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Snippet #2063509

located in The Earth, 2015, a part of A Tale of Seven Children, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Earth, 2015



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deon Morris Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade Character Portrait: Michael A. Malachim Character Portrait: Keilani Dreahen
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"Keila...Keila, princess... Keila..." The voice was so tender and warm. At the same time, the name 'Keila' was a pet name of hers which is used by only one person. She was certain that she knew who it was but somehow, the identity seemed to elude her. Willing her eyes to open, but they would not obey her at all. It was like they were sealed closed. A warm hand was gently placed on her forehead. It was then at that moment she can open her eyes again. The first thing she saw was was a faint outline of someone looking down on her. This silhouette was very familiar to her. Blinking her eyes a couple of times, her vision finally returned to normal. With her vision clear, she saw the face of her mother lovingly smiling down on her. Her eyes of pink widened in pleasant surprise. Beautiful brown eyes as if having their own light and curly brown hair that she had adored playing hairdresser with when she younger and the scent of baby's breath. This was certainly her mother. She could not believe that her mother was awake. It seems she was sleeping on her mother's lap which she used to do all the time. Surprise was soon replaced with tears flowing down from her eyes. "Is this a dream?" She softly muttered but her mother wiped them away and gave a light laughter. Afterwards, her mother removed her hand on Keilani's forehead. "I'm glad you're safe." Keilani slowly raised her hands and held her mother's face so gently. It was to prove that this was not just an illusion but reality. "Mom...It's really you..." Her mother smiled with assurance and leaned to Keilani's touch. "Hey princess... I'm sorry. I made you so sad." She quickly shook her head in disagreement and smiled happily. "It's alright Mom. You're here now." Brown eyes that looked at Keilani with love now had the subtlety of sadness in them. Her mother held Keilani's hands and gently kissed them. "You're a strong girl, Keilani... You have to live..." It was then that her mother slowly vanished before her like smoke. She immediately grabbed onto her as much as she could as she screamed desperately. "Mom! Mom! Mom! Don't go! Please! Mom!" But all that was left in her arms were glimmers of fading light.

Keilani opened her eyes suddenly with her hands reaching out. However, the only thing she could see was a white ceiling and the sound of the canopy fan turning. Her breathing was shallow and quick as if she had run in a race against a car. Lowering her hands slowly to her side, she concluded that what she saw was just a dream. "Sweetie?" Hearing a familiar voice, she looked at her side and saw her grandparents who had a startled expression but slowly it was replaced with happiness. "Grandfather? Grandmother? Why are you here?" She asked with complete confusion. Her grandparents only rewarded her with smile of relief. It was like a big burden had been lifted from their shoulders. It was then she decided to sit as she was lying on the bed. At first, she thought she was just in her room at the dorms. But taking a better look, she finally noticed the familiar environment of a hospital room. "I'm at the hospital but why?" She asked to no one in particular but this was answered by her roommate, Fran. "It's because you fainted outside the dorm building with a pool of blood underneath you in the rain. Can you believe how worried and shocked I was when I found you!? I was in a panic!" She looked on her other side and saw the sincere worry flashing across Fran's face. "I'm sorry..." Fran released a big sigh and shook her head due to the rather confused apology that Keilani was giving. "Anyway, don't you remember what happened to you? You don't have any wounds but, there was an awful lot of blood there." Upon hearing Fran's question, Keilani looked at her friend in silence and then slowly reached to her chest. It was then she remembered the sensation of that sharp pain piercing into her skin and the words of the stranger that had caused her that. "I was supposed to die..." Keilani looked at her grandparents then to Fran. "I was dead."

