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Snippet #2162577

located in The Earth, 2015, a part of A Tale of Seven Children, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Earth, 2015



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Character Portrait: Deon Morris Character Portrait: Michael A. Malachim Character Portrait: Notable NPCs
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Angel Meets An Angel

Angel looked up from his Gameboy as the man outside knocked on the door. "Come in, my children~". He shouted with a semi-snarky tone that was full of redicule and pride. After all, he'd managed to capture the Phoenix. The men brought a man in as they had him stop, each of them were holding his arms. "Sir, we have caught this man trying to get in here without permission". "I was under the impression you roughly brought me here... Honestly, how is this a formal treatment?", the man commented. Angel looked up and spoke again, a grin stretching across his face. "And who are you?". "The better question is... Who are YOU?". Raphael smugly asked. "Who are you to talk like that to our Archknight?! We should beat you for that!". "Beat me? My, you gentlemen don't recognize me... The old timers would. Arthur knew me. But I don't know you."

At the mention of Arthur's name, Angel rocketed up from his seat and withdrew Excalibur, whom exclaimed in awe. "Ooooh, Raphaeeel! Long time no see!~". Arthur look from the blade to the man before him, and growled. "So you're Raphael, eh? Men, leave us". Raphael smirked as the men quickly stumbled out and closed the door behind them while Raphael remained quiet and watched Angel.
"So why are you here, Raphael?". Raphael chuckled. "I heard you have finally captured Deon Morris?". Angel furrowed his brows. "That wasn't an answer". Raphael got a serious face at this. "I know.... I came here because I was wondering whether you knew about the set-up or not?". Angel turned to the Angel (LOOOL) and spoke. "Of course, I was one of the people who thought of it, of course". Raphael shook his head. "Not that set up... The one Kallos has planned". He said. "... Only Deon would know about it, so I've heard". Angel had turned away from the angel by this time, but as those words registered with his mind he whirled around. "What set-up!?".
Raphael shrugged. "I believe they are planning something... Or so I'm led to believe. It seems three of your boys have finally found some of them.... But I don't think those will turn out to be good results. So... Deon might know what Kallos is up to". Angel turned away again, rubbing his wrist tenderly. "Why would he know what Kallos is up to? What are you saying I should do!?". Raphael sighed. ".... Interrogate him, you idiot". Angel turned, and his grin widened considerably. "So, what should we use to tortu- Interrogate him, Raphael?". Raphael rose a brow. "Just bring the most holy things you can and I will be there... Arrange a schedule. I will make sure your men stay alive...". Angel rose an eyebrow, and spoke. "Can't you just summon some Holy Weapons yourself? And why can't we interrogate him now? I've been waiting for this day I'm not going to delay it any longer". Angel turned and growled. "Even for an angel".

"One problem. Renegades. Plus I am not the one who cares about this information, now do I?". Angel growled at Raphael. "What do you mean 'Renegades'? He's been officially stripped of his title so they have no way to actually get him back or stop me. It's been declared and it won't ever change".
"They can declare war though. And then you'll lose most of your entire forces that another man built up. Just to -- what, keep one phoenix alive? Heh... Good luck remaining a hero after that". Angel turned and sighed. "I was hoping that I could get your help with that. You are an angel, and that Michael is a half-angel. Why not persuade him somehow?...". "....Or, we could hit him where it hurts. That Kasha is close to him.... Maybe...". Angel was interrupted as Raphael spoke again. "No. I already had Gabriel go there - they'll try to save him, no doubt. No doubt they'll also try to find us and make an alliance... Heh. Wait till they learn of my plan. But do you as you wish - don't mind me. I will help of course - just in my own way. If you don't like that, well... I could just leave you to try to interrogate him yourself". Angel growled again. "Well then, we shall be off to the dungeon where Deon is located. I don't care if you accompany me or not, but make sure the Renegades don't interrupt me. Or there will be hell to pay". Angel walked out of the room laughing in victory. Raphael shrugged. "Suit yourself". He mumbled before following him.

