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Snippet #2061870

located in The Earth, 2015, a part of A Tale of Seven Children, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Earth, 2015



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Character Portrait: Deon Morris Character Portrait: Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade Character Portrait: Illusion Character Portrait: Michael A. Malachim
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Arthur's POV

The man stood, surveying the flames and brimstone surrounding him. His nose picked up on a specific scent. The scent of death and evil. Arthur looked around, sensing something, his one good eye peering into the darkness, and he drew his axe. "Come out, Demon! Or shall I tear you to shreds right here and now, sending you to Purgatory!?".

"Oh Arthur... You have not changed, even in death".
The Demon spoke, stepping out of the shadows as he towered easily above the man. "... You are in hell I am afraid. Does it not surprise you, with the multiple sins you have committed over the years?". Arthur knew that this was none other than Rhanksar, one of the Devil's most powerful Champions. Arthur glared up at the towering demon, not flinching in the slightest. "So, it is you, Dread Champion. Most powerful of the Demons Servants. What foul purpose have you come here for, fiend?". Arthur raised his axe, and pointed it at the Demon. "I will slay you. And as for my problem of being here in the hellfire, I will leave once I destroy you, demon!". Arthur lunged forward, slamming his axe down towards Rhanksar's head. The axe hit Arthur's opponents head, but was stopped. It didn't even cut the Demon, not a single mark could be noticed. Rhanksar's eyes grew wide at this, the madness rising up again as he slowly grabbed a hold of Arthur's arm with a grip that held fast, like an iron band woven around ones arm to stop it from moving. "You prideful son of a bitch... Hehehe, you were slain by the new Archknight I'm afraid... Angel. Heard of him?". He teased Arthur, watching his expression for any signs of change. Arthur growled at this statement, and threw his free hand forward, intent on scoring a blow to the Council Members chin. His fist hit hard, but there was almost no reaction, until Arthur unleashed his soul-force straight into the demons skull, that was. Arthur grunted, and slipped out of the dark Champion's grip, and hefted his axe. "So, how long will this fight last us, Dark Champion?".

Rhanksar laughed with madness as all of Gehenna around them moved and shuddered. It was as if Hell itself was afraid of letting Rhanksar's power out. "Not long, I'm afraid. You are weak down here, Arthur. You have no power over me. I am a council member of hell, after all. I have power over hell, I am one of it's rulers in a sense. I am like a god here, you have no power over me, human. You, the strongest of humanity? If that were true, humanity would be dead. Or dying". He then moved his hand in a gesture behind him as a figure appeared and landed down, his raven-esque wings spreading out on his back as he slowly walked forward at this. "... I think you would like to meet one of my warlords. He's good at persuading people. Would you like to test him on that?". Arthur turned, and immediately lunged at the Yatagarasu that appeared before him, a grimace sliding across his face as he swung blow after blow at the Demon. "Die, Hell Raven! I shall smite you unto the deepst depths of Purgatory!". Suddenly, the Hell Raven's finger was on Arthur's forehead, and a massive weight ws pushing him down to the ground. Behind Arthur, a crater formed, followed by another one forming behind him as the Yatagarasu pulled his finger away. "... I encourage you to respect my master's wishes."

~ Name: Zelszar
Nickname: The Blood Raven
Type: Yatagarasu (Hell Raven)
Rank: S
WDL Threat Level: Destructive force of hell ~

