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Snippet #2052586

located in The Earth, 2015, a part of A Tale of Seven Children, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Earth, 2015



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deon Morris Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade Character Portrait: Michael A. Malachim
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Deon Morris (Hikari Scarlet) - The Executioner

Deon sighed as the Renegades Soldiers clamored into the clearing. He sighed again as he heard Claire's voice reaching out to him, but it seemed distant, far away from him. It all did. He barely noticed as the hole in the ground sent everyone off of their balance, but he came to his senses as he regained his balance, surveying the surrounding area with a grimace visible on his face. He looked around, noticing Michael and the others being treated, but as he turned he saw the boy, Sebastian, being put down beside Michael and the others. Deon raised his head, numerous thoughts randomly dancing around it, but nothing concrete popped up or appeared, so he wasn't able to think straight when the three remaining demons all began to attack, one speeding around and kicking the Guards in the head, the other two utilizing magic to annihilate numerous foes at the same time. Deon rubbed his forehead, unsure of what was coming over him as he felt the world twisting, and his knees buckling beneath him. His eyes grew dull, lifeless, and out of his mouth dribbled a few specks of crimson liquid. He grasped his head as an immense sound wave hit him, causing him to grit his teeth and growl.

He fell to his knees as the sound grew louder and more intense, and it sounded like voices. Hundreds of thousands of voices that were all intent on causing his head to explode with the sound of their screaming and whining. Deon gritted his teeth harder, starting to grind his teeth to alleviate pressure. His eyes flicked up to see a massive blast of water heading towards him, and he was suddenly caught up in the blinding, suffocating whirlpool. Deon closed his eyes against the torrent, and suddenly, in a flash of realisation, his feet hit the ground and he pushed off, swinging his fist through the water and launching himself out of it, his head suddenly clear of the maelstrom of emotions and thoughts. He grinned, his canine teeth sharper, and he put his hand to his chest, watching as the portal opened and his twin pistols popped out. His sadistic grin widened even more, and he turned to Claire. "Go, hurry up and get them out of here. I'll be the 'distraction' you need".

Deon grinned, unloading a ton of bullets into his opposition, the remaining Fire Demons, his grin widening until it was reminiscent of the grin of the Cheshire cat or a lunatic. The shells from the gun were never ending, and the bullets flew through the air until barely any Fire Demons remained. Deon grinned at the other with him, and his eyes glinted. "This is getting a lot more interesting".


Deon laughed as he booted open the door of the balcony that protruded from his quarters, which was currently in the Renegades Base. He'd missed his room, which was at the top of one of the towers that the Renegades HQ had, although he preferred the breeze in his hair in the mobile bases that circled around the states, but since they were a well-kept secret, he didn't divulge any of the more important details of it to the people that had been down at the Warriors of the Divine Light's Academy. It felt good to be home, and he spoke. "Seven Sisters of Purgatory, to me!". Deon rubbed his forehead as the seven sisters appeared before him, but before long, he let out a laugh and spoke again, breaking the tense silence that had spread around the group of eight. "So, you girls happy to be home? It's been a fun ride, eh?". Deon laughed and rubbed his head, addressing the girls in a more formal tone, his eyes becoming serious and his expression hardening. "Listen to me. It's been a while, but I think that the madness in me is coming back up, therefore I'm going to send you to look after the others while I try and hunt down the source myself, although I think I know the first step of doing that". The girls nodded, knowing what, and who, he was speaking about. They all said their goodbyes and left the room to perform the duties that they had stated that they would do. Deon turned, and sighed out to the wind and watched the activity below. He knew that he would be called down there, so he wasn't surprised when he heard the insistent knocking at his door.

Deon sighed and turned, briskly proceeding over to the door and intending on giving the intruder a piece of his mind, but all thoughts of such a thing evaporated from his mental screen when he opened the door, and standing before him was the injured Kasha, grinning despite her bandages and wounds. Deon eyed her suspiciously, and she spoke. "Hey, I haven't seen you since we left to come here. Where'd ya go?". Deon grinned and patted her on the shoulder that wasn't bandaged, and she glared. "Yeah, you can tell I wanted to poke your other shoulder just to be a prick, can't you Rin". Rin grinned, and punched him on the shoulder, turning away. "Oh, and there's a certain Youkai that's been itching to speak to you, although there might not be many words in this conversation, if ya know what I mean". Rin let out a semi stifled giggle, and winked at Deon, who had no idea what Rin meant. He scratched the back of his head and let out a nervous laugh. "Heh, sometimes I think Asmodeus got her mentality from me".