Torture Time!

[CAUTION CAUTION - The following Section may Contain Scenes that may offend some viewers. Please skip this section if you can't handle mediocre violence, even though this is a semi-grimdark Roleplay. Don't take this warning lightly, because I don't want anyone to vomit unless they want t- I mean what? But really, if you don't like torture, then skip this scene. Some people do x3 - CAUTION CAUTION]

The cold, dimly lit room was dark and cold (Oh, ya don't say!), the only light coming from a single dangling bulb that was hanging from the roof, directly above the figure that was tied to the chair. The grimy, stone brick walls were covered with blood and bits of torn flesh, hanging from the roof were several corpses hung from reddened meat hooks that were rusted from age and overuse, while the bodies were rotting with decay, the maggots feasting on the death inside of them spilling onto the floor and crawling, squirming around as they tried to find new flesh to devour. The chair was made of steel, with both leather straps and steel restraints around the wrists and ankles. Large, sharp screws were built into the restraints, and if the person in the chair struggled enough, they would drop down forcefully, piercing straight through their flesh and bones and into the chair below, locking them there.

Deon sat in said chair, staring at the dirty floor that was covered in a mix that seemed to be of blood and... something else. Deon didn't have much time to figure out what, as a door in front of him opened and into the room stepped Angel, followed by another man that Deon hadn't met before, but his senses were telling him that the man was dangerous. Maybe not so much physically, but he seemed so... There wasn't a word Deon could find to describe it due to the massive amount of sedatives flowing through his system. Deon looked up in a haze, his eyes slightly blurry because of the amount of Holy Water that had been poured on him as he stepped out of the Hummer that had brought him to where he was. He recalled Angel heading to his office or something, not that it mattered now since the man was standing before him babbling about something that Deon didn't really care about.

What Deon did care about however, was the large thing they had brought into the room with them. It was concealed under a blanket or a cloth for the moment, but Deon had a feeling that whatever it contained wouldn't be pretty. Not for him, and not for anybody who had ever seen whatever was under that covering before him. As Angel ceased his ranting, which was something about being the victor and Deon finally being where he should be, Deon smirked and laughed in his face. Deon shut up almost immediately as the covering was pulled away to reveal innumerable objects of torture and pain, ranging from saws to scalpels to crosses and bottles of concentrated Holy Water. Deon eyed all of these, and glared up at Angel with a smirk on his face. "Bring it on, asswipe".

Angel simply grinned and turned away, facing the trays that were filled to the brim with instruments of torture, and he bit his lip. Deon figured he was probably trying to decide on what to torture him with first, but Deon smirked as he pulled out a simple scalpel and held it up to the light. Apparently it wasn't good enough though, because Angel put it back, favoring a golden carving knife, or at least that's what it seemed like, over it. Angel pulled his arm back to stab Deon, but paused momentarily and grinned. "Holy Water". Angel grinned wider as he grabbed a jar of Concentrated Holy Water and doused the Knife into it. "This is a Holy Object, having been blessed by numerous people and consecrated. This might sting a bit... Who am I kidding! This will hurt a ton!". Angel grinned as he thrust the knife into Deon's stomach, the sound of splitting flesh and gushing blood echoing through the room as Angel pulled the knife upwards and the across Deon's chest, cracking ribs and slashing organs that spilled their contents and blood all over the seat and floor. Deon coughed as Angel completed the square, grabbing the piece of flesh with his hand and pulling it away slowly until he yanked on it, tearing it apart and filling the room with the sounds of tearing flesh and dripping blood.

Angel's eyes widened as he reached into Deon's now torn open chest cavity, and grasped his Liver. With a mighty tug, he wrenched it free and threw it down onto the floor, ignoring it completely until he grabbed Deon's kidney and did the same thing. Angel turned around, grinning as he picked up the organs and began to cut them into pieces. As he cut, his mind was racing. He finished fairly quickly and dipped the pieces into the concentrated Holy Water before turning to Deon with a smirk. "Open wiiiiide~". Angel leaned forward and grabbed Deon, forcing his mouth open and pushing the pieces of his own guts down his own throat, causing him to choke and tear up. Angel grinned, turning away and pulling out a drill that he soaked in Holy Water. Deon spat out his organ pieces and watches as his chest slowly regenerated. Angel grinned and slammed the Drill into Deon's eye socket, pushing it all the way through into Deon's skull until he stopped moving completely, and the blood had drenched the both of them.