"You failed miserably in killing the child." Those words were spoken with such monotone yet the feeling of harshness and disappointment could be felt. "Do not be too harsh. It cannot be helped. After all, the mother interfered. None of us expected that she is still capable of utilizing her powers despite her greatly weakened condition." This time, the words were spoken with politeness wrapped in a tone of slight dejection due to the events. "I will kill the child. It would be catastrophic if anyone realizes her true potential especially those demons." The words were spoken with cold determination and the subtlety of sad resignation. "Are you certain that you can do so? You cannot hide your feelings. You still love her." Eyes of silver blue that were usually impassive reflected annoyance as it looked at the source of that commentary. "There is no use fighting among ourselves." These words instantly silenced anymore arguments. "Despite how much you love her, she chose that man. She chose to betray us and everything we stand for. Please remember that." Obsidian black eyes gazed intently into those silver blue ones, emphasizing the meaning of the words that were spoken. "I remember that well. You would not need to remind me." Soon, the owner of those silver blue eyes left without another word. "I don't see what is so lovable about her. She is nothing more but a traitor. She deserves to die as a dog even more worse." Golden eyes were aflame due to the intense anger that it depicted. "She is a traitor. However, she still deserves our respect. In the end, she died for the one she loves. She died as a mother. There is no greater honor than that."

Hysterical cries could be heard without fail. It was so desperate and heart wrenching that only those without a heart and soul could not feel the anguish. All of these was coming from one individual, Keilani. She was on her knees while gripping the hand of her mother with her face hidden by her hair. It was not the warm hand that she felt in her dream. This time it was cold and could not give her anymore solace or comfort. Her tears continued to fall from her eyes and no one had the courage to sooth the devastated girl. Fran cannot help but cry as well while covering her face. She cannot accept seeing her friend so broken and fragile. At that very moment, Keilani looked like a wrecked doll discarded on the floor carelessly. It hurt her more feeling the pain and sorrow that Keilani was releasing in every tear that she cried. As for her grandparents, they stood just slightly behind Keilani as they remained silent. The grandmother had tears in her eyes but one would wonder if it was for her daughter-in-law, Sarah, or for the state that her granddaughter was in. While the grandfather simply stood there with his head lowered and his hands closed into fists as they shook. This scene was truly tragic in every way. At the same time, it happened too fast than anyone could have anticipated. No one was prepared for it.

Donna who had watched from afar took a deep breath and approached the grief-stricken Keilani. She stopped beside the young girl and then looked at Sarah who seemed to be still sleeping. However, this time there was no possibility of her waking up anymore. "Keilani, we need to prepare your mother now." She said softly as she lowered herself to the floor. "Pl..ease..." Donna knew that Keilani was saying something but it was so soft she was not able to hear it. "Keilani?" Facing Donna, the hair that hid her face slightly parted revealing such a heartbreaking expression. Donna wanted to say something to comfort the girl but she knew for a fact that nothing could comfort or give peace to Keilani. "Please... let me be alone with my mother..." Her request was more like a plea filled with desperation. Donna cannot help but simply nod and after seeing her response, Keilani allowed her hair to shield her face once more. This time her sobs and cries had lost its loudness. Donna stood and looked at the other occupants of the room. She gestured to them what Keilani wants. "I can't leave my granddaughter like this---" These were the words of the grandmother who was calmly silenced by the grandfather by holding her shoulder and shaking his head. Fran looked at her friend and proceeded towards the door without another word. The grandparents followed suit but not before taking one last look at Keilani. Soon, Donna followed but as she held the door knob. She remembered the tear that Sarah shed before. "I think your mother, Sarah, knew. She was ready Keilani." After saying that, she left Keilani alone to ponder on her words.


"Mommy! Mommy!" Keilani tugged on Sarah's skirt with persistence as she turned around and looked at her daughter. "What is it Keila?" She asked as the girl showed her a picture of man who has chin-length pale, almost pink, red hair and eyes that are a darker shade than his hair. He has a distinguishing red tattoo on the right side of his face that looked like vines. Over all, the man was quite handsome despite the eye catching tattoo. One would say that trait is his most redeeming one. Moreover, the man in picture was a mirror image of the little girl holding it with a bright smile. "Tell me more about Daddy!" Sarah stopped her cleaning as she set aside the rag she was using. After doing so, she removed the ribbon that held her curly brown hair in place and then carried her daughter into her arms that was only about 4 years old. "You really like your Daddy, don't you?" Keilani nodded happily while hugging the picture so closely. "Yup! Don't you too, Mommy?" Sarah looked at Keilani tenderly as if she remembered something so sweet and then smiled. "Yes, I do very much..." Hugging Keilani closely, Sarah sat on the sofa with her daughter in tow and then took the picture from the little girl's hands. "I miss him..." Keilani looked at her mother thoughtfully and remembered something that she had watched. "But Daddy is in heaven now right? We'll see him there soon right?" Sarah looked at her daughter with slight surprise due to her words. Soon, it was replaced with an awkward smile that was went unnoticed by the young Keilani. "Yes... I guess, we will..."


