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Snippet #1817636

located in The Safe Zone, a part of FFX: Guardians of Spira, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Safe Zone



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Others. Of course there were others, he didn't expect there to not be others. It was who these others were that the mystery presented itself. It wasn't a mystery for long however, as others began to file in after him. Still, he never gotten an answer from Elle. Just a murmur and a quiet look. Huh, Yuri didn't think himself that intimidating looking, to be able to cause the girl to stumble like that. Of course, he didn't see himself that way. When he looked in a mirror, he just saw an ordinary, if extremely handsome, man looking back at him. The monster was under the surface, not above. Still though, he noted the girl was... Pretty. Probably way outside his league, but still... He didn't have enough time to further prod her with questions as the arrival of others caught his attention.

Daia, Ryuu, and Kries, he'd heard of all of them. What kind of poor excuse for a guard would he be if he didn't. He knew of Daia's playful nature, and had been the butt of some of her pranks. Ryuu was a quiet and reserved man, whom Yuri doubted ever saw the lower part of his face. Still, he recognized those eyes from the instances they were given guard duty together. And Kries, the machinist. Last he heard, the man was supposed to be working on some kind of guard mech. When Elle ran off to hug Daia, Yuri waved to Kries with the hand that wasn't holding the black blade.

"Hey Kries," He said. He wondered on the status of the guard machina, unaware as to it's fate. Then Elle walked in front of the little congregation and asked an elder a question. Yuri listened, intrigued. He kept his own counsel within his mind. And what a tumultuous counsel it was. Everything had been normal up until today. When suddenly, spirits, pyreflies, or whatever the hell they were chose him for some inane reason. Was this what the elder was hinting at? That he would be great? Dammit, he didn't want to be great. Guardians? The only thing he was a guardian of was the village. A Shepard of lost children really. And some spirits had the gall to choose him? For something he doesn't even want? Damn them.

Frustration was rising as the elder droned on. He needed to reign it in, to return to the aloof flow. Alas, he never had the time as suddenly the grown shook. That could only mean one thing. An Attack. Without waiting for any of the others, or even hearing if there were other words said, he left. Ran really. All other things were drowned out. Only one thing remained. His duty. He had to protect the village. Dammit, why was he called to that bloody chapel!? He had a duty, and he can't bloody well do it in the heart of a run down temple, now can he? Dammit.

He erupted out of the mouth of the chapel, both blades shining in his hands, First Dragon on his shoulder and Last Flame held out, waiting to pounce. At the sight, Yuri dropped his eyebrows and snorted. It was horrible. Fire, death, destruction, screams. Blood. "Dammit," He muttered. He should had been there, he should had stopped all of this. He didn't have time to mull on it, he had to act. Now.

The black blade was a blur as he cut the air in front of him, grunting out, "Air Render." The wind of him split and surged towards his unlucky target. A seeker who had the misfortune of being the first Yuri had laid eyes on. The wave struck true and cleaved the beast in twain. First blood, he would destroy every single one of these monstrosities, alone if need be. There was no more time. He rushed into the fray head first, blades screaming through the air. It wasn't long before he entered another confrontation. Another lone seeker. Yuri blocked an attack from the beast with the gauntlet on his left hand and cut the offending appendage off with his other sword. Yuri finished it by cleaving it with the other. It fell back with a deep gash along it's middle.

Suddenly, a bright light caught Yuri's attention off to his side. When he looked over, he saw Elle enveloped in the light, and the attack of those monsters reflected back to them. As the light died, Yuri saw what Elle was doing. She was protecting a family, yet now. Now it seemed as if she was defenseless as the seekers rose. They turned their attention on her fully. That was it. That's all it took to break Yuri, to bring out that demon. He had reached his Boiling Point.

He roared with a fierce and ferocious bellow and raced towards the monsters. He was barely aware of the shots that rang out, striking the beasts and garnering their attention. Perhaps later he would realize these shots came from Kries. However, right now, they refused to even register with the man. Upon reaching them, his anger took complete control of his arms and his face took on a demonic visage. Eyes wide and teeth bared in rage. His movements were erratic, random... deadly. He slashed widely at the monsters, ripping and tearing through the beasts, each drop of the blade producing a grievous injury and a spurt of the blood. In this state he was unstoppable, invincible. He didn't even realize the torrent of lightning and cutting aero spells conjured from the mage. No matter, it wouldn't have stopped him any how. He didn't, couldn't stop until these monsters were dead. And when they were, he stood amongst the pile of broken, scorched, and torn bodies (some killed by him, some by the magically volley) facing Elle, victorious. Covered in blood, gore, cuts, and burns. He wasn't even aware of his own injuries.

As his eyes became his own once again, he began to pant, but still he leaned over Elle, worried about her well being. Sincerely, he asked, "Are... Are you okay?" Then he looked up and around. First was the black mage, but he was far to zoned out to understand the words she was saying. Something to Elle perhaps? Either way, They weren't out of this yet. He extended a blood covered arm for her to grab to help her up and added, "Quickly. This isn't over." Suddenly, his eyes winced from the pain. This always happened when he lost control. He ended up injuring himself. Through gritted teeth he smiled at Elle. She didn't have to know of his pain. "Come on, we're be safer in a group," Yuri said, glancing at the black mage and nodded. He didn't quite realize that the fire and cutting wind came from her. Even if he did, he would bear no ill will. It was his fault he raced headlong into the inferno, he'd bare the responsibility for his own actions.

He asked Aura a question, through pain and gritted teeth, "Are you okay too?"