Angel pulled the Drill out of Deon's eye socket, watching as the Phoenix coughed and shook his head in pain. "Fuck you, Angel. On second thought no, I'm not Gay". Angel growled and tossed the Drill away, grabbing the knife and cutting Deon open again before grasping his heart and tearing it out of him with a sickening crunch and a stomach-turning squish. Angel grinned. "I'll put your Heart here".
"Make it Explode".
"...Why would I-"

Angel growled, reaching under the Desk and pulling out two vials of alternating liquid which he pour together onto Deon's heart, causing it to literally explode.
"The Power of Christ Compels You!"
"The Power of Christ Fucks You!"

Angel growled to himself, turning away from the Phoenix who stuck his tongue out at him mockingly. Angel sigh before spinning around, unsheathing Excalibur, and cleaving Deon's head off with it. As Deon's head flew through the air and landed, he had a look of dejection on his face. "What a spoilsport....".

Omega's Carnage

Shin was pelting down the Hallways of the Renegades HQ when he realised that he had absolutely no idea where he was going. He skidded to a stop and rubbed his forehead, the effects of the Crime-scene were still hitting him. He desparately needed to find Scott, and he wouldn't rest until he did so, so he took off down yet another corridor in search of the man. Eventually, Shin found Scott leaning against a wall, sipping coffee and commenting on how good it was. Shin skidded to a stop just in front of Scott, and grabbed his hand. "We have an emergency in Tokyo, just come with me!". With that, he began to drag Scott to the Monitor Room. Scott didn't resist, and Shin pulled him into the Monitor room, ordering for the Monitors to be switched to Tokyo 73, the scene of a rampage. "This... This was done by someone calling themselves 'Omega', Scott". Shin watched as Scott's eyes widened and he dropped his coffee, his cup shattering on the floor as a barely audible "God help us" escaped his lips.

Shin turned to Scott. "Reports say that he wears a hood and cloak and was conversing with one... Mr Alberto Farrantino, a mid-forties Mobster-esque man who was into all the illegal stuff". Shin sighed. "See what I mean by emergency? This is only the first...". Scott groaned at this, and spoke. "I need you to do me a favor, Shinji". Shin turned, a quizzical expression on his face. "What is it, Scott?".
"Make reservations for Tokyo".
"What about the other countries?".
Shinjei inquired.
"Any situations I need to know?".
They're all the same, Scott. There's been at least two in every country. All in one single night".

Scott paused.
"....Make reservations for America, Australia and Russia as well".
"Done and done and done, anything else?".
"Not for now. Just... Keep a a look out for anything related to 'Omega'.
"Sure thing, Scott".
Scott sighed and walked away. "I'll go inform the WDL to update their List". With that, Shin was left alone in the Monitor room with the spilled Coffee. He looked down at it and called for someone else to clean it up. "I have some work to do....".

The Sweet Smell of Spring

The cool night breeze drifted through the Renegades HQ, carrying with it rose petals of few amounts. Little did the occupants of the building know that the cause was a certain person standing outside the building, twirling a parasol in her hand with a smirk. "Honestly, such a remarkable leap in technology these Humans have made, but I fear the Kappa are still far, far ahead in that respect". The figure grinned, reaching out and grasping a rose petal and pulling it to her lips gently. "How far did he go for them, I wonder? Such a carefree person must have had reservations about such a punishment. Especially one such as him. Isn't that right, Remilia?". Suddenly, the area beside the figure rippled, expanding and then contracting. Stretching and moving until the very fabric of space-time was torn. From within the tear, another figure emerged, smiling lightly and twirling a glass of wine between her fingers. "Tell me, Aurora, how much fun shall you be having with his.... 'request', I wonder?~". Aurora grinned, and turned to Remilia. "Oh, I think I shall be having much fun with it. Much fun with her, I might even say". Remilai grinned, sinking into the tear and causing it to vanish from sight. "Remember, the invitations must be given out, Aurora~". Aurora sighed, and spoke out loud. "I am aware, my friend".

