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Snippet #2086951

located in The Earth, 2015, a part of A Tale of Seven Children, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Earth, 2015



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Deon Morris Character Portrait: Sebastian 'Inferno' Character Portrait: Ashley 'Ash/Soot' Clade Character Portrait: Kane O'Reilly Character Portrait: Keilani Dreahen
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Travelling down the halls, the girl they encountered surprised Claire momentarily, her analytical eyes darting over her and assessing her words and the situation. Context was everything, and deriving just what was happening was generally the primary objective in every scenario to decide on the most appropriate course of action. This case was no exception, the hospital gown and the mention of how this girl had gotten lost allowing her to draw a couple of tentative, but logical conclusions. Smiling to herself as the girl introduced herself, it was always satisfying to have her hypotheses confirmed. This girl was Keilani, one of the most recently identified children. Glancing to Kane, Claire gave a small amused smiled at his slack-jawed expression. The revealing gown combined with the girl’s natural beauty made for an eye-catching moment, which Claire equally appreciated. In a refined and sophisticated way, of course. Nothing more than that. For now, it was time to be polite and reciprocate the greeting, especially with her innocent query about her patient.

“My name is Claire Clade. Behind me is Kane, and this here is Sebastian. He’s
 Not doing too well, so we’re also heading to the infirmary. I’ll be happy to help you there too.” Smiling pleasantly, Claire gestured for Kane to drop the packages and take Sebastian as she moved over to help Keilani by lending a shoulder. Gingerly, she helped the girl off the wall, slowly walking her down the hall with the other two. Ironic how the girl was heading in the opposite direction of the place she was searching for – Then again, that was possibly intentional. No doubt she was a little confused, and had acted in haste after awakening in a strange and unfamiliar place.

Nearby, Sebastian didn't even seem to notice he was being taken by Kane now, seeming to be fade in and out of his awareness of reality at times. He looked over at Keilani briefly, and if he wasn't sick at the time, he would have been shocked by her beauty. But as it stood, he couldn't even concentrate on how his hand looked. He could however, hear her words; which made him cough a little into his arm. "... I don't recognize her... I don't remember her name..." His voice was in the form of a whisper, showing how weak he was. "... Someone please ask her where she knows me from. I can probably only remember --" He stopped to lightly cough again. "... That way right now." Kane knelt his head down closer to Sebastian, trying to listen in. “Sorry, what’d you say? I can’t hear you.”

Claire sighed, speaking to Keilani as her refined senses still managed to pick up on Sebastian’s words. “Well Keilani, our cowboy here is wondering if you can jog his memory. His mind’s a little fuzzy at the moment.” Chuckling a little, Claire’s laugh suddenly stopped, freezing midway as her expression froze into something of horror. Like a pulse, a shockwave of realisation hit Claire, sending a shiver through her body. It couldn’t be. She’d only felt this feeling once before. But there was no way that it could be
 Soft footsteps made an approach, Claire tensing all over. Slowly, the shadow approached along the wall, until a tall female came into view. On her shoulder, a huge demonic sword rippled with dark energy, mixing and swirling with her dark aura. Red eyes hungrily stared down Claire, pure delight flashing across them. Ash smiled, finally finding her prey.

“Why hello there. Looks like you’ve got yourself some friends – Not that they look like much.” Ash laughed, eying over each of them. The casual malice in her voice was intimidating, Claire staring her down as she backed up. This was bad. Not only was it her, but she’d equipped herself with a powerful artefact. Then there were her comrades: Sebastian was basically unconscious, Keilani looked to be in not much of a better condition, and Kane’s fighting prowess could best be described as embarrassing. She wasn’t in a position to take her on, and it seemed her adversary knew it.

“We can settle this ourselves. No need to invo-“

Claire froze mid sentence as a black pulse of energy flew past her head, colliding with Kane and Sebastian to send them skidding back along the floor. Ash smirked. “There’s every need. Unlike last time, I intend to have insurance if you somehow pull off another dirty trick.” Stepping forward as she closed in on Claire, the sound of feet pounding down the hallways reached the ears of those engaged in or near the battle. Suddenly a figure appeared with tremendous speed, grasping Ash by the hand and slamming her into the wall, cracking it and sending a few bits of broken decor to the floor in a haze of dust. Deon leaped backwards, landing next to Claire, and looking to her. "Is everyone okay?..." Deon trailed off as his eyes landed on Eclipse, and his cigarette lit itself in his mouth. "Why can't you just stay sealed away for once?"