Arthur grimaced as he felt himself being pushed down onto the ground, and he striggled to rise. "What have you done to me, Hell Raven? And what are your master's wishes!?". The Warlord folded his wings across his chest as he folded his arms across his chest. "My power, sir. If you cannot figure out what I can do, then do not ask me about it, for I shall not tell you". He then indicated towards Rhanksar. "Thank you, Zelszar". He spoke as he walked to Arthur. "How does it feel, having lost Excalibur to Angel, hmm? You only have normal weapons now, you also do not have power here in hell. As I said, I am like a god here. Now... You may not like this, but you are coming with me". Arthur had just decided to keep a dignified silence, up until Rhanksar spoke of taking him with him, which was when Arthur began struggling and shouting out obsceneties. "Curse you all, my Followers will grind you into the dust for this!". At this, four pieces of paper came out and landed around Arthur. Then one slammed into his chest as all five glowed red, followed by Japanese Kanji Symbols appearing all around them. Then, a young figure in robes emerged out of the shadows, the same a Zelszar, a Japanese mask hiding her face. The only thing that was noticeable about her was her several fox-like tails. "Well done, restraining him like that". Rhanksar said, as Arthur observed the Kitsune bow from the waist to Rhanksar. "Thank you, my master". She spoke as she then rose back up.

~ Name: Zetsubou
Nickname: The Prison Keeper
Type: Kitsune
Rank: S rank
WDL Threat Level: Unbelieveably high. ~

Arthur struggled in his confinement, a scowl upon his face. "You Kistune always were traitorous, snivelling creatures! When I escape my confines I will tear you apart with my Axe, nay, my bare fists!". Arthur struggled even harder, and swore. "When I get out!". Arthur struggled even harder at this, and grimaced. "Ohhh, such strong words~". A voice called out as a figure landed in front of Arthur and slammed down a basket large enough to fit over the seals. Then he would turn it around to see the seals now attached to the basket, with Arthur now trapped inside of it as a large glow covered the top of it, preventing Arthur from escaping. The man then kicked the basket up into the air like a soccer ball easily, kicking it around with his feet a few times as he heard Arthur's struggles before finally catching it with his hands and putting his legs down. He could see the man wore a hat over his head, but there were unusual rabbit ears poking out of it. "Good day sir~ A glorious day to come and become one of us, eh? Oh now there I go, sounding human. Oh well, it's time for you to come with us now. Or must I kick you around some more? Actually, I think I'll do that on the way back to the main man himself. Oh I can't wait to watch him put you through Hell and Hell's suffering.~".

~ Name: Larry
Nickname: The Lunar Star
Type: Lunar/Earth Rabbit
Rank: S rank(?)
WDL Threat Level: To be executed on sight at all costs! ~

Arthur, from inside the box, was shouting out obsceneties at the top of his lungs. "I WILL NEVER BECOME ONE OF YOU! NEVER IN MY LIFE OR AFTERLIFE! I WOULD DIE AGAIN BEFORE I WOULD OPENLY DO SO!". Arthur thrashed about, managing to break one of the seals, although he was tired and shocked. He then began beating on the box with his fist, intent on opening it up. Larry simply poked through the seal quickly and poked Arthur with immense strength, nearly knocking him out upon contact as he shook his head, letting out a 'tsk, tsk, tsk' as he did. "Oh dear, it seems I have diagonised a new mental condition today. It is called - the Arthur syndrome. The Arthur syndrome is where a guy named Arthur was dumb enough to actually waste his time struggling. Struggling, with what though? Stress, sexual tension, I can do this all day~". He said as he quickly put the basket upside down on his head, only barely supported by his ears. "Time to go!~" He shouted, before suddenly bouncing away with incredible speed and leaping high into the air every time, all the while Arthur felt like he would fall off at any moment.

