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Snippet #2050561

located in The Isle, a part of Bloodlines, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Isle



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Character Portrait: Renn Elliot Character Portrait: Seph Winterfoot Character Portrait: Harvey Mak Chinnen Character Portrait: Something Seraphine
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Renn was confusing Seph, but he probably knew that. The winked he'd given her she'd come to recognize as meaning that he had her back... which, if he was doing that now, probably meant she should steer clear of the alcohol. Renn had become almost as helpful as Daniel or Aaron recently, as he'd started to see her more as a person, and less as a wolf. At first he had only been able to make her uncomfortable, asking her with his genuine curiosity what it had been like before she transformed, what being an animal was like. She knew he didn't mean to make her uncomfortable, but talking about her past wasn't something she was fond of. Anytime after that initial transformation was fine, but the year before... she hated even thinking about it.

But Renn had gotten over his curiosity, and as was only natural, her spending the majority of her time in human form caused him to eventually see her as a human, and not a wolf. Or perhaps not only a wolf. They'd become friends once he'd seen that there was more to her than the obvious unique aspects of her past.

And now he left Seph with another piece of his guidance, though she didn't quite know how to take it. She wanted to ask him more, but he was gone already, making his way away from the others. So she steered clear of the liquor. She came before the wine, which was apparently an acquired taste. She wasn't familiar with the phrase, and hadn't the slightest clue how one would go about acquiring a taste. It seemed to already have a taste. How could one acquire another? It didn't make any sense, so she moved on.

To the kegs of beer. Which apparently tasted like piss, from Renn's words. She briefly considered the implications of Renn knowing what piss would taste like, before deciding that line of thought wasn't going to end anywhere pleasant. None of this made any sense. If it tasted like piss, why would she drink it? She'd never drank piss before, but she'd smelled it, oh, she'd smelled it quite clearly, being a Balaren and all. And her past experience taught her that things that smelled bad typically tasted bad, too. But some of the others were doing it, so it couldn't be all that bad... right?

Best to get it over with, she decided, thinking that she'd used enough time over here by the drinks, and wanted to get back to dancing, maybe talk with Milo or Xylea, or just do something else. She snatched a cup up, filling it slightly the way she'd seen someone else do, and took a few precautionary steps away from the keg, as though it were indeed filled with piss and not beer. She held the cup firmly in both hands, lifting it to her face and taking a careful sniff. Not piss, she could tell quite clearly. It certainly smelled, though. Cautiously, she tilted the cup, and took a very small sip.

After taking a sip, she decided that Renn was lying. There was no way piss tasted like this. That said, it still wasn't satisfying at all, really, and it left this taste in her mouth... she didn't like it. Sighing, Seph decided that perhaps she would refrain from drinking anything tonight. Unless someone brought out some water or something.

Turning back towards the makeshift dance floor, Seph found herself more or less frozen by the sight. It was Harvey, and he was dancing with Something. His gift darkened the music, and the whole mood seemed to change somewhat. Harvey seemed to be enjoying himself, but Seph had learned that his enjoyment often came at the expense of others. Something didn't seem to be having a good time at all. It looked like she wanted to get away from him, actually. So why didn't she? If Harvey was doing something to hurt her, why didn't she leave?

Ugh, and here Seph had thought that Harvey couldn't make her angry tonight. He was really the only person who could do so, as she just didn't understand how he could enjoy doing the things to others that he did. She also felt frustrated that she didn't know exactly what was going on, and why Something looked so distraught. Come to think of it, their dance looked somewhat reminiscent of what some of the male wolves had done to those they'd chosen for mates... but converting anything wolves did to what humans did was extremely difficult.

And then he met her eyes, and he smirked, and licked his lips, and Seph suddenly found herself feeling uncomfortable, and a little indignant. He shouldn't be able to do this to people. Someone needed to stop him. And then Something was apologizing, and then they were making their way over to the drinks. And over to her. Something was leading the way, but she was bringing Harvey right to her. She was vaguely aware that she needed to say something.

"What were you doing?" she asked, unable to think of anything better to say. If there was some reason for what she'd just seen, she wanted to hear it. "Why did you do that?"