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Snippet #2116492

located in The Earth, 2015, a part of A Tale of Seven Children, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Earth, 2015



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Character Portrait: Deon Morris Character Portrait: Michael A. Malachim Character Portrait: Notable NPCs
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Deon Morris - The Executioner

~ Reconciling with the Old Me - The Madness Spreads ~

Deon walked down the hallways, running his forehead and stumbling slightly. He reached the end of the hallway, and thing began to... change. He didn't know what was happening, or how it was happening. Heck, he didn't even know if it was real or not. He fell to his knees, clutching his chest as a ghosty form began to appear in front of him. It's blue hair and red eyes stood out from the rest of the figure that was constantly blurry, and Deon couldn't stay focused on it for too long. as he looked aroun, the walls of the hallways became dark and damp, mould spreading through it and eventually dripping down the walls. The mould turned to liquid, black steaming liquid, and it slowly built up on the floor. The roof and walls were covered, and the liquid was slowly drippind down onto him. He looked down, and began to laugh at a barely audible volume. The liquid began piling up, and his eye started twitching. He almost allowed himself the short reprieve of giving in, but suddenly a voice came from the real world, and the Madness; the dark, oily madness that had nearly drenched him in itself, had receeded. "We've found him, sir!" An unfamiliar voice caused the madness to move back only a small amount, but then came a voice Deon knew belonged to Scott. "... Keep your guns ready, men. Remember, stun, not neutralize". Deon snickered as the madness began to move towards him again, feeding off of the anxiety that had just built up slightly. Suddenly, Scott came into view, and the illusion shattered with the sound of breaking glass. "... Deon? Can you hear me?". Scotts tone seemed to be one of concern, but had a bitter edge to it that reminded Deon that if he didn't cooperate, he would be locked away. He couldn't let that happen.

With a sigh, Deon stood. His eyes opened and locked with Scotts, and he rubbed his temples in frustration. "It's all good. I'm just tired, that's all". He attempted a smile, but whatever he'd given must have been slightly inane looking, because some of the soldiers stepped back cautiously and kept their weapons aimed at him. Deon simply cracked his neck, and pulled a cigarette out of his pocket. "So, what did you want, Scott?". Deon's grin faded as Scott began to ask his a question, but Deon's attention was focused more on the patterns that had begun to trace themselves across his vision. He tried to listen to what Scott had said, but by the time he'd gotten his attention back, more patterns began drawing themselves, back and forth across his vision. He began to see letters and numbers, the most common of these being 'M', 'A' and 'D'. Deon began to sway, before he caught himself and shook his head clear. He refocused just as Scott was halfway through his sentence. "Sorry, what did you say?".

There was a buzzing sound at the edges of Deon's senses, moving slowly in it's mission to overwhelm all. Deon rubbed his head, but managed to remain mostly focused on Scott's words. He grinned slightly as he caught the full sentence, and he sighed. Scott seemed to sigh, and Deon thought of his words, his question. "... The Eclipse event. I need to know who it was that broke him out and what happened". Deon blinked a few times, and spoke. "Oh right, that. Basically, Ash broke him out and she used him to seal me in the Nightmare World, while she hunted down Claire. I found Eclipse in the Nightmare World, because he'd been stabbed through me. These Gauntlets.... are him". Deon rubbed his eyes, and yawned, while Scott seemed to have trouble believing that Ash was the culprit, all evidenced by his shocked expression and his choice of words. "Ash?". Deon nodded, and spoke again. "It wasn't the actual Ash though. It was too.. dark. As well as too powerful.... How is everyone, anyway?". Deon locked eyes with Scott, and continued. "Is anyone seriously hurt?". Deon's mind was fully clear of all of the Madness now, and he felt like he would be able to hand le anything Scott said.

Scott remained silent however, and that silence stopped Deon in his tracks. Was he keeping something from him? Was someone dead!? Deon's thoughts raced as he tried to figure out who it could've been, but suddenly his mind was fogged up. It became harder to think, as if something was telling him that he knew the answer, but he would have to get the real answer from Scott. Deon once again locked his eyes with Scott's own, and spoke in a voice that was practically dripping with venom. "Tell me". Deon's eyes stayed the same as Scott sighed and spoke again. "Sebastian almost died of blood loss, but has miracously recovered somehow... Gabriel has reported in that he's captured the one responsible for it. There is, however, the matter of Quake...". Deon's brow rose, and he grabbed Scott by the collar, roughly pulling him towards him. "What happened to Quake? What's this 'matter'? Tell me".