Rhanksar chuckled a bit as Zelszar shook his head. Zetsubou merely remained quiet as the three followed after him at a fair pace. "Why did we bring him along?". Zelszar asked Rhanksar. "Because... He said he had some tricks he wanted back from the WDL". Zelszar rose his brow at this to him. "Tricks? Like toys?". Rhanksar then chuckled again. "No... The cereal". Zelszar then put his hand over his face in annoyance. They arrived back to the devil's place where Larry would strap Arthur down to the ground as he watched Zetsubou would pin him down with seals on his arms, which would start to burn him as they started to change him, giving him painful impulses as if each heartbeat would have destroyed him, but kept him alive as the process began. "Do it", Rhanksar spoke as Zetsubou stepped forward and brought down three seals over one spot, then slammed her hand down on all three of them as a bright red light covered over them, making Arthur scream out in pain as it seemed like he was being burnt to death again. "So how long before he turns to us?". Zelszar spoke, as Rhanksar smirked at this. "Give it a few...". He spoke, as Larry stood behind them, all three watching the painful process. Time passed, and Zetsubou finally stopped, walking away as she let the seals one by one fall off like wet paper. She stopped and turned to look at Arthur's new physical form as Rhanksar smirked. "How do you feel Arthur? I believe a mirror is needed...". He spoke, as Zelszar grew one and held it out in front of Arthur. "What do you see.....


~ Name: Insight
Nickname: The Oracle
Type: Hakutaku
Rank: ?
WDL Threat Level: ? ~

The Hakutaku grinned as it took in it's new appearance, from the three horns that sat on it's head like a crown, to the massive third eye set into it's forehead. it blinked it's two normal eyes, laughing inanely at the recovery of the eye he had lost as a human. The Hakutaku still wore Arthur's robes, but his skin was paler, and the horns jutted out at a foot each. The third eye on his forehead turned red, and shot a beam of pure energy at the mirror, breaking it. "It feels good, Champion. What are we to do next?". The newly-made Half-beasts horns shrunk, disappearing, and it's third eye closed. "Until the next full moon, I will not be at full power, but I will still do as you wish". The Hakutaku kneeled, and smirked, it's hands changing into talons, and a row of spikes burst out of it's back, only to go back inside instantly. "These changes are my insight into myself, my surroundings and the living". The Hakutaku stayed on it's knee, and spoke again once it had returned to a vaguely human form. "I am Insight, for my insight goes to all". Rhanksar stepped forward and stopped before him. "Very well. Your name is now Insight the Oracle. Let it be written down from this day forth!". He then got down on his knee as he looked at him. "... Although, I am curious to ask you a question. I want to test out your new powers... So, before we do this, I want you to remember back some years. How long was it in human years...? Hmm... Ten to twelve years ago. When an unusual demon attack was made on one of the holy cities... Do you remember this incident, Insight?". Insight locked eyes with Rhanksar, a grin on his face. "I am Insight, a Half-beast. We remember and know all. There indeed was an attack on a Holy City. The Vatican. You are curious about this battle, correct?". Insight quickly coughed and grinned. "Although I may be wrong, I'm sure. There have been many Holy Cities destroyed and war-ravaged. The basis of life is death, thusly. Also, do you want to know how many Youkai and Demon are in this world right now?".

Rhanksar seemed to go into his mind before seeming to come back go reality. "Very well. Tell me how many Youkai and Demon there are. Also, Vatican sounds like it... I am curious to know about the name of the demon who lead this attack. I have one more question to ask you after this, but... It shall wait." Insight stood, brushing himself off, admiring his now young body. "Ahh, it is so beautiful to be young again, and those pestering WDL shan't pose much of a threat to us, Milord, since I just happen to know every single little thing about them. And the amount of Youkai and Demon in the world? 784,233,105,377,159 Youkai and Demon are currently on the Earth... On second thought, make that 784,233,105,377,158, one just died". Insight grinned and looked back to Rhanksar. "The Demon whom led the attack was named Gale, otherwise known as Talon. He and my previous human form fought many times, and now, what is your next question?". Rhanksar stood up slowly as he looked down at Insight with a serious expression. "... I want to know how many Nue are left." Insight's eyes glittered and he spoke. "It is hard for even us Half-beasts to gain knowledge of where a Nue is, and how many exist, but I know that there are currently....". Insight closed his eyes, put his hands together and began to hum. A red ight illuminated the area around him, coming from his third eye. Suddenly, when the bright red light was nearly unbearable, the light vanished, and Insight was standing there, a smile on his face. "There are currently three Nue alive, two are untraceable, and one is in a very peculiar place". Insight turned, and grinned. "You wouldn't expect a Nue to have infiltrated the WDL, would you?".

