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Snippet #2045979

located in The Earth, 2015, a part of A Tale of Seven Children, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Earth, 2015



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deon Morris Character Portrait: Brenhin Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade Character Portrait: Loki Belphegor Character Portrait: Michael A. Malachim Character Portrait: Kane O'Reilly
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~ Eppenos' Story ~

The fire demon looked up to his father as he closed his eyes and concentrated. His form instantly grew back to it's full size, Baphomet increasing with him as it was now several miles long. Eppenos breathed out smoke through his nostrils as Baphomet let out a sinister growl upon awakening. "I look forward to taking it back." The prince fire demon spoke out, as it looked around for a second as Baphomet growled again, Eppenos could tell it was hungry. "Not yet my sweet, you shall have your fill once we done here." He spoke out, as the sword let out one more growl, but this one sounded more like a sigh. "Baphomet has told me many stories of what has happened while I was gone. It has been lonely it seems, being kept away by you and the ruler of this place. Fear not though, it understands why you had to do what you must to keep it safe." His deep voice made weaker demons shudder in fear, he was growing up more to be like his father every day. It had been so long since Eppenos was captured, they thought he had long since died in the flames, but he lived, having grown stronger for it. But his sword, Baphomet, had grown hungry since his capture, and was weaker then it use to be.

"Baphomet tells me an interesting tale of half demon children. It seems a rebellion is being formed against one of the highest people in hell. Rhanksar is the demon being rebelled against... I'm sure you know of him, yes father? After all, Baphomet tells me he is regarded as one of the strongest demons in hell. Neither of us mean offense towards you by this, of course. The last tale Baphomet tells me of is a demon lord you have been in contact with lately, who tends to you his brother... Do I know of this demon, King Brenhin?" Eppenos felt good to be out in his true form for now, although he knew he would have to return back in order to get to the tower he once called home. The devil would pay for sealing him away and forcing Baphomet to starve, but first, another was on his list. One he knew he would have to deal with later.

~ Michael's Story ~

Michael felt not himself, he felt something was... Off. He seemed to enter into a memory... A memory he had not seen for years.

+ Five Years Ago... +

Michael was eighteen years old at this time, still often needing to wear his glasses, to which he was picked on back then for. He had not known about his inheritance nor of his abilities, but he knew he was not completely human at this point. The leader of his division, a Kasha who was very well respected and very powerful at the time, had Michael sit down in front of him as the demon stood out looking over the men working hard to prepare for another demon attack. "Oi, Michael..." The Kasha spoke out to him, having a cigar in the right side of his mouth as Michael sat up at this. "Y-y-yes sir?" He stumbled for his words, as the demon turned to look back at him. The Kasha was unusual from the others, often wearing a hat and coat, but was ultimately seven feet two inches. His strong physical build only hidden by the clothing on him, although he still looked fairly large. His sunglasses rested over his eyes, but Michael could feel those wise and powerful eyes staring at him. It was unknown how old this Kasha was, his human appearance led some to believe he was only in his late thirties. "... How am I as a leader?" He asked, as Michael found himself shaking at this. "Y-you are a great leader sir, one of the best in The Renegade's history! You put others to mere shame just from the mention of your name!" The Kasha smiled at this as best as he could with a cigar in his mouth, and turned back to look forward. "... So they all say. You have done your research I assume then, yes?" Michael found himself suddenly feeling very strange... What was going on? He was just another weakling, so why was a strong leader paying close attention to him?! "O-of course sir!"

The Kasha remained silent for a few, his arms behind his back as one grasped the other by the wrist gently, as Michael felt some suspense now. "... I have looked at your progress reports Michael. And I must say..." The Kasha leader started, to which Michael held his breath at this. "... I am most impressed." Michael let out a sigh at this, but his heart was suddenly racing!? What was going on?! "Y-you are, sir?!" He asked, as the Kasha chuckled a bit at this. "Yeah...I have a secret to share with you, Michael. Actually, a few. Please... Do not tell anyone this until after I am gone." Then fear gripped Michael's heart... Why did he get a very bad feeling about this suddenly? "I am not long for this world, Michael." The leader spoke out so calmly and without care, that it made Michael nearly fall back in his seat! "W-what are you --" But the Kasha leader held up a hand to stop him, letting Michael calm down for a few minutes before lowering his hand. "... I am destined to die in a few years, that is the curse placed on me. I am not sure when this will be... I have kept this secret from everyone for years, but that is what the demon I fought so long ago said to me. Do you wish to know his name?" He said, as Michael nodded a few times, before the man went on. "... Rhanksar." He spoke, as Michael felt his eyes widen. "Y-y-you....? B-but..." The kasha chuckled more at this. "Yeah... It was a great fight. Rhanksar... What a surprising demon if you'll ever find one like him."