"You will be with Daddy in heaven now Mom..." Keilani softly whispered as her sobbing were coming to a stop. She slowly stood from her position and tucked her hair behind her ears. "I would correct you there. Your father will not be allowed in Heaven and so is your mother. They are to be punished and be separated for eternity. Death will not grant them peace." Keilani immediately looked behind her with alarm and surprise. She remembered that voice. It was the same one that had spoke to her about being a taboo child. "Who are you? What do you mean? What do you want?" She was not sure what the stranger was talking about and everything about this person confuses her. At the moment, she could not still have a good look for the person was in the part of the room with the least lighting. She was not even sure how this person was able to enter the room without alerting anyone. Regardless, she stood protectively in front of her mother's bed. "You still protect her even when she is already dead. It is admirable. But you are the reason she is dead." That statement shocked her far even more upon hearing the death of her mother. She stood there with utter shock in her eyes. "What did you just say?" It was then that the person stepped into the light revealing a stunningly beautiful young man with long, silver hair that flows down his back in a loose ponytail complementing his silver blue eyes. He wears white silken robes set with a dark blue armor and a jeweled earring on his left ear. "Because you existed, she died." Keilani felt her knees buckled as she fell to the floor in disbelief. She looked at the floor with complete horror as she recalled the dream she had about her mother earlier. "You're lying... That's a lie!" The man stopped just a few inches before her. "Then why do you look like you agree." Keilani snapped her head to look at him. Her eyes of pink seemed to be red reflecting her furious refusal of that statement. However, soon she relented as she lowered her head once more. "I... I killed my mom..." The man pointed his index finger at her head as the tip glowed with white light. It was gathering energy and once released at this range, survival is completely zero. She will be killed without even a trace left. "Goodbye."

"You're a strong girl, Keilani... You have to live.."

Those words echoed within her mind at the same time the man released his attack. Within an instant, the man quickly took a step back and had a very visible surprise expression on his face. The attack he had released was completely disintegrated into little particles of light and then vanished into nothingness. "That's impossible..." He muttered under his breath while Keilani slowly stood from her position. Raising her head as well, she slowly opened her eyes and they were completely white. Her body was also emitting a pinkish glow. "Have her powers awakened?" The man thought inwardly as he distanced himself from her. Slowly, the objects within the room were slowly disintegrating into dusts, the chair, table, lights, plants, and more. "She is being controlled by her powers." Finally understanding the situation, the man regained his placid persona and stood before Keilani. The glow around her form getting stronger by the second. "The power of disintegration." He mused inwardly as he could hear noises coming from outside the room. "We are interrupted. I will excuse myself. It is not in my nature to involve the innocent." After saying that, he turned his back from her and slowly walked towards the door. In the exact moment, the door opened where Fran, Keilani's grandparents, Donna, and other hospital staff entered in worry and panic. However, the man had already vanished without them even knowing about it.