Rhanksar grinned demonically at this statement. "Excellent...". He said as he looked towards his warlords. "Zelszar". He said, as Zelszar gave him a salute. "You will go and find any information you can about this Talon. Zetsubou will escort you, and will interrogate anyone you wish". He said, as both nodded before heading out. "Larry... I am assigning you temporarily to be Insight's guard. Until he is more powerful, that is. But for now, he is too valuable to let die". He then turned back to Insight. "... I am giving you a personal assigment. This Nue you have found... I want it found and brought to me. I wish to interrogate it, it must know where it's friend is... One of my former soldiers. One of my... Former warlords, to be exact". He said angrily as he turned around and walked a few steps away. "... Do you have anything else you wish to tell me?". Insight grinned, and spoke. "By chance I have looked into your past, Champion. Your son was found by My Human self, idiotic as my human self was, he still knew that Sebastian was valuable. Also...". Insight looked at Larry for a second, and stepped to Rhanksar's side. "Your main challenge will be the Phoenix. If he gains power enough, he may be able to convince your son to kill you. The only problem with this is that he cannot permanently die, but I have other... solutions, to that problem, if you would hear them later". Insight laughed, and turned. "Whatever you wish to be done, it shall be done, Dark Champion".

Rhanksar nodded in silence as he put his arms behind him. "... I will be making my way back to my empire's base. My... Castle, if you would like to call it. I think you've heard rumors of it, but you will find out it soon exists. It is very large, very large in comparison to your former WDL base". He said as Larry moved to Insight's sight, idly bouncing in place. "I would like to hear these when you have the chance. Write them down if you fear you will forget them, although I doubt you will have much problems now with that... My son and the Phoenix. Perhaps we can use them to our advantage... Perhaps they will help me eliminate this foolish rebellion that has sparked. And if you live long enough... I may make you a Warlord. That is all, you both are dismissed."

With that statement made, Insight bowed, and turned, leaving the area with a smirk on his face. He turned to Larry and grinned. "I wish to observe something, not of utmost importance. We will be needing to go to the Main Academy of the Warriors of the Divine Light, which also happens to be where the Nue is located. I already know the way, mind you. After all, I am a Hakutaku now". Insight grinned, and strode off.


Deon Morris - The Executioner

Deon grinned as he strode down the hallways of the Renegade's Base, but something was off. He felt... odd, after all, he had noticed that his madness was resurfacing at the worst possible time, but unbeknownst to him, it was all going according to play for a certain Puppeteer. Deon rubbed his forehead as he proceeded down the Hallways, completely focused on his own thoughts, until he walk straight into Quake, that was. Now, with Quake being a particularly tall Oni, Deon's forehead was around the height level of her neck, in other terms, Deon walked right into her chest. Needless to say he leaped backwards, and quickly put a hand up to his face, covering his nose and stifling a few laughs. He looked up to see Quake eyeing him, and then her towel fell off.


"Oh, hey Boss-man. I was just finishing up in the shower. Looks like you bumped into me at the... 'best', time?". Quake laughed as she noticed the blood seeping out through the small gaps in Deon's fingers. "You've got to be kidding me. Are ALL Oni like you? If they are...". Quake laughed and cut him off. "You're gonna die of blood loss, are ya? Haha!". Deon just glared, and Quake picked up her towel, rewrapping it around herself skimpily, and giving Deon a flirtatious wink. "Seeya later, since we're on that Monster Train mission together". As Quake strode past him, Deon let out a sigh. "The hell is wrong with me? Why didn't i tell her off?". Deon lay back and let out a laugh that echoed through the hallway, and he grinned. "Seriously? Why was I never told about any Oni by anyone before?.... Oh, I was meant to go and get Ash, wasn't I... Heheheh.... Fucking Oni distracting me". Deon slowly stood up, his head straining as his eyes flashed. "Okay then, let's get things going". Deon took a few steps forward. "I just hope this mission goes quickly. I don't want to be fighting too much with this madness resurfacing".