Deon grinned as he hefted a mug of beer and downed it, letting out a sigh of happiness and wiping his mouth on the back of his hand as he set the mug down. He turned to Rin and grinned even wider. "So you're sure it's her?". Rin nodded and Deon grinned, turning to shout. "So Quake, I heard you wanted to rumble?". A strong female voice answered from across the room, a figure wrapped in a khaki cloak, hidden from head to toe by her garb, only her smirking mouth visible. "Of course. Oni always want to test their might against other strong people, right? Tell ya what..". The figure stood, throwing off the robe and revealing the figure beneath. Her blond hair was long and slightly rugged with small specks of dirt in it, and the red horn on her forehead was emblazoned with a golden star. Her red eyes surveyed Deon and Rin with interest, and she jabbed at the Kasha. "What's wrong? Did someone throw water on the poor lil' pussy cat?". Under the robe, she wore a short-sleeved T-shirt with red trims at the cuffs and bottoms, with a golden trim adorning the neck and a golden star sitting over the spot where her heart would be. The shirt was tightly fitting, and when she revealed herself a few men in the room suddenly exploded in nosebleeds, due to the sight of her above-average breasts. Her lower body was concealed by an ankle length blue skirt, also with red and gold trimmings and star-shaped patterns on it. Around her wrists and ankles were chains, which once supposedly had metal balls attached to them, as a prisoner would have.

The Oni grinned and hefted a dish of Sake in her right hand, expertly twirling it in her hands, all without spilling a single drop, after which she stopped it and grinned. "Well, since you're just recently back, I'll be fighting all out, 'right?". Her attitude was fairly nonchalant, but her cockiness betrayed her power. Deon simply grinned and downed another cup. "Sure, I'd love to take you on, Oni. We'll take this outside for safety purposes though, of course". The Oni seemed to deflate slightly at this remark, but she sprung back to her determination soon enough. "Whatever, I was kinda lookin' forward to fighting in here and causin' a ruckus, but whatever". She and Deon approached each other, grasping their hands together as if they were going to start arm wrestling, but instead they pulled each other closer, with Deon having to look up slightly, due to his opponents height advantage. After all, most Oni were tall, very, very tall. The two opponents grinned at each other, and then they separated, leaped backwards and turned, heading towards the door.


Deon and the Oni, only known by her nickname 'Quake' had proceeded out onto the training grounds, gaining a rather large audience to watch their performance, which included Rin and the Seven Sins. Deon and Quake grasped hands again, and spoke. "So Deon, no cheating or anything, right?". Deon grinned and replied. "Of course not, and I trust that, by the Oni code, you won't cheat either?". Quake simply grinned and nodded, tapping on her horn. "Word of advice; try and avoid this, since it could easily go through that skull of yours if it comes to that, shorty". Deon grinned, leaping back whilst his opponent did the same. A few tense moments passed, with the two locking eyes for the majority of them. Nobody moved or spoke, and the wind rustled in the background, but the silence ended when Quake grinned and slammed her fist into the ground, causing it to rupture and open up like an earthquake, hence her nickname. Deon sidestepped, and he dodged as Quake slammed her fist through the air beside him, and action that he countered with a punch of his own, straight into her stomach, which was enough to send her flying backwards on her heels a few meters. Quake grinned and made fists with both hands, holding them together as the energy built up. Deon stood, loosening his stance in case he needed to move at a moments notice. He squinted at the Oni, watching as the energy danced along her forearms, when suddenly she threw her arm forward in a palm, and a wave of energy flew out and missed Deon by a breath.

Deon grinned, and leaped forward, his arm speeding out, an act that Quake countered with her own punch, and the two fists collided, sending out a massive shock wave and gust of wind that blew dust and stray objects everywhere, causing the audience to have to shield their eyes. Inside the dusty storm, Deon snap-kicked at Quake, who blocked and booted Deon in the chest, which sent him cartwheeling out of the dust and towards the audience. He gained footing a few meters away and looked behind him, grinning as the dust finally settled onto the ground, giving everyone a clear view of Quake, who was charging up her energy attacks again. Deon grinned and leaped forward again, whilst Quake adjusted her pose, leaping backwards and putting her left leg out if front of her on an angle, while her right hand was held at shoulder level beside her shoulder blade and her left was fully extended towards her target, the energy in her body now causing her entire figure to glow and crackle with energy.

Deon grinned, knowing what was about to happen. There was no way to misdirect those slashes, or a way to block them, so he decided to do what he did best. Deceive his opponents with rapidity. Deon grinned as the Oni breathed, and let out some words. "Deva Arcanum - Knockout in Three Steps!". Deon grinned, his memory throwing in about four extremely powerful Oni that were called the Deva's of the Ungodly Mountain, or something along those lines, and it seemed like he had the chance to beat one of the legendary Youkai right then and there. No way was he gonna pass this chance up because of weakness of moral code. As the first light blew toward him, faster, stronger and bigger than the last rounds attacks, he slid under it, Baseball style, and rolled, pushing himself off of the ground and into the air, using the Oni's blocking arm as leverage and pushing off of them, stepping onto her shoulders and pushing off, which sent her stumbling. As she fell, she let loos a flurry of her knockout shots, two of which hit Deon in the chest and leg, respectively, whereas the other two missed him. Deon landed just as Quake was recovering, her hair dirtied and tussled.