As Deon pulled him close, Scott didn't seem to react much, aside from sighing and blurting out a sentence. A single sentence with an ironic pause in the middle, just to make Deon's anxiety go that little bit higher. Deon's ears pricked up as Scott spoke, and his stomach nearly rolled over with dread as he stopped halfway through. "...Asmodeus came in with her body. She says Ash did a good number on her earlier, and well....".

Deon's eyes widened slightly, and the hairs on the back of his head pricked up.

"...There's a chance she won't make it."

~ The Kasha's Story Begins - A desire to grow Stronger awakens, and two new opponents arise! ~


Against the release of Gabriel's powers, Rin was nearly knocked out and she was definitely powerless. Luckily, she had her of (half) angel to protect her. Michael held her close as Gabriel's power was unleashed, and she pushed herself deep into his chest to avoid the searing pain that the Angel's power brought. After a while, when Gabriel's power had settled down, she looked around the area. Michael let her go, and she looked around in case any danger remained. "What a mess...". He mumbled. Rin, after following her intuition and finding no threats in the immediate area, she turned to Michael, her head down and her eyes focusing on the floor. "T-Thanks, Michael. For saving me, I mean. If you hadn't have pulled me.... yeah, thanks". She coughed awkwardly, and turned. The Hallways was pretty much fine, aside from the smell of singed flesh and burning. Rin turned to Michael, and grinned. "Sooo.... what now?". Rin's eyes locked with Michael's, and he spoke. "... I'm not sure. I don't know what's going on right now". Rin tapped her chin, and spoke; "Maybe we should check on Gabriel and the others, since the Control Room has camera's pretty much everywhere". Rin made a turn to the door, but Michael stopped her. ".... You'd die if he still has his powers unrestrained." Rin grinned, and spoke. "I have a feeling that he's restrained them, so I should be alright". With that, she strode forward and pulled open the door, and Michael said something about Kasha behind her, before following her inside.

~~~~~ Flashback GO! ~~~~~

Rin took a deep breath as she prepared herself for the worst, which wasn't actually that much to be honest. She took one last breath, and then opened the door to her Uncle's Quarters. She stepped inside, making sure to close the door behind her, and she caught the end of a sentence he had been mumbling to himself. She moved quickly, but her Kasha body stopped her from making any sound she didn't want to make. So she found herself standing behind a man whom she thought of as everything someone could find good in a person. Her Uncle, one of the current Leaders of the Renegades. She prepared herself, and then she spoke. "Excuse me, Uncle". The slightly timid voice from behind the older Kasha seemed to struggle through the air, much more than Rin would have wanted it to. "Erm, I was just wondering about something.... Well, two people, actually". The Kasha Leader slowly looked over at her and gave her a gentle smile. He then fully turned around to face her and put his cane into position. He placed one hand gently over the handle lightly. "... Ah, Rin. Speak away then, my child". The girl looked away for a moment, but suddenly looked up. "Tell me about Deon and Michael! I wanna be strong like them, and protect people from... From my Family!". The girl dropped her head again, and sighed. "I'm just so weak, and I can't even cut through wood with my claws".

In reality, Rin had spent months trying to cut through a tree trunk with her natural claws, but they lacked the cutting edge of the other Kasha, and she was frequently made fun of for it. She always got tense when she was asked to help with cutting things or with chopping up vegetables for dinner without using a knife. The only thing that had kept her going, trying to get stronger, were two people. Deon Morris and Michael Malachim were both top of their respective classes, and they even spoke to her on occasion without it being an insult or a taunt. She'd walked past them and they'd smile at her like they were friends, but she knew that she wouldn't be able to keep up with them on the battlefield. One time, when she'd been being bullied for being so weak by some of the strongest people on Campus, Deon had taken the hits for her until her Uncle had arrived to break up the fight. She remembered it clearly. How the bullies had pushed her against a wall, intent on doing... god knows what to her, but suddenly a voice came, toxicity basically rolling off of it's tongue. The guys had left Rin alone, and she was thankful until one of them grabbed her by the neck.