Rin - The Sniping Kasha

Michael sat in silence as he finished the rest of his drink. His body was covered in bandages, although he seemed fine. He sighed and stood up, hesitating a second before rising up fully. "This day just keeps getting stranger... First reports of someone going berserk, then Deon fighting Quake - oh lord, that could of gotten out of control - and now that kid named Sebastian is getting his initation... What's next?" Rin grinned as she suddenly appeared beside Michael, and snatched the glass out of his hands. "Aww, I wanted the last bit, Mikey-wikey". Rin grinned and flipped over the chair, landing expertly and smirking. "So, how's our majestic half-angel leader, hmm?". Rin stood, and spoke again. "I told Quake to accompany Deon on his latest mission, I'll tell you why when you get over your shock". Michael rose a brow at her. "He's facing number 31... I know. Unless there's something I don't know about this mission, in which case... Yeah". He coughed a bit into his arm as he shook his head and lowered it back down to his side, looking at her. "You seem energetic today... Don't tell me you got a mission as well or something. And what's with all this chaos today, huh?". Rin grinned, but her smile faded, and a dead seriousness drenched her voice. "Michael, you know how Deon and Number 7 are connected, right? Frankenstein?". Rin locked eyes with Michael, and continued to speak. "You remember when they fought last, right? Well, we thought that he was killed. Apparently we were wrong".Michael blinked at her seriousness and tilted his head a little at this. "... Well he was kind of still on the list you know". He said as he sighed and shook his head. "... Alright, where is Franky? We might need to send in one of our tougher members to fend him off in case he's attacking". Rin laughed, and put a hand on Michael's shoulder. "Shut up and be serious, Michael, do you remember their last fight? How Deon was changed?". Michael nodded to her at this. "... Of course." He put a hand on her wrist. "... You don't mean it's happened again, do you?".

Rin sighed, and turned away. "Did you see what he did to those Guards that were meant to capture us? I know that they nearly killed me, but he didn't need to... you know". Rin turned back to Michael. "His eyes... they weren't his. They were, dark, cold, merciless and completely full of.... evil. They were the eyes of a killer. A murderer. A sadist. A monster, and they definitely weren't his". Michael furrowed his brows. "... I must of passed out". He said, and closed his eyes, his head tilting down a bit as he put his hands on her shoulders and sighed. "... I want Deon forbidden from entering into Eclipse's room until further notice". Rin sighed in relief. "I didn't want him to get into trouble, but I'm sure that he's aware of the fact that it's resurfacing again, which is why he's distracting himself with missions. I sent Quake along with him due to the fact that she could shut him down if she has to, with his Knockout in Three Steps trick, although he might see through it. I gave her a special something that could sedate him if she needs to use it as well". Rin let out a nervous laugh and spoke again. "I just hope he doesn't react brashly, like when he.... Nevermind, that was in his past, not something I should even know. i shouldn't have read up on his records in the WDL anyways". Rin tensed up as Michael wrapped her in a hug, placing his forehead on hers., closing his eyes. "... I know". He said, opening his eyes to look into hers as he put his head beside hers, resting their heads against each other. "... I just hope it doesn't have to come to the death solution." Rin wondered how to continue. "M-Michael, you... you're hugging me... W-Why?". Rin's cheeks reddend slightly as she felt Michael's head next to hers, and she stammered. "Y-You're too nice to be a human, you know. You're like a reincarnation of that Jesus guy, or something. Heh". Michael smiled a bit at this. "... I know". He said as he shrugged his shoulders. "... I just felt like hugging you, you know, like how you did me earlier?". He said as he pulled away and looked at her. "Why? You aren't nervous, are you?"