Suddenly, the amount of flower petals flowing through the Base increased dramatically, a torrent of petals whipping through the base and a ghostly, mystical voice reached out to Michael. "Meet me in the Courtyard~". The torrent of petals stopped, a vicious whirlwind of petals of numerous flowers appearing in the Courtyard. It "I'm here.... Show yourself". The whirlwind reacted to Michael's voice, the figure inside being visible for only a second. Her green hair and red eyes along with her semi-pale skin marked her as one of the most well-known Youkai on the planet. "....So, am I meeting the famous Poison Ivy from the comics?". At this remark, the petals moved and began to wrap around Michael, clearing the space between the two figures and revealing the female figure fully. "My, my. Such a gracious host~ Why, you haven't even truly introduced yourself yet. Where are your manners, young man?~". Her lips turned up slightly, her playful tone echoing above the torrent of the winds. "As long as I don't get a kiss of Death... The name's Michael Malachim. I didn't think we'd be getting such a chance to see you come right to our doors.... You do know how dnagerous the Exorcists are becoming in this area?". Aurora smirked. "If you are threatening me, it is a hopeless cause.You are no danger to me now that the Phoenix is gone, Michael~".

Aurora let out a laugh and spoke. "My, my. Such bravado you have! Although I could destroy this base easily, I am not here to fight".
"I was trying to be helpful, but whatever.... Why are you here then?".
"Simply because a certain young man asked me for a favor~".
"What young man?".
"The one that gave himself up for his comrades. The Phoenix, of course".
"Ronove is a brilliant Butler, and Luna is a close associate of mine, Michael~ Although they are not mine. Tell me, how long has it been since I was last seen in the outside world, hmm?~".
"......I can't recall. I haven't been in the Business long enough".
"Are you aware of who I am?~".
"Your description matches that of a certain Youkai's".
"Oh, and which Youkai would that be?".
"Aurora..... But she was thought to be dead".
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Deon simply spared me, I must say~".
"Spared you? When did he....?".
"Oh, maybe around..... seventy-three years ago, if I can recall it properly?~".
"His bargain was very, very well thought out. No doubt he has an idea about how to escape his current.... 'situation'".
Aurora laughed lightly, a laugh that shower that she knew something.
"......That guy is just one mess after another. But what are you saying?".
Aurora grinned, and gave Michael a look. "I have no idea what you're talking about".
".....So what do you have to say then?".
"Show me.... Mireya Nightless".

Before Michael could answer, a man cleaved his way through the flowers and approached Aurora. "Who the hell do you think you are, barging in here like you own the place, eh? I'm the Guard here! I'm the one who technically runs this pla-". Before he could continue to yell at the Youkai Lady further, she shoved the tip of her Umbrella into his mouth, causing him to choke lightly. Then, Aurora chanted something to herself and grinned. "Flower Spark". Suddenly, a brilliant light shot out from the tip of Aurora's umbrella, blasting the Guard straight up into the sky, albeit without a head or neck, and some of his shoulders were missing as well. Aurora kept the beam concentrated on the man until it went out, and then she turned to Michael. "Now would be good, thanks~".
Michael sighed and nodded. "Release me first...".
Aurora grinned. "Who said you were trapped, Michael?~".
Michael tried to move forward, but a barrier of petals stopped him. Aurora grinned. "I'm not letting you near me just yet, Angel boy~".
Aurora watched as Michael furrowed his brows and headed towards the Renegades Base, with Aurora following behind him.

"Honestly, the service here is horrifyingly lax. Please, someone hand me some Earl Grey Tea and some Scones with Jam?~".