The Kasha then turned to fully face Michael, looking at him directly in the eyes. "... I am going to personally train you myself for when you are ready... You will take my place when I die, Michael." He said, as Michael felt his eyes widen again at this. "B-but said... I --" He tried to say, but stopped as the Kasha put a hand on his shoulder. "... Trust me. I have faith you will pull through this." He said, as Michael felt tears begin to gather in his eyes. "... S-sir..." He started, but the Kasha pulled his hand away and stood up then. "Someone bring the new recruit Deon Morris to me at once! I wish to have a word with him as well... Michael will need a partner from now on, and I wish to test his skills myself!" He said, as the soldier he spoke to look very shocked. "Y-yes sir!" He said, before running off to find him. The Kasha let out a sigh at this. "... These have been very hard times, since the Archangels seem to have vanished on us. How terrible... Heaven must be falling apart right now."

+ Three years ago... Two years after Michael was named the apprentice of the Kasha leader +

The four walked, as Michael was being joined today by both Deon and Rin, who had only just recently gotten into The Renegade. The Kasha leader stopped as he held out an arm for them to stop, looking up as he narrowed his eyes. Michael, Deon and Rin all stopped, confused as they watched him tense up. "... Whatever happens, none of you interfere." He spoke out, as he began to walk forward, but Michael felt fear grip him again. "S-sir, you can't..." He spoke, but stopped as the sky above them turned dark red. A loud demonic neigh broke through the calm and peaceful air, as it's hooves slammed into the ground, making all three nearly fall over. "What kind of horse is that?!?" Michael spoke out, not sure what the other two were saying, as a lone figure standing above them caught his attention. "... N-no..." He spoke out, as the Kasha leader stopped and looked up at him. "... So, it is time then, eh Rhanksar?" He spoke, as the omnipotent voice spoke out back to him. "Yes it is... Come then, and fight with only honor and your strength!" The demon spoke out, as the Kasha rushed forward into the inevitable battle. "SIR!" Michael shouted out just before the battle began, the demon's dark and sinister appearance, along with his sinister eyes, held him in place and stopped him from interfering.

+ Present day... +

Scott watched over Michael, then the demon warlord suddenly screamed out as something was wrong with him... Scott's eyes widening as he quickly picked up Michael and ran as fast as he could. "Come on... Come on... I'm not dying yet!" He spoke, as then the supposed suicide attack came out, and Scott stopped as he kept Michael safe, feeling his body being forced back, almost getting sent flying. After this was over, Scott looked over the scene in front of him, and felt depressed as the warlord had done something unforgivable... Michael had just healed the place, now he knew revenge was going to taste sweeter in the future. His thoughts didn't last long as he heard the familiar sounds of Renegade troops come in. All of them were wearing their outfits, as they all stopped before Scott and Michael, saluting as each held a holy weapon in hand. "Glad you came... And glad you all wore your suits." Scott spoke out, as he handed Michael over to them. "Get him healed, now. He needs it... And prepare the medics for more wounded." He said, as they saluted before the ones holding Michael ran back, Scott could hear the sounds of Renegade vehicles approaching. "... At least it's finally over." He said, looking out at the scene before him as WDL soldiers came before the group of demons.

~ Kallos' Story ~

Kallos and his group watched as they and Sebastian were surrounded and then weapons were aimed at them. "FREEZE!" One WDL soldier spoke out to them all. "By orders of our new superior, you are ALL coming back with us!" They spoke out, Kallos giving a slight chuckle at this. "Yami... I don't think they know who they're dealing with." Kallos whispered, as Yami gave a sadistic smirk. "What makes you say that?" He said, before looking at the WDL soldiers. "May I?" He asked, as Kallos gave a sinister grin of his own. "Yes." Yami then quickly summoned two gloves to his hands as he took a hold of them both and placed them on carefully, making the WDL soldiers tense as they all aimed at him now. Sebastian seemed to be confused by all of this, only watching as Yami stepped forward, the dark demonic symbols on both gloves glowing with a dark aura as he smirked at them. "Duck, boy. These gloves were made personally by me, a new weapon you could say... Too bad no one but a Darkness Demon will be able to use them." He said, as he aimed both hands at them, Sebastian ducking down as the WDL guards all gasped at this. "Shadow Sweep." Yami spoke, as suddenly darkness covered over the area the group stood in, this darkness giving off an ominous feeling towards everyone nearby as multiple screams were heard. When the darkness faded away, all the WDL soldiers and guards had dropped their weapons, their bodies becoming more older and weaker as they struggled to breath. "Enjoy hell." Yami spoke out with a sinister smirk that nearly grew more then a human's should have, before snapping his fingers and all of the WDL guards suddenly bursting into piles of dust. "Once again, you amaze me Yami." Kallos spoke, as Yami looked over and smirked. "I do my best." He said, before looking over at where Lucifer and Rin were. "I just saw that girl come near here... Shall I?" He asked Kallos. "Negative. If she comes over here, then you may. Otherwise..." Kallos spoke, before turning to face Sebastian. "... He is our primary target." He said, and gave another sadistic grin to the confused and terrified Sebastian. "Death will be good for you." Kallos said, before giving off an evil chuckle, the others soon joining with him as they all watched Sebastian shake with fear now, too weak to even stand without help.