Eclipse merely chuckled at the scene unfolding before him. It was delightful, even though unknowing to Ash; her hand would now be covered by several tiny little purple vein-like things. Since they were small, it could be noted they weren't much of a threat yet, but would still be recognized by Deon as Eclipse's way of taking over someone. This was the main reason why Eclipse was picky - for almost anyone who had wielded Eclipse in the past had died. "What? I can't have my fun every now and then... But you Deon - Oh I got a bone to pick with you... Now if only this girl would attack you, unless you brought in back up. Which will be boring considering you three idiots keep telling these stupid people of my weakness..."

Casually, Ash peeled herself from the wall, cracking her back and neck as she looked to Deon. Behind him, she could see Claire stepping back, dragging Keilani with her as she attempted to protect the girl. Irritating, but her time would come soon enough. For now, it seemed she had bigger problems to deal with. “Well now, who do we have here? Oh wait, let me see
” Ash closed her eyes a moment, before laughing out loud. “Oh my, she ‘really’ dislikes you. Still, seems you’re the big bad boy around here. Well, if I can deal with you, there shouldn’t be anyone else that can stop me.” Pointing her sword towards Deon, she smiled a little. “Then again, you could always save yourself the humiliation and step aside right now.”

Deon grinned. "What's a little humiliation gonna do, eh?" Deon's grin was widening by the second. "And besides, you.... I want to see just how you tick!" A manic grin plastered to his face, Deon leaped forwards, kicking Ash in the chest and flipping backwards. "Well then, if Ash doesn't like me much, I have no reason to hold back anymore either". Deon grinned and took the cigarette out of his mouth. "I'll give you ten seconds to give us Ash back, or you'll be the one who's being humiliated." Unflinching, Ash remained completely stationary, like the impact of the kick hadn’t even affected her. Slowly, she yawned, showing complete disinterest. “Really now, that’s the best quip you have? Such a bore, really.” With a wave of her hand, the shadow at Deon’s feet rose up, grasping him by the ankles. Casually, she began striding towards him, sword poised for a thrust. “So, let’s just test how immortal you really are.” Deon sighed, a look of boredom adorning his face. "Well, hurry up then, after all, we don't have all night". Deon grinned, and his eyes sparkled. "Although". Suddenly, a set of flaming wings erupted from Deon's back, illuminating the area and banishing the shadow's grip on him. He simply stood there, waiting. "Didn't I tell you? Hurry up". Eclipse chuckled lightly at this. "Oh dear, you two seem quite bored with each other. Perhaps I can spice things up? Just make me cut him kid, and you'll see him change in the blink of an eye. Oops, have you forgotten about our first encounter already Deon?"

Ash glared a little, annoyed by the sword’s constant banter and instructions. She was in command here, and she was using it. There was no need for it to give her any such commands. Wickedly, she drew her arm back, before slamming the sword clean through and into Deon’s gut, wrenching it once in a twisting motion. It was time to see what the blade could do. If it couldn’t deal with this guy
 Well, perhaps then she’d have to start trying. As the sword impaled Deon, he remained standing there, a sigh escaping his lips. "Is that it? This isn't very scary, ya know". A slight smirk grew across Deon's face as he reached out and tapped Ash on the shoulder, his eyes shining momentarily before the nightmare began. "Heh, is this it?" Eclipse, now having cut Deon, began to show him his worst fears. "Now the pain begins, Deon. You and this stupid girl are now both under my Nightmare Powers. Oh, did I forget to mention that earlier? My bad." A sinister laugh came out of Eclipse as his eye closed and vanished into the blade.

Smirking as Deon’s eyes rolled back, Ash slowly released the sword. Whatever hold it had on the Phoenikoi, it didn’t seem to be ending anytime soon. Well now, it seemed she could go back to her primary objective. Claire Clade. The girl was running down the hall, dragging Keilani with her as they fled the battle. When two super powers like that collided, there was no telling what would happen. Worse yet, if Ash had the chance, she’d come straight for her, and take out anyone in her way. This girl didn’t deserve to be dragged into all this. “Keilani, I know you’re not feeling great, but you need to find Scott, tell him what’s going on, and get to a safe place, got it?” Coming to a stop at a crossway, Claire pointed. “Just keep heading down there and get clear. Tell him Deon is fighting Ash and Eclipse. He’ll understand.” Waiting for Keilani to respond, Claire turned back down the tunnel. She’d make a stand against her here.