She had barely any time to react before Deon had grasped her forearm, slinging her over him and into the ground, where she wrenched her arm free and sent a fist into his chest, the shock wave of which hit him dead on and caused him to fall to his knees, coughing violently. Quake stood, brushing herself off, her eyes glinting with amusement. "Heh, you're pretty strong, but not strong enough, boss man. Told ya it'd be a knockout in three steps". Deon recalled the steps. First, the dodging, then when he caused her to stumble, and the third, and last step, was her punch to his chest. The knockout shots were just them, 'Knockout Shots', but not part of her grand scheme. Unfortunately for her, Deon had a plan of his own. He grinned and rocketed upwards, sending his fist into her solar plexus and driving it skyward, causing her to gasp and cough up blood slightly, before being sent flying backwards into one of the fence posts that marked the edge of the training grounds. Quake stood, wiping the stray blood from her lip, with a grin. "That was a cheap trick, Boss man". Deon simply grinned and replied. "So was your 'Knockout in Three Steps' act, so how about we just use our normal attacks from now on, eh?". Quake grinned, and sighed. "Aww, I had a ton more planned for ya, but whatever. We'll double the stakes too, shall we? Loser shouts the winner drinks for a...... decade. How'sat sound?". Deon simply grinned and nodded, his eyes sparkling with amusement. Quake grinned as well, stretching her arms and legs, and getting herself into position for the true fight. Deon grinned, and leaped forward, whilst Quake did the same. Their fists collided with the same ferocity and force as they did before, and they traded punches, kicks and elbows for a good few minutes. Deon landed a few jabs in the Oni's stomach, whereas she brought her elbows down onto his shoulders, and he used this momentum to roll behind her, kicking at her back a few times before she grabbed his foot and slammed him into the ground.

Deon grinned, rolling away and punching as the Oni blocked his hits, and then their roles reversed as the two began throwing more attacks at each other. Quake ducked as Deon threw a roundhouse at her head, and she went to grab him by he pivoted away from her, a mocking grin on his face. "So, should I stop going easy on you now, Oni?". Quake grinned and stretched again. "Okay, how about we settle this match with a true test of strength, eh? One hit each, whatever ya want it to be, but only one major hit, but combo's are allowed, since they can usually count as one hit in the Oni Bar Games I used to play. Waddaya say, Boss man?". Deon grinned, watching as Quake hit her fists together, generating a swirl of energy to surround her fists. She grinned and spoke. "I call this one 'The Bonesmasher', because last time I used it I broke the poor guys spine. Three times". Deon simply waited as she charged her attack, but she hesitated. "H-Hey, you're meant to charge your attack as well, ya know. It's against the rules to not show your move off first". Deon simply grinned and pivoted on his foot, raising his right leg in a snap-kick preparation pose, and Quake noticed the flaming aura that surrounded it. She grinned and let out a roar as she leaped forward with astounding speed, slamming her fist into Deon, which he countered with his kick.

Her other fist was grabbed by Deon and used to pull her forward, which allowed his kick to proceed into her gut, which in turn sent her flying backwards into the wall, leaving a trail of dust and rubble behind her. Deon sighed and walked over to her, and in a gesture of kindness, he offered her his hand to stand up, an action that the Oni accepted and used to help herself up. She wiped the blood from her lips and grinned. "Damn boss man, you may be short but yer strong as all Hell. Haven't had a workout like that in a loooooong time". Deon grinned and grabbed her hand, dragging her towards the crowd, wait, no. He dragged her past the crowd and back into the R&R Room, where the Bar was. He stood at the Bar and announced. "I want as much Alcohol as you think we can handle for me and my friend here, Sir". The Oni beamed and let out a jovial laugh, slapping Deon on the back and picking up the mug of alcohol that was presented to her, before clinking it against Deon's while announcing a toast to their strength, and then downing the entire mug.

Deon grinned, and he was happy since things had been working out for him a lot lately, after getting his memories back, meeting Ash, Sebastian and the others, and finally gaining a new loyal ally for as long as she lived, he felt pretty good about himself and his siblings. Deon grinned as he clanked his mug against Quake's, a massive grin plastered to both of their faces, and although it was too early for drinking, it definitely wasn't too early for celebrating a victory with a friend. Rin looked in through the crack in the door as the crowd poured inside, chanting and grinning and laughing and having a good time. She giggled to herself before muttering. "Man, even having his brain screwed with by the WDL doesn't get him down... Heh".


Deon sat on a couch in the Infirmary, observing everyone that was still celebrating in the R&R Room, although he'd been forcibly removed by Rin, and Quake had been brought along with him, obviously drunk, but then again, she'd drunk around a hundred extra-large mug of Alcohol, so she was gonna have a massive hangover when she woke up from her slumber the next morning. Deon watched as the others, his Brother and Sister, Michael, Scott, Rin and the Sisters were all in the R&R Room, and he was glad that they were safe, although he didn't know this because he was partially drunk. "Never believe me when I'm drunk... Heh, yeah. I agree with that statement". Deon said no more, because he'd passed out from drinking so much. Damn, Oni were pretty hard to handle sometimes, although he wouldn't let Quake know that she'd out drank him.


The figure watched as the Phoenix slew the Fire Demons, but when the events considering the movement to the Renegades Headquarters were concerned, the figure left to nap. After a few hours it reawakened, appearing over the Renegades HQ and observing the battle that had transpired between the Oni and the Phoenix. The figure grinned and sipped some sort of red liquid from it's cup. "This is certainly getting interesting, isn't it?".