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Snippet #2195562

located in Class 2, a part of Trinity: The New Earth, one of the many universes on RPG.

Class 2

Come have fun in Class 2.


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Character Portrait: Juliette de Chateau
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"STOP!" boomed a voice, projected through a chip implanted in the throats of police officers, bone-shaking in its intensity. Juliette rolled her eyes but stilled in her annoyed eye-rolling when she saw Police Gliders speed toward them, their sirens wailing and casting a blue and red glow over them. Juliette squinted at the lights that caused stars to burst in her vision. With their Lasers trained on Crimson, they edged forward, their fingers on the touch-trigger. "You are under ar-" a man began. Juliette wasted no time, she twisted one of the many rings on her fingers and a board expanded from the soles of her boots. It looked to be a skateboard but was, rather, a hoverboard. It was one of the few things she'd managed to snatch when she'd ventured to the upper class.

At the sound and appearance of movement, all the Lasers trained on her - the weapon would do a lot more harm than a gun, piercing straight through flesh and bone, faster than a bullet. Light travelled much, much faster. She raised her arms, shrugged and with a jerk of her knees, lifted herself into the skies. Two laser beams whizzed dangerously close to her limbs as she dashed away. Lifting her gun in the air, she fired rapidly, drawing attention away from her gang. Wasn't she the selfless Samaritan? Gliders dashed through the air, close behind her as the police fired away. She, surprisingly, remained unharmed, zig-zagging and spinning her board in random directions as she flew forward. Juliette laughed, a carefree, rare sound - this was the way she wished to go - annoying the crap out of les dΓ©mons in her final moments.

"You are violating Sections 9, 16, 202, 73, 99, 5, 122, 452 and 87 of the Trinity-" the voice shouted before yelping as Juliette's bullet whizzed dangerously close to the top of his head. "You have a right to remain s-" he began again. God, these people didn't know how to Shut. Up.

Her hoveboard made a deafening screech as it scratched against a roof, causing a firework of sparks to whizz in the air. Juliette's sun-streaked hair whipped across her face as she once again, took flight. Jerking her knee, she turned her hoverboard around abruptly, ducking into a narrow alleyway. Behind her, policemen and women cursed, swivelling their bulky Gliders around to chase after the young woman. Juliette's hoverboard was much more agile than the large, car-like things the police and class two's and three's insisted on driving. Juliette was incredibly lucky that most of Class three had magnets implanted into the ground, although all of Class two and one did, whereas the keyword in Class three's case was most. Most. Hoveboards worked by having it's own magnetic field. The two similar forces opposed one another and allowed the board to hover but not all grounds in Class three were embedded with magnets.

Juliette fell. There was no sound, no sudden jerk - just the plummeting of her hoverboard. One moment she was airborne, and the next she was not. Her head smacked against cold, cracked cement, the breath knocked brutally out of her. She blinked the darkness from her vision and breathe, but no air entered her lungs. The sirens were growing near - suddenly, she could breathe. Gasping, Juliette grasped desperately for air as she slowly turned her body and crouched over the ground. Her spine hurt. Scrambling to a stand, she twisted her ring and the board disappeared from under her. Juliette ran, her boots slapping against pavements as she very literally, ran for her life. None of the dirt-clad citizens of class three aided her, instead cowering away and refusing to meet her gaze. In a place like Class three, it was every man and woman for themselves.

Juliette had to get out of the crowded areas to prevent an innocent from being hurt in the process. She tripped over a kink in the pavement and stumbled, before pulling herself upright. A road made itself known ahead of her - the road to Class Two. Twisting her ring, her board appeared beneath her once again. This road would be embedded in magnets and it appeared to be empty - it was her only choice. Hovering in the air, she pushed herself forward, whizzing through the air so fast, she was but a blur. Sirens wailed loudly, close at her tail as they sped toward her.

After what felt to be an eternity, the tall, glass walls of Class two appeared - and so did their watchmen. It rained light - terrible, terrible laser-light. Juliette ducked, dodging the lasers by purely guessing where they might fire. A sudden idea came to her and she shoved her boot against the edge of her board, causing it to overturn. Juliette hung upside-down, the lasers bouncing harmlessly off of her hoverboard. When she reached the top of the glass wall where the watchmen were stationed, she flipped herself around using her abdominal muscles and slapped her board in a watchman's face, kicking him backwards and jerking his laser from his hands into her own. She fired at the watchmen, watching as one after another, Laser Guns dropped onto the ground far, far below.

She forced her panting to still and breathed slowly, shutting one eye as she aimed for the windshields of the Gliders. But before she could do anything more, a laser tore itself through the side of her torso. She gasped, doubling over as it burned straight through her skin, muscles, organs and bones, through to the other side. Juliette sucked in a sharp breath, the pain like that of being burned alive from the inside. She hovered above a public area of Class two - the city square? - as another laser beam ripped through her thigh. Juliette stifled a scream, her balance on her hoverboard slipping as the Stick-On function chugged into non-existence. Her hoverboard, her baby, was great while it lasted. Juliette wobbled on her board, the laser in her thigh having severed God knew how many muscles. Juliette dropped to one knee on her board - and fell.

Screams erupted as she crashed through air and fell into what appeared to be a blissfully, thankfully, deep water fountain. Her body broke the surface of the clear water and sunk further down into deep darkness. Juliette felt as if she was drowning, her blood trickling upwards like artistic ink poured into the ocean.

Dimly, she wondered why on Trinity would anyone need such a bloody deep fountain.

What a waste of water.