Of course, it didn't end there. The boy agreed to trade himself for her, and the sounds of bones cracking and blood splattering, along with the images that were burned into her brain, still tormented her to this day. After an hour of the torture, Michael and her Uncle had found them and stopped the fighting, and the Phoenix boy was taken to the Infirmary. Rin thought he had died, but she learned that he was immortal the next day when she found him laughing it off as if it hadn't happened. Rin's brows furrowed, and she blinked a few times before looking up in shock at the man who was laughing at her. "Oh Rin...". He sighed, raised his hand and continued. "... I never believed any of my family would find me here. But you are different from them... You have good intentions, while they have fallen into corruption. It is why I was banished in the first place... But still, Deon and Michael are special conditions. Everyone knows about Deon, and, well... Let's just say Michael has a gift. A powerful gift. But you.... You will need to be trained."

Rin looked at her Uncle again, and spoke. "Tell me more about Deon first! He's technically the strongest, and if it was just a physical contest, I'd want to be able to keep up with him. I'm already faster than Michael, maybe stronger too. I wanna know everything about them, just in case either of them screw up and turn evil". The words her Unclespoke next made her wonder just who, or maybe even what, Michael was. "Michael cannot be corrupted". He told her firmly, patting his hand gently as he rubbed it. ".... His heart is blessed. Unlike Deon's... But very well, I will tell you. But... To know your friends, you must know the risks you must take. You must earn the right to know... Are you prepared for the training I have in mind? Even if it almost kills you?". Rin took a few moments to consider his offer, her mind was racing. What could possibly be so dangerous that it could kill her? After a few tense minutes, the younger Kasha looked up. "I'll do it!".

Of course, she'd wanted to do it, not only because she'd be able to incapacitate them if she needed to but she also wanted to grow stronger so she could repay Deon for what he had done for her. She wanted to get close to them, and to be friends with them and be able to protect them from harm as well. She knew that her journey would start here, but she still wasn't prepared for what happened next. Her Uncle smiled and pressed a button. "Ladies, ...Come in here for a moment". He then released it and put his hand back on top of the other. "I think I should intoduce you to two people Michael and Deon haven't fought or will not be trained by... They don't need it. But then again, they will miss out." Rin turned as the two figures entered the room. One was obviously a Shinigami, from the enchanting beauty all the way down to the skulls adorning her weapons and her massive Scythe. The other was yet another woman, her brilliant red hair was hidden underneath a green cap with a golden star on it, and a grin on her face. "So, waddaya need, 'Unclee Kasha'?". The second girl laughed, and her eyes blazed as she suddenly turned serious. "If ya didnt know, you're staring at a Dragon Youkai, Missy".

The Kasha leader looked at them. "Ah, ladies... Introduce yourself to my niece, would you kindly?". The Dragon Youkai jumped at the chance, but before she could speak the Shinigami laughed and spoke. "Just call me Lady Death, everyone else does anyway. I'm a Shinigami, blah blah blah. You get the picture". The Shinigami grinned at the Dragon and gestured for her to speak, with a smirk on her face all the while. The Dragon Youkai grinned, and nodded. "'Bout time, anyways... I stopped using my real name ages ago, but you can call me the 'Red Dragon'. Everyone else does anyway". She laughed, and Rin nodded. "I-It's nice to meet both of you...". Rin's eyes opened in shock, and she spoke. "You mean I get to train with two of the Leaders of the Renegades!?". Rin turned to her Uncle, and spoke again. "I just wanted you to tell me about Deon and Michael, that's all...". A voice from behind her, belonging to Red, froze her in her spot. "What, are we not good enough for you?".

The Kasha Leader laughed lightly at this. "And I told you. You must earn the right to do this... That is why you will be trained specially. Just like Michael is being trained by me, and, well.... We all know what Deon's doing. Ladies, are you up for this challenge I present to you?". He asked Lady Death and Red Dragon. Red grinned and nodded, and Lady Death just seemed to remain the same aside from a small tilt of her head. Red grinned and spoke again. "Only problem is..". She locked eyes with Rin, her grin broadening. "Are YOU ready for this challenge?". Rin's eyes dropped once again for a moment before she caught sight of Deon and Michael walking past the room, laughing. She grinned, a determined glint in her eye, and spoke. "Ready as I'll ever be!".

