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Snippet #1993791

located in The Earth, 2015, a part of A Tale of Seven Children, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Earth, 2015



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Brenhin Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Chang T. Wilson Character Portrait: Loki Belphegor Character Portrait: Michael A. Malachim
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~ Sebastian's View ~

:: Sebastian could tell he had made something of an impression, but the eye was what worried him. Had it pushed Brenhin too far today? Did it make trouble for him and the eye at the same time? He caught his breath as if he was suddenly tired, looking up at Brenhin as he lowered his head a bit towards him. "I will consider what you have said." He told him, turning around while keeping his head lowered as the eye led him and Sebastian out of there. "Oh, and Brenhin." The eye called out to him with a little mocking tone to it's voice still. "Don't forget to check up on the other child and Loki now, you don't want Loki to use the child to betray you. Then you'll have to kill them both, and that would be such a waste for the great and powerful demon king." With a chuckle it let, setting things into motion as it once again made the fires in front of Sebastian make a path for them.

"Where are we going now?" Sebastian asked after a few moments had passed, the eye now having a tiny black body that resembled that of a starfish, with the eye dead in it's center. "We are going to meet your father, well, if he's in. If not, I shall return to Earth with you and we can catch up on what you need to do." It told him, Sebastian felt the weight of the entire situation rest on his shoulders, the image of the chains crossing his mind for a second, and the eye reacted as if it could feel this. "The WDL is what they are called mainly, and they serve to rid the world of us. But I think there is a bit more to this." The eye spoke to him with caution for the first time, not even around Brenhin had it gone to such lengths. Sebastian was interested now, so the WDL was much more of a threat to the world then Brenhin was? "I believe they aim to control the world, after all, they are being lead by the pope himself. Maybe God abandoned them and they are taking revenge against his actions now. Do not worry though Sebastian, we will have you to destroy the WDL in the end, and in return, you will have that woman you so desire."

Sebastian looked down as he thought back to what he saw earlier, he felt odd as everything passed through his mind. He had barely been in hell for a few hours and suddenly it was on him to save the world? "Can I trust Brenhin?" He asked the eye, as it took some consideration into this before answering him. "Yes, for all his dumb and dull actions, he will make a great ally for you. His brother, on the other hand, you can not trust." It told Sebastian with caution again, suddenly it sounded like having Brenhin on his good side was a good thing to have, maybe it had told Brenhin about his brother so that Brenhin could keep his brother away from him? He shivered, realizing that it may already be too late for the other child who had been sent into hell. "Brenhin has many soldiers under his wing, and the power as well. He may not seem like the best option for an ally, but he is also our only choice, besides your father of course. Even if they do butt heads from time to time..." It mumbled the last part to itself, stopping as a demon came before them.

"The lord is not here right now, you will have to go." It told Sebastian and the eye, slamming the butt of it's spear against the ground before turning around and walking back off into the unknown, somewhere Sebastian could not see. "Oh dear, so we have to go back to Earth now?" The eye mumbled, shaking itself a bit as Sebastian watched it. "Ah well, he will probably want to meet us up there instead of having to come down here to talk. This may get a little tricky, Sebastian, so don't be afraid." It told him, as Sebastian closed his eyes in preparation, but felt nothing happen. When he opened his eyes again, they were outside a town, no one seemed to have noticed Sebastian had appeared out of thin air. "I'm... Alive." Was his first reaction, falling on to his knees and hands as he gasped for air, the insanity hell had left on him was finally starting to catch up. He worried about the other child again at this, could he even come back to Earth without going into a seizure?

The eye appeared again to him, floating over while still in it's starfish like body as he slowly felt his strength returning after what felt like several minutes. He pushed himself off the ground as he groaned a little, shaking his head a bit as he blinked a few times, all the while the eye observed him carefully. "It's a good thing I got you out of there when I did, not many half demons can handle the first time going into hell's depths. You were lucky though, you had me." It told him as it turned around and moved a little forward, Sebastian taking a few steps forward, feeling light-headed but found himself coming back together. "We are close to the WDL, but not too close that we will be spotted out of the norm by the security they have. Come, Sebastian, and I will open the other ability you can use. This time, one that can be used in human form." Sebastian felt a brow raise when it said that, but he found himself moving towards the town, having no where else in the world to go now. So the two began to head towards the town, the next part of Sebastian's journey started here it seemed. ::

~ Michael's View ~

"I am sorry sir, but you are not allowed inside." The WDL guard told him, next to him standing another WDL guard, who kept quiet and merely concentrated on finding any suspicious looking demons around that might be left. "But there was an attack here earlier, was there not? Why was I not noticed?" Michael asked them, out of his entire group, he was the only one the WDL trusted most it seemed. Now, at least. "We could not notify you because were not prepared for this attack, but I assure you, your services will be called once another demon attack has been notified." The WDL said to him, leaving the conversation at that, and Michael was left to walk off towards the van in frustration.

"They did it again!" He exclaimed to the driver sitting next to him, a member of the group who he could always count on when he needed him there. Michael could consider him a best friend even, both were extremely well known by now for slaying demons, although they did not allow themselves to be placed among the exorcists. They were hunters in a sense, serving under god in order to stop Satan's forces and send them back to the depths where they belonged. "Ah don't worry about it man, things happen for a reason." He heard Scott tell him, Michael could feel his rage settling down now, yet he should of at least been notified of the attack. "We're suppose to be heroes Scott, yet people still died back there today! How am I suppose to feel good about myself when people are still dying and making our attempts for justice and peace look in vein?!"

"Now Michael, settle down." Scott told him, keeping his eyes on the road and occasionally glancing to the back view mirror. Once in a while Scott would readjust it, but this did little to help with the situation. Michael's division of the group now was left in charge of handling the other two division's, who no longer had their leaders support and strength, which left Michael more stressed in the end. "We are heroes, but like I said, once in a while something happens that is out of our hands. The people will not blame you for this attack, and I am sure they will be more then thankful you are still there to save them." Scott brought a smile to his face, Michael let out a groan out of his throat in defeat, watching as the town came into view. "So how long before the WDL decides to send me back up to them to make a speech?" Michael asked Scott, who in turn let out a laugh as he stopped the van and parked it.

"Probably not for a few more days, although I would prepare early. You are a celebrity now, so it could be at any time. The year has only just started for them, I'm sure they are waiting for everything to settle before bringing in a big name such as yourself." Michael left out a sigh as he and Scott got out of the van, and began walking towards the town, both wearing clothes that would make them look like they had just come out of college. In reality, this was very true. Despite being part of one of the biggest demon slaying organizations in the world, Michael and Scott still had an education to get, although the demons didn't help any with that. "You think any demons will show up tonight?" Scott asked Michael jokingly, Michael smiling as he looked towards Scott. "If they do, it looks like we get an excuse to get out of studying tonight!"

Both laughed at this, enjoying the time they had before they would once again get separated. They had been best friends since eight years old, grew up as neighbors, but times had quickly changed. One thing Michael knew hadn't changed, they both were still looking for a girlfriend, it was just they had very different approaches on trying to do this now. ::