"Keilani!" Fran shouted as she instinctively ran towards her friend despite the room slowly dismantling itself around them. It was certain that in a short while the room will be nothing more but dust. But before she could reach Keilani, the floor in front of her dissolved into small particles. This stopped her advancement permanently. "Keilani! Dear! Stop it!" These were the shouts of her grandparents at her. However, it seemed that nothing could get through her. She was definitely out of control. The other hospital staff immediately pulled out Fran and the grandparents out of the room due to the dangers. Despite their efforts to stay, they were dragged out for their safety. The others called for an immediate evacuation of the hospital. Donna looked at Keilani in fear and noticed that the last being disintegrated was Sarah. The very thought horrified Donna as she looked at Keilani. "Stop this Keilani! Don't let your mother die again! Keilani!" Finally, this statement broke Keilani from her trance as the glow that surrounded her form dissipated. Her eyes slowly returned to normal. She can feel that she was about to lose her consciousness but she mustered enough willpower to look at her mother's body. What she saw horrified her even more. For all that remained was a few strands of hair that was able to avoid being disintegrated. Keilani finally allowed herself to faint with a few words escaping her lips in a plea, "Someone..." The floor that supported her crumbled as she fell to the depths.

The aftermath of that incident attracted the media like the plague. There were several casualties and some even lost their lives in the process. However, the true cause of the destruction of the third of the hospital into dusts was covered. The number one reason that was related to the public was a force of nature, an earthquake others theorized a terrorist attack involving a new biochemical weapon. There were a lot of reasons but no one knew that the real cause was just one girl. Consequently, Keilani was not found in the dust and rubble that she left in her wake. There were no traces of her. Donna, Fran, and her grandparents cannot believe that she had died as well or suffered the same fate like her mother, dissolve into grains of dust. As a result, she was listed as one of the people that had died in that tragic accident.

"Well, I already sent word to the HQ." It was said by a rather elderly looking man with a beard. He was also the one driving the vehicle and seemed to be in charge. "Hey, boss-man do you really think that this is a good idea?" Another man spoke with worry present in his face. He seems to be more younger than the one who spoke earlier. His distinguishing feature was the eye-patch he has over his left eye. "Our order is to find one of the children's and bring them back, right? We are doing that now." This was the answer said by another man who was sitting beside a gurney. For this man, he was definitely more noticeable due to his rather shiny head. He was bald. "Yeah, I know. But do you remember what she did? This girl is dangerous. What if she goes all loco on us?!" The man with an eye-patch commented as he was sitting across the bald man. "Of course I know what she did... We were there idiot!" The bald one replied in complete annoyance. "Don't call me idiot! Idiot!" The eye-patch man retaliated. "Stop your moronic arguments. It would be good that until we arrive at HQ that she's asleep. So shut it!" The man that was driving said which effectively silenced the two. This made the elder man released a sigh of relief. However, the silence was soon disturbed when the other passenger sleeping on the gurney woke. "She's awake! What do we do!?" The eye-patch man quickly attached himself to the bald man who pushed the other man away from him but with no result. "Stop being a coward! Why did you join the Renegades in the first place!?" It seemed that they were about to start another argument but was only silenced by the girl that they had taken. Eyes of pink slowly looked at them with much helplessness and a desperate plea. "Kill me please..." After saying that, she fainted. The two men looked at her in confusion and then to each other. "I guess that settles it. We are definitely taking her to HQ." The elderly man said and his fellow teammates nodded in agreement.

Soon, the 3 arrived at the HQ. Once there, they quickly unloaded the child they had acquired. The two brought her to the infirmary since she had sustained some minor injuries and probably greatly weakened from what she did. She would be properly treated there. As for the one they call the boss-man, he asked for an audience with Scott who ordered them, so that he could report the outcome of their search and retrieval mission. Although, he could not help but be bothered by the words of the child they had brought. "She wants to die..." After a few moments of waiting, he was granted an audience. Now, he was before Scott. He saluted the man and stood with much military etiquette and conduct that would be expected. "Roger Bucaneg, reporting, Sir. Our search team had been able to acquire one of the children. Her name is Keilani Dreahen. I had her sent to the infirmary for recovery. She had some minor injuries and exhausted herself upon unleashing her power. The full details of the report could be seen here." Roger presented Scott a written report and also a small disc that contained the recorded scene of Keilani's lost of control although, it did not capture the scenes with the silver-blue eyed man. It also contained certain clippings from the news.