~~~~~ Flashback END! ~~~~~

Deon Morris - The Executioner

".... There's nothing that can be done about it, Deon. She has to make her own choice now about whether she lives or dies. I'm sorry about the chains restraining you, but... Well, nearly killing someone doesn't look good in our situation". Scott told him, as three Renegade soldiers grabbed a hold of three poles sticking out of the collar on Deon's neck. Deon struggled, and was promptly zapped with a buzz-baton by one of his restrainers. He growled and bared his teeth. "When I get outta this goddamn thing, you're all FUCKING DEAD!". He struggled more, growling and huffing but eventually the constant hits from the baton stopped him. He sigh and let his head fall forward, and he growled. "I'm sticking to that. I'll throw all of you into a Ravine somewhere in Germany". Scott narrowed his eyes at him. "Keep that up and I'm locking you down in a water cell tonight". He told him, as Scott and the Renegade squad followed along, a few Renegade soldiers forcing Deon to walk alongside Scott. "... Funny, you don't seem to be worried at all for Eclipse." Deon simply grinned and spoke. "Scott, you do know that I could bury you right now, in all honesty, right? I mean come on, sure... I'm not at my best right now, but I could snap your spine with ease. Trust me, I've done it before". Deon began to snicker lightly, his eyes widening in manic excitement, before he clenched them shut and calmed himself down. "And if you keep up YOUR attitude, I'll lock you in the cemetary tonight".

Scott stopped at this, making the other stop as well in worry. "... Hold him". He said, as the three soldiers pulled the poles enough to keep Deon restrained enough as Scott walked in front of him. He opened his right palm to reveal a demonic marking formed from blood on his hand. He narrowed his eyes as he slammed it into Deon's forehead, making red lines appear on him. Deon's eyes widened as his body was wracked with the pain of being drowned in a pool of Holy Water. He gnashed his teeth together and growled, after the ten seconds were up, and he growled again. His breathing came heavily, and his eyes were blazing. "I swear, Scott.....". Scott pulled his hand back and pulled out a glove, putting it over his hand. "You can thank Asmodeus for giving me a drop of blood for that. Besides... I have a meeting to go to tonight, Eclipse is being restrained and will be under lockdown until further notice. After tonight's incident, I take no chances...". He stated, walking further as the Renegade soldiers dragged Deon along. ".... You know what they'll want, Deon. The Exorcists will either want Ash to be publically executed by them, or... For us to strip you of your rank and place you under arrest until further notice. And you know Angel will be there in the morning... Waiting for either you or Ash to walk into that room. If I have to choose between killing Ash or risk you being trialed... You know what I will go for".

Deon grinned at Scott, and spoke. "Only one problem with that plan, Scott". He grinned wider, and locked eyes with the man. "What if I kill everyone here beforehand?". With that, he laughed his madman laugh and didn't stop, not even when Scott began to send the pain through his body again. In fact, he laughed harder at that point, and his eyes were wild. The static and the Symbols had returned again, and he knew what they meant. Deon laughed as Scott spun around, not bothering with his glove but instead striking a golden knife into his chest, and Deon felt the sweet, burning sensation of holy water slide into his cut from the tip of the blade.

"... I didn't want to have it come to this". He said, as he clapped his hands.


"Restraint!". Deon lay on the ground, cackling with savage glee as his eyes widened and his pupils dialated. His tongue shot out of his mouth and began to flick around in the air, and he laughed even harder as his old restraints were replaced by newer golden ones. Holy chains, something that even he wouldn't mess with.


Deon didn't struggle as his arms and legs were bound by the viscious chains that cut and slashed at his skin as they twirled around him, intent on sealing him inside of them and ending him, crushing him into oblivion and making it seem like nothing had happened. Eventually, he was enclosed in nothing but gold, and this was when it occurred to him that he wasn't going to get away with what happened before. Or did it?


Suddenly, the pain shot through him. A thousand times the pain he had suffered from the hits Scott had given him, all combined into every single cell in his body. He began chanting it, the horrible repetition that circled in his head. He wanted it so badly, it'd been ages since he'd had it. He wanted it. He wanted it. HE WANTED IT!