Rin's eyes widened, and she backed away, holding her hands up in front of her, like an embarrasing scene out of an anime. "Wha- I... Whait, I never... Wha? I never did you! What're you on about, Michael!?". On the inside, Rin was giggling her ass off, but she wanted to see how Michael would react. "P-Pervert!". Michael felt his eyes widen a bit and he hit her lightly on the head. "FOOL!" He shouted, somewhat nervous as he looked away at this. "... I didn't mean it like that....". He mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. Rin laughed and nudged Michael in the ribs. "I'm just lightening the mood a little bit, ya dumbass. Of course ya didn't mean that, haha!". Rin patted him on the back, and grinned. "So, you saw Deon and Quake fight, eh?". Michael looked at her and smiled, lowering his arms again at this. "... Yeah. It was amazing. They've both improved greatly". Rin grinned. "Mind telling me about it? I didn't get to catch all of it because of the crowd... Heh". Rin grinned even wider and launched herself onto the seat, sitting in a mildly alluring pose. "Oh come on, Mikey-wikey, don't be shyyy...". Rin laughed and adjusted herself. "Just kidding. I wanna know how they went. All the details!".


Deon Morris - The Executioner

Deon had reached Ash's room, with the guidance of Asmodeus, of course. He knocked on the door before just stepping inside, with Asmodeus' permission of course. He stepped inside, first of all noticing that the room was empty. "Asmodeus, there's nobody here. Why did you invite me in if Ash isn't here?". Asmodeus just turned and shrugged. "I thought she would be here, ya know". Deon sighed. "Your blondeness must be getting to you, you're not thinking very straight at the moment. Where else could she be, then?". Asmodeus took a few seconds to think to herself, and then answered. "Oh right, she's probably at the Garage working on Umbra". Deon laughed, "Umbra, as in the motorbike? Sweet name she gave it. One more thing, Asmodeus". Deon leaped onto her and tackled her to the floor. "THE GARAGE IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE GODDAMN BASE!".


Illusion - Alexandra Demonia

Illusion was bored, and it didn't help that the new Archknight, Angel D'Brightaine, hed locked her away in a jail cell in the WDL's Dungeons. She sighed and inspected her nails as she heard the footsteps coming down the hallway, coming to a rest outside her cell door. "Well, it looks like the demon filth is awake and breathing, isn't that right, Miss Demonia?". Illusion scoffed. "You couldn't even kill me if you tried, Archdouche. Trust me on that, you only beat Arthur by using assassins and trickery. And the fact that you have two eyes". Illusion grinned at this, knowing full well that Arthur had been transformed into a Hakutaku, and now had three eyes, which was more than Angel could say, at least. "Silence, flith. You have not been told to speak by our Mas-". The soldier was cut off as Illusion burst to the bars, gripping him by the throat and tearing flesh from bone and sending him flailing through the air, without a head, of course. Illusion grabbed the next guard and slammed him into the bars, watching as his head split into pieces due to the force. Before he fell, she grabbed the keys from his hands and unlocked the door, closing it behind her, throwing the bodies inside and allowing illusions to take over. Suddenly, another Illusion was sitting inside the cell, and the two guards were still patrolling as if nothing had happened.

Illusion turned, appreciating her work fully and taking her leave from the room, before ascending the stairs and finding the tip of a blade pointed in her direction. She blinked and sighed, clicking her fingers which caused all of the lights to go out instantly. All that could be seen were fangs, gunfire and a pair of glowing, rusty red eyes. When the lights clicked back on, the girl was sitting in the middle of the room, wiping excess blood off of her lips and grinning like a lunatic. "They almost always underestimate me, because of my form. Sucks to be them, I'd say". Illusion stood, laughing lightly. "It was a shame that Angel had sent a double to me, instead of actually facing me, but I have other occupations to attend to, but I think I'll be keeping an eye on this little play in the background". Illusion looked to the stairs, and seemed to glide over to them, ascending and eventually appearing on the roof.

