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Snippet #1967626

located in Earth, a part of College of the Gods, one of the many universes on RPG.




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In the realm of the Egyptian Gods, it was night time, and the journey of the Mesektet-boat was underway, as it was every night. Ra, the head of the pantheon, would travel through the waters of the underworld, to face the serpent Apep and begin a new day. The barge, a long, narrow vessel that had been favoured by the Ancient Egyptians, drifted slowly through the shadowy plane, with no sail to aid it. There was no wind in the realm of the dead.

The sun god, Ra, sat upon a throne towards the back, a golden light gleaming from his being, and from the sun disk on his crown, the only thing that seemed to alleviate the unnatural, almost tangible darkness of the place. He was a tall, imposing figure, his head that of a hawk, with thick kohl lines painted around his eyes.

That evening, Ra had company on his journey....more than was usual in fact, for the figure who stood beside him would usually have other duties. It had been Sekhmet's job to protect the pharaoh from harm...but there were no pharaohs anymore.

The war goddess stood on the edge of the boat, looking down into the pitch black waters. Her head was that of a lioness, marked with green pigment on the face, eyes gleaming with the fire of the sun. Mortals often said upon looking at children that they 'had their father's eyes' and it was more true than most with Sekhmet, created from the fire in her father's eye when he saw what the world had become.
"They pay you no mind now, Ra." she stated, voiced edged with a leonine snarl.
"They worships things now, not Gods. Our statues are nothing but attractions for them to gawp at and spill drinks on. The mortal world has rotted over the years as they have nothing to look towards."

"Perhaps you're right Sekhmet, but even if you are, our time is passed and you simply have to accept it. Violence is going to solve nothing. " the sun god responded somberly. They were no longer the revered figures they'd once been, and Sekhmet had trouble accepting that.

The war goddess sighed, turning her face upwards towards the gloom up ahead. She could spy several other Gods stood up on deck, though the further they stood from Ra, the harder it was to make them out. The waters twisted and foamed at the prow as enormous, terrible things moved just beneath the surface. The underworld truly was a wretched place.

Sekhmet turned to address her father again, to argue her point....but her debate was cut suddenly, and abruptly, short. As she opened her mouth to speak, something enormous and black burst from the murky depths, wrapping around her waist. Sekhmet barely had time to register her surprise before she was snapped backwards, over the side and into the dark water.

What seemed only moments later, Sekhmet opened her eyes, surprised to find herself in sunlight, rather than somewhere beneath the waters of the was a welcome surprise however....well..until she got a better view of her surroundings. As she did...she started to wish that she was back in the river of the dead. This was earth.

She was lying on a grassy bank, and all around her were the human folks, chattering, walking, messing around with their bizarre electric devices. She made no attempt to disguise her distaste, though when her look of disdain was met by one passer by, not by fear and reverence, but by a crude call of 'Hey what're you lookin' at?' she began to suspect that something was amiss.

Sekhmet rose to her feet and approached a nearby car, checking her reflection in the glass. Disgusting. Her noble lion head was gone, and replaced by one of the squashed, snub-nosed ape faces that mortals possessed..and seemed to proud of. The day only seemed to be getting worse. She sunk her hands into the pockets of the dress she wore, only to find a note there, written in hieroglyphs.

Perhaps it would offer some sort of answer as to how she ended up there...and in such a form as that. The human face was taking a lot of getting used to. She rather missed the presence of her muzzle in her peripheral vision. She scanned over the letter, and it appeared to point to a location..a location that Sekhment headed towards most immediately.

The journey was more than a little perilous, being unfamiliar with cars, roadworks, or social graces....but soon she found herself gazing at the building that she had been directed to. It all seemed very suspicious, and Sekhmet felt quite ready for the possibility of could all be the work of some demon for all she knew....but a demon should have known better than to trifle with the goddess of war.

She made her way in, to be confronted with a strange chamber, one lined with objects that appeared to resemble thrones. One in fact, appeared to be set aside for her. It was constructed from granite, like many of her statues, with a cartouche containing her name carved into the back, and the rearing cobra at the top.

It also appeared that the room was occupied by several other individuals, none of which she recognized. Two of them appeared to be engaged in an argument of some sort, but as she entered, one of the others, appearing to be a dark skinned young man, spoke up, suggesting that they questioned what they were doing there.

"I would like to know the very same thing." Sekhmet spoke as she walked over to the seat baring her name.