm an elf, silly. Well, part elf. I'm also part human and my dad told me I have a bit of dwarven blood too. What was that you said about steam tecnology? Does that really exist? How does it work?" she siad quickly. She was a pretty quick speaker, always stumbling over her words and blurting out questions to try to learn. It was normal for her. Everybody in the underground asked questions.

She didn't have time to wait for his answers though, because when she finished talking a newcomer arrived. A large, metal newcomer. "Whoah!" she said, walking towards him. He looked like a bigger version of the little robot that the scientists back home had made. "Where did you come from? Are you a robot? Or is that just a machine that a human person is in? Is it okay if I touch you?" she asked in amusement. She didn't wait for his agreement though. She reached out and touched his cold metal...whatever it was anyways.

Finally, the other guy introduced himself as Martin Peterson, and shared her interest in the Mokona creature, whatever it was. There was a very interesting cast of characters, she thought. She couldn't help but picture them all as characters in a book, fighting crime or learning magic, something exciting. It thrilled her, to think of what they could do. She didn't really listen as D spoke, but caught the end of his dialogue, wondering why there were there. They were all wondering why they were there. And Yuko had yet to explain anything. She turned towards the woman who was watching them all with vacant yet amused eyes. There would need to be a lot of explaining.


Yuko stood back from the group, watching as they argued and fought, listening as they told their names and hinted at their personalities. She couldn't help but compare them to the last group that had come through several years ago. A smile played at her lips, breaking through her stone exterior. The childish, magical one, Gui, was definitely like her old friend Kurogane, William was a much more drunken, cockier version of Fai. She remembered how those two would always go at one another, Fai trying to see how far he could push "Kuro-poo's" buttons. The elf's, Aelita's, peaceful personality was similar to that of Sakura's, but she showed just a little more spunk. And then there was the brownheaded girl...Martin? Yuko was curious as to why she was posing as a boy, but she supposed it had something to do with her saying she was a midshipman. She resembled a female Syaoran, but she wasn't sure of her personality quite yet. She seemed a little more snarky and definitely not a soft-spoken. And then there was the android-like creature (she was able to identify him as) who hadn't really spoken yet. And D...

"You seem very knowledgable, D. You must have done some research. Your homeland must be familiar with myself, as must yours, Gui. You act as if you've been looking for me," she said slyly, grinning just a bit. This was definitely interesting. "Yes, my name is Yuko, the dimensional witch. As D said, this is the portal between different worlds, each set in a different plane of time and space and each so different. We call these dimensions. You came here because I called you." She paused, letting her words sink in...and just trying to build suspense. It was her game, seeing how annoyed she could make people.

"Some of you may have been experiencing...unusual circumstances in your home dimension. Maybe danger, maybe just some things out of the ordinary that suddenly happened recently." Pause again, swallowing. "A rip has occured in time, caused by a magician named Zarco." The name caused her to wince, causing her blood to boil and her healed injuries to ache. She got much more serious. "He is an evil and powerful wizard, and he wants control. His goal is to cause distruction in all of the dimensions, make them weak and susceptible to outside forces. I've tried to fight him, but..." she trailed off, wincing again and grabbing her side where the largest wound was located. She didn't want to bring up the painful memories again.

"You are the chosen ones, the guardians of time and the dimensions. All I can tell you is that you must beat this evil, fight him and strike him down. I must tell you, this won't be easy. The burdens of so many now rest upon your shoulders. You many encounter war, famine, disease...some of you may not make it. But you must try. You have to correct what damage has been done and restore balance to the dimensions, or else no one will survive. There will be no homes left, no peace or good left anywhere."

She pulled up Mokona again and held him out to the group. "This is Mokona. He is a Mokona, and there is only one other like him anywhere. He will be your transportation as you move through the dimensions and your method of communication with me. Yes, you will be granted this power: to move through worlds. But you cannot choose where you go, not even Mokona nor I can say where you will end up each time. It is random, and you must be prepared for anything to happen. But don't think that this doesn't come at a price.

"To maintain the little balance that is left, your payment to me must be that which you care for most deeply. It isn't necessarily a materialistic item, and it isn't most definitely isn't something that you are willing and happy to give up, but you have to to travel. Otherwise you'll be stuck with me. Forever." She grinned again. It made her happy to torment people, satisfied her to see their expressions when she told them they had to give her what they loved most. Most would say she was sick, but hey. She was Yuko. She could do whatever she wanted.

She nodded to Domeki. "Please make your payments to him."