A man awaited her, his waist length golden hair flowing freely in the wind. Illusion smirked as the figure drew his blade, which seemed to glow with a golden hue. "So, Miss Demonia. You have escaped your confines and have arrived before me, as I knew you would". The man, Angel, turned, only to see nothingness, and he stared in disbelief. "Did she just leave in the middle of my monologue?". Meanwhile, Illusion was flying away to an unknown location, her laughter ringing out through the night. "What a dick!~".


Deon Morris - The Executioner

Deon had finally reached the garage, a slight grin adorning his face as he stepped through the door, the scent of oil and exhaust filling his nostrils, and he opened his eyes and his grin widened. "You're sure she'll be here, Asmodeus?". The blonde beside him grinned and nodded. "Of course. I'm smart enough to know her a bit now, and we've been hanging out a lot so I know what she likes a bit". Deon grinned. "Just don't make me have to walk all the way over to the other side of the base again". Deon immediately regretted his choice of words. "Oh but Deon, I like it when you were restraining me... Your body pressed against mine, your breath on my neck and our passion igniting into a-". That was when Deon put his hand over her mouth and sighed. "Shut up. Seriously". When Deon felt that it was safe for him to take his hand away from the busty demoness' mouth, he did so, and she let him have his peace by keeping her trap shut for the remainder of the time it took the duo to find the black-haired half demon. Deon was tempted to sneak up on her, but due to her rage-quitting when the other chick had tried to speak to her earlier, Deon decided that it probably wasn't a good idea, so he purposefully made his steps a tiny bit louder so she would be aware of his location. Another thing that Deon noted, was that Asmodeus stayed in a position where there was always something between her and Umbra, as if she was scared if the motorbike or something.

Deon leaned over Ash for a moment, then drew himself back ,coughed once, and then decided to vocalise. He grinned as he eyed Umbra, admirign it slightly, but then Asmodeus nudged him and he let out a light chuckle. "Hey Ash, since Asmodeus told me about how you and her have been training, how'd ya like to tag along with me and another Renegade on a real mission? Get some experience in or something. Don't want ya to fall behind or anything, although I doubt that'd happen any time soon". Deon grinned before noticing the two cats in the room, but he decided not to mention them at all, although it clicked in his head that they weren't exactly normal cats. "Anyways, we'll be heading out soon, so if you wana come with us, meet me in the Main Room, which is where we were before, ya know". Deon turned, and strode away, before stopping and grinning. "And you might want to move before Asmodeus glomps you, as well". With that, Deon let out a chuckle and left the room, leaving Asmodeus to deal with whatever Ash had in store for her.



The Train Station was fairly deserted at this time of night, and the man wearing the labcoat and smoking the cigarette wasn't going to get on just any train. He was looking for a very, very special train in particular, and it was due to arrive in around twenty-two seconds, as the timetable had stated. Unlike most people, who simply boarded the train to get home or to go somewhere they needed to go, this man was boarding it for a very specific reason. He had an objective he wanted done, and he didn't intend on letting anybody ruin the chance he had this time. The trains pulled up, and he grinned, stepping inboard and letting the doors shut behind him. He knew that they wouldn't open again unless the trains wanted to open the doors, which he highly doubted that it would. The man grinned as the lights went out, replaced by a glowing, pulsating red aura of sorts. He dropped his briefcase onto the ground and grinned, pulling out a camera and holding it up. He pulled his cigarette out of his mouth and dropped it onto the floor, watching it slowly die out to a cinder, and then vanish, with amusement. He held the camera up, turning it on and aiming it at himself. He grinned and adjusted his glasses, then spoke. "Hello there. My name is Doctor Stein, but you can call me Franky, if you want to. Why am I on board this cursed train, you may ask. Well, I will tell you after the Trains is done eating through your skin tissue and if munching on your skeletal system, how about that, hm?". The man deposited the camera onto the topside of his briefcase, and then the lights went out fully.

That's when the screaming ended, and the slicing sounds began.