"I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I want it. I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WANT IT! I WAANT IIIIIIITTT GYAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I WANT THEIR BLOOD RIGHT NOW, I WANT THEIR SCREAMS AND THEIR MOANS AND THEIR FLESH RIGHT NOW! GIVE IT TO ME! GIVE ME WHAT I WANT, OR I'LL TAKE IT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!


Deon finally knew what those symbols meant, although he'd had a nagging feeling about what they had meant. Even now, all he could hear was the static, and all he could see were those symbols and the nonsense scribblings of the Madness. He felt damp, wet and cold, and he knew that the Madness had gotten a grip on him. No matter what happened now, it would only get worse as time went on. He grinned wider, and realised what he was seeing. The letters seemed to arrange themselves before him, and he finally saw them for what they really were. A message to him, and only him. Sent by the one who had instigated this madness inside of him. He grinned as the first word appeared, being 'Puppeteer'. The other? 'Madness'.

Deon Morris - The Executioner

~~~~~ How did this all happen, I wonder? Being reacquainted with an Old Foe! ~~~~~

From inside the chains, Deon could hear Michael and Scott outside of it, conversing about him. It didn't irk him that much, considering the fact that he was focusing more on keeping a lid on his craziness and trying not to let himself shout out anything else that could get him into more trouble. After all, he was going to be prosecuted by the five most powerful Exorcists soon enough, and hopefully he'd make his escape then. On the outside of the chains, Scott looked over at Rin. "Anything to say on the matter?". He asked her. Rin simply sighed, and shook her head. "I don't know what we can do... How did he even end up like that, anyway?". Scott shrugged his shoulders. "I believe it has something to do with the Eclipse and Ash teaming up thing..." Rin sighed, and spoke again. "Is that ALL you can think of? I mean REALLY!? Did you say anything to him? Do you provoke him at all? You should know the signs of his madness, we've gone over it hundreds of times, yet he's still gone crazy on us!". Rin went to speak more, but a voice from inside the chains cut her off. "You know, Rin. Madness is infectious, and you seem like you're getting a bit... 'crazy'... with the way you're yelling".

Suddenly, new voices reached Deon's ears, and a grin slowly spread across his face. "That will be all...". All Deon knew was that he was being dragged closer to the screen, or wherever the voices were coming from. "... He was going mad when I found him. That's it". He whispered before looking at the screen.

"Have you made your decision yet, Renegades? You know what we request... We have already gotten the report on the situation that broke out tonight". Scott narorwed his eyes at this. "I know, from me...". He stated with a hint of regret.

"Of course you did. Now then... We have talked over some things, and have decided on two things. Ash's execution, or Deon's trial. The choice is yours alone".


Suddenly, the voice from the chains returned, this time laden with sarcasm. Those who knew Deon's face would guess that his smirk was wide and devilish, and those that knew him well knew that things could easily get back fast. "You guys are suuuch gooood Exorcists! Surely you won't need to put little old me on Trial? Or are you all just too scared of me?".

Deon heard the sound of footsteps, and realised that two people had left the area for a bit. He grinned as the last voice, which he recognised as Michael's, shouted out at him. "That's enough Deon! Control yourself, for everyone's sake!". Just before the two other wer out of ears reach, Deon heard Scott say something, and he grinned to himself. Scott sighed. ".... Rin, come with me for a moment". He said, quickly taking her arm and pulling her away from where they could be heard. "... I told him about Quake". Rin nodded, and spoke. "Oh, this is to be expected then. The combination of lack of sleep, stress and the revelation about her must've set him off. He'll probably be better tomorrow, but now we have a... 'situation' on our hands. Get Michael to come over here now, too". Through all of this, Deon remained eerily silent.

Scott looked at the screen. ".... I'm afraid I can't do that. They won't allow him to leave until he makes a decision". Rin sighed, and nodded, heading back into the room. "I know what we can do".

"So Michael... What will it be? The death of a Devil's Child? Or... The Trial of a Renegade Leader?".

Michael, too, went silent.

And then, everything changed.

