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Snippet #2048583

located in The Isle, a part of Bloodlines, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Isle



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Renn Elliot Character Portrait: Seph Winterfoot Character Portrait: Darcy Lilith Ratri
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Upon setting down and setting up the alcohol, and finished with his makeshift speech, Renn had it in his mind that it probably wouldn't take long for the others to swarm around it and drown themselves. Okay, perhaps they wouldn't drown themselves, but even Renn would admit that it had been a past time for him at a younger age. But you're a different person now, in a different life. You can't do that here. Spinning around, he eyed the first to arrive and among them, found the curious maiden wyld. He let out a laugh as he saw her glance over the variety, because for whatever reason, the idea of her intoxicated brought a smile to his lips. When she finally glanced up at him, he winked at her. It wasn't a flirtation, but just something between them that let the other know they were watching out for them. They weren't extremely close, nor were they the best of friends, but once he'd gotten over his fixation with the fact that this girl had been an animal, he found out that he enjoyed spending time with the person she'd become. A friend.

"So... which one is the best? If there is a best, I mean. Is there something you prefer?" She asked him, and he leaned over to whisper mischievously in her ear.

"If I were you," He said, his voice low as his finger pointed to various bottles: the liquor, "I would stay away from those bottles." He then pointed over towards wine bottles, "You won't enjoy those much either. The taste is awful until acquired or accompanied by food." Finally, his gestures found the kegs and cups. "This stuff won't taste any better, but if you're going to explore your options, I would start with it. It's going to taste like piss, though." He shrugged at her, giving her a thumbs up and a mouthed, Good luck!

He did this best to gesture an appreciative thanks to the men who'd agreed to help him, and whether or not they noticed, Renn found the quickest route through the crowd to create some distance. It wasn't the people - though he didn't particularly like large crowds. No, this was the face that now, out of the illusion that Michaela had so created, he was aware of the rather large bonfire that had been set earlier. Fire. He hated the stuff, and with good reason. If it jumped and hit any one of his plants, his creations, they would turn to ash so quickly and the earth beneath them would be ... disgraceful. This was also a reason that he didn't tend to .. enjoy the company of people with powers such as Daniel. He was an alright enough guy, but when it came down to it, they were opposites and destined enemies as far as their powers went. Fire and Nature? No, thank you.

As he made his way down the path that lead to the surrounding trees and forest, passing by the others who'd shared his sentiments about parties and large crowds, until he found himself followed. Naturally, concern found it's way to the back of his head that it may be a charge who needed help with something, and being the present pseudo-guardian, he supposed he did have a sense of responsibility for the others. He believed in the system, in the regulations, and in keeping everyone safe on his watch. He was the perfect candidate for something like this - always on point. He would simply watch them from afar and intervene if it was necessary. - They were all mostly adults, though, weren't they?

But when he turned around, it was Darcy. Darcy. He felt a soft tremble beneath his feat as the pace of his heart quickened. Glancing from her face to the items she carried, he calculated the trouble he could get in to if he took the beer she offered. And the trouble he could get in with her if he decided not to take the beer. The pros and cons were just about even, however, as he figured things would be from now on, Darcy came out the winner. He reached for what was offered and attempted to lean over and kiss her on the cheek. He had not expected her reaction, though, at all.

"What happened on the beach?"

He wasn't sure what to tell her, or what she meant entirely. They'd enjoyed themselves, hadn't they? Maybe she hadn't, and it was all his pure pleasure? She must feel awful about it. Guilt ran down his spine, his brows furrowing. How selfish could he have been? Luring her out there, interrupting her music, and then demanding so much only to.. Well, what exactly had he done to piss he off?

"I don't want to run from you, but when you just left me..."

She took a step closer, as if fighting the barrier he metaphorically felt coming between them. That means she wants this, right? Is she trying to lure me, now?

"You just left me."

Then she stepped back, reclaiming the distance that had come between them, though her voice was obviously more even. It was as if Darcy were trying very hard, trying very hard to figure me out. Renn was thankful for that, honestly, but the back of his mind buzzed.. What did it want? You just left me, she had said. Oh, he'd thought, finally catching on. He nodded to her slowly, bringing up a hand to brush a stray few strands of hair out of her face. Truly, he'd done it because ever since the beach, Renn wanted any excuse he had to touch her. Even though she was upset, and she was wanting, and waiting for him to answer her, all Renn could focus on was the way his gaze continued to fall about her features. Her hair, her dark eyes, the tattoos that told stories all about her body.. Her body.

He remembered the beer in his hand and without thinking, took a few sips. Liquid courage, right?. He swallowed hard, taking it in before another few sips drowned his thoughts, and the nagging responsibility he'd initially felt. No, he didn't figure out what he'd done wrong, but it didn't matter any more. Not to 'not-so-sober' Renn. No thoughts of how to remedy the situation, to over-analyze it were in his mind. No thoughts of how a walking earthquake shouldn't be drinking, or how he may end up hurting someone who desired someone.. not as emotionally unavailable. He was starting to realize, starting to pick up on the signs. It wasn't just him, it wasn't just his desire. He could sense it from her, the way that the darkness seemed to envelope them, rather than separate them. She was transparent in the way her power controlled her. He decided, instead, to speak with what he knew best. It seemed to work last time.

"You brought me a gift. Like the flower." He grinned at her, looking down at the beer before taking another sip. That's what this was, right? "I don't think you understand how this works."

Renn took a few steps backwards, but his hand found hers, pulling her along with him. When he had her beneath the tree, next to the trunk, he released her hand to replace his own at her waist, attempting to keep her pinned. His voice was low, a whisper in the secluded world she'd created for them with her shadows, as he found her ear, "We both know I can't comprehend the severe disadvantage of power you have over me. So instead of speaking to me with words I don't understand... meanings I can't fathom..." He pulled back, looking in to her eyes as he spoke, desire laced in his words without his recognition. "Speak to me," He started trailing her hair with kisses, towering over her in height as his waist leaned forward, attempting to hold her there tighter, the pressure of his heartbeat apparent. He continued, " a way that I can understand."

The alcohol hadn't even hit him yet.