Rin was about to speak, when a tremendous howl swept through the room, cutting her off and knocking everyone down. The chains rattled, and the voice from inside spoke out again. "Lemme out now, Michael! Let. me. OUT!". Deon struggled inside his chained prison, and Rin watched as a person entered the doorway. "Well, it seems like I've arrived at the perfect time, haven't I, Mistress? Oh, I'm assured I have, milady". The figure paused for a moment, before grinning. "Indeed, I shall grab him immediately. I have also freed Eclipse again, just as you said I should. In fact, I have him with me right now". The man grinned, and strode up to the golden chains, a smirk on his face. "Milady, could you perhaps open a portal right now for me? Many thanks". With that, a massive, swirling hole appeared, and a figure stepped out. Her Rabbit Ears marked her clearly as a Lunar Rabbit, and she held her hair out of her face in the force of the wind. "Hurry up and get him through, before your powers run out!".

Rin tried to stand, but her feet were constantly kept under her by the force of the wind. She looked up just in time to hear a random soldier call out for Gabriel's help, and the Angel complied. "Very well....". He said, appearing in front of the man as he narrowed his eyes at him as his wings spread out to their full wing span. "... The sword will not leave this building". The man sighed, and spoke again. "Oh, it's an Angel. I never dreamed I'd see one such as yourself in my lifetime. Please, call me Ronove. This lovely lady here is Luna, although I'm sure you all know her better as 'Lunatic Red Eyes' or something of the sort. Please, get out of the way, kind sir".

"Number 26 and Number 12 on the Wanted List... You are in my way". Gabriel said, aiming a hand at Ronove. ".... The sword. Now". He said, being once again very serious. "What? What are you doing, Gabriel?!?" Michael called out. "The New Angels have always been in an alliance with us. Ever since Rapheal made the deal official. Why, today he visited Angel and got acquianted with him. They seemed to get along well.... Don't you agree, Angel?" The voices on the screen spoke again, somehow managing to stay above the ragining torrent. Suddenly, Angel's face appeared, smiling broadly. "Oh hello there, Phoenix! It looks like you're right where you're supposed to be. Tied up and about to be obliterated. I'll save you the speech since we'll be seeing eachother soon enough. After all, Gabriel is VERY capable!".

Deon groaned, and jabbed back. "Yeah, I bet he's very capable of shoving even more things up your ass than you've already got up there, right? Whoa!". Deon felt himself lifted off of the ground, and he began hovering in the air. From Rin's view, Luna grinned and her eyes flashed red for a moment. And suddenly, the torrent stopped. Ronove spoke, dropping Deon and speaking again. "I guess I'll allow you the priveledge of fighting me, Master Gabriel. Now, shall we dance?". Ronove grinned as Gabriel spoke again. "Fight? No... I aim to destroy yo --".

Suddenly, the chains around Deon vanished. He blinked a few times, clearing his head and looking around, He caught Scott's eyes, his entire expression telling Deon to run. To run away from Gabriel, the Exorcists and to leave it all behind. Deon didn't know what he was meant to do. Did he escape with Luna and Ronove? Did he stay and help the others? Or did he just bolt from the room and vanish from everyone, slowly letting the madness take him over? Before Deon could act though, Gabriel's hand was pointed at him. Deon grinned and spoke. "Oh, did you forget? I'm not exactly killable. Not even your 'God' can end me, dumbass". Deon grinned even wider, and held his hand up in the air, as if in defeat. "Alright, take me to your Leaders". Deon's grinned spread across his entire face, and he winked at the others. He knew exactly what he needed to do here.

Gabriel narrowed his eyes. ".... No prisoners". He said, before finding something being sprayed out from Eclipse's form. "What in the --". He stopped as he felt himself itchy suddenly, while Ronove would find his hands beginning to feel like they were burning. "N-no! What is this?!?! A trap?!? Why did it go off now?!? Curse the mechanics!".
"Mechanics?". Eclipse spoke out in a teasing tone. "No. What you two just got was some pretty power stuff. I have an opinion of my own you know, Ronove. I'd recommend leaving me, unless you want to lose those pretty little hands of yours~". A chuckle ran out at this, Eclipse had been enjoying the drama, and now, he got to kick in it! "Curse this sword!". Gabriel called out again, unaware that his target was now free to go.

"Gabriel, come to your senses and kill the phoenix already!". Deon sighed, and rubbed his forehead. "Oh man, doesn't ANYONE listen to me? You CAN'T kill me! Sheesh, dumbasses". Deon grinned, noticing his chance. He dashed forward, and while Gabriel was distracted, he flicked his right leg forward, a savage grin on his face as it connected with the Angel's face head on, and sent him through the wall and to the other side of the base. Deon put his foot down and grinned. "I've always wanted to hit an Angel, and I've also wanted to hit Angel. It's a win-win situation, I guess". Deon looked at the screen, an even savager grin on his face. "Yes Angel, that means I'm coming for you next!". Angel recoiled from the screen, obsceneties blaring out of his mouth as he ran out of the room, shouting for soldiers to get to the Renegades Base. Deon simply grinned at the other figures on the screen, gave them the bird and then turned away. He crouched and picked up Eclipse, and went over to the portal. "Let's see what's down the rabbit hole, eh?". With that, he vanished inside it, followed quickly by Luna and Ronove.

Gabriel, at the last moment, burst through another part of the wall and aimed both hands at the portal as the three ran for it. "HEAVEN'S DESTRUCTION FIVE; THOUSAND SPEARS OF CHRIST!" At his command, one thousand lights formed in front of him as he sent them all at the portal. The three had only five seconds, and the lights were closing in fast. Three, two, one... All the lights collided at the same time, creating a semi-explosion that was only as big as the portal. Gabriel landed and his wings vanished, as he narrowed his eyes. ".... Well I'll be.... They are fast". He remarked.

The smoke had cleared, the portal was gone. And so were they.

"I see....". The exorcist called out to the remaining observers, knowing full well they were Rin, Scott and Michael. ".... Tomorrow we need to talk. Morning. Make sure you bring a representative for the one named Ashley Clade. As of right now I am declaring Renegade Law by temporarily stirpping Deon of his Renegade Leader Rank. Also... WDL soldiers will be watching over the Base tonight for any activity. They find something strange and they will respond without delay. Oh, and Angel... IF you can hear me, clear your schedule for tomorrow morning.

Because you will be there in person to keep an eye on things during the meeting tomorrow. That is all, Everyone is dismissed to rest!"

The screen went blank, and all was silent as Gabriel walked away from the scene.

Deon Morris - The Executioner

~ Escape from the Angel's Wrath - Where the heck am I now? ~

Deon stood, looking around the lush Gardens that he stood in. Beside him stood Luna, and on his other side was Ronove. Deon turned, and spoke. "Thanks for saving me back there. I... don't know who you are or why you did save me, but thanks anyway". Deon looked around, wondering where he was. Suddenly, a hand appeared in his shoulder, belonging to Luna. "Don't worry, you're safe here. Nobody can find this place unless the Mistress wishes for them to. And the Madness will be kept away from you here too". Deon briely wondered how she knew about his madness, but he figured it would have been pretty easy to see. Deon sighed, and went to speak, only to be cut off by Ronove. "Please, do not wait for us. You will find your room in the Mansion, and if you ever need help, just call for me or Luna". With that, Ronove bowed and vanished. The Lunar Rabbit didn't leave though. She seemed as if she wanted to stay with him for a while, so Deon asked if she wanted to walk with him. "Sure, I might as well. I mean, your room is across from mine anyway, I think. I can show you there as well if you want". Deon simply nodded, a grin on his face.

After a few minutes of walking, the pair had made it to a mansion. It was beautiful. It seemed to be a fairly large building, almost as if it was meant to be a home for any and all demons who were banished to Purgatory or something. What a funny thought that was, Deon mused to himself. The doors opened as soon as they approached them, held open by two red men who seemed to be content with their life and job. Deon bowed slightly and proceeded inside, but something stopped him. "Who's that portrait of, Luna?". The rabbit turned and smile, before looking at the picture. "She's the one who asked us to get you. She cares about you, you know. She's the Mistress of this Mansion, in short".

Deon's eyes widened as he took in the picture, and it all came flashing into his head. His mouth hung open slightly, and a single drop of sweat dripped down his face, and fell to the floor. The portrait was beautiful, and even more so was the girl depicted in it. Deon swallowed, his mouth suddenly becoming dry. He took in the features of the girl, the slightly above average bust, the blue hair and the red eyes, all along with her pale skin. Deon knew what he was looking at, who he was looking at, and he finally found a name. Well, two names. One from memory, and the other from the plaque underneath the portrait.

Remilia - The Mirage Puppeteer