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Snippet #2199869

located in New York City, a part of The Rise of the Titans: Crimson Age, one of the many universes on RPG.

New York City



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Character Portrait: Zeus
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0.00 INK

Zeus – Brandon Powers

Olympia (Computer Monopoly)

His footsteps clapped rhythmically through the lobby, and upon seeing the man dressed in an earthen-brown suit, the attendant at the front desk stood from his chair and greeted the company head like an enlisted soldier greeted an officer, “Good Morning, Sir! We haven’t seen you in awhile.”

The businessman beamed his pearly-white grin, shining with a joyful radiance. “How are you, Mr. Jung? Did your boy ever get accepted to Berkeley?”

“Yes, he did, Sir. He’s majoring in business,” Jung replied exuberantly.

Brandon arched a dark brow before he pointed at the attendant and spoke, “You tell your boy that when he’s finished, I’ll be reserving him a place here at this company if he succeeds.”

“Yes, yes I will, Sir. Thank you!”

Brandon winked. “No problem.”

Before the company head stepped into the elevator, the steel doors rolled open and a young woman stepped out only to stumble in startle upon seeing the boss before the doors.

“Oh my, Mr. Powers!” she squeaked as the thin stack of papers in her hands went rocking to the floor. “I was just about to meet you at the door.”

The young woman stooped in her burgundy heels as she began picking up memos and letters that needed to be sent out.

“Here, let me help you,” Brandon offered as he set down his black suitcase. As he started to collect papers, he observed the woman curiously. She wasn’t an employee he was familiar with. He handed the stack back to her and rose as she did. “Excuse me, but who are you?”

The secretary blinked her green eyes from behind black-framed glasses before she said quickly, “Oh yes, I am…” She held her hand out to the man as he took it firmly in his own. “Cynthia Nickels.” She shook his hand and averted her eyes from his deep gaze. She felt blood rush to her cheeks as every time her lips curled into a smile, she’d quickly straighten them again. It was so awkward. He was staring so deeply at her.

Brandon’s chocolate eyes rolled over her outfit. She was wearing an ash-grey suit with a burgundy top underneath that matched the color of her heels. He could tell just by her suit size that she was an intern. The jacket was too small, revealing a few inches of her wrists and the buttons looked about ready to burst about those D-cups she tried to squeeze within it. Jesus Christ.

“Mr. Powers?” Cynthia called.

The company head released her hand and turned away from her as he touched the corner of his right eye.

“Ugh, I’m sorry, it’s morning,” he muttered.

The secretary smirked in amusement as she watched him play off checking her out. “I’m your new secretary. You have a few phone calls and emails, but besides that nothing else is new.”

Lowering his hand, Brandon bent over to pick up his suitcase once more and then held it out in the direction of the elevator. “Shall we?”

Cynthia turned away from her boss and quietly stepped into the elevator. As Brandon followed behind, he tilted his head, gazing at the skirt that hugged her round bottom. He didn’t know what was with business skirts, but they always made a woman’s ass seem bigger.

Mr. Jung watched as his boss disappeared into the elevator with Cynthia and shook his head. He already knew how this was going to end. If only he had someone to bet cash with.

Inside the elevator…

I’ve been meaning to tell you…

In the elevator, an old 80s song was playing as the car seemed to slowly elevate up the floors. Brandon was gazing straight ahead while Cynthia stood next to him with her clipboard against her lap.

I got this feelin’ that won’t subside…

Cynthia glanced out of the corners of her eyes at her boss, eying his strong jaw. She could smell his aftershave and the soft spice of his cologne. Her eyes darted back to the doors as she waited patiently for them to open. She felt so naughty for sneaking a peek at him.

I look at you and I…fa~nta~si~ze…You’re mi~ne to~ni~ght.

Out of her peripherals, she saw his head turn and his dark eyes rove over the side of her face. It made her tense. Did he know that she was watching? She swallowed softly, watching as his eyes lowered to stare at her chest. But why? She felt that they were well-tucked away.

Reluctantly, her eyes crept down to see that her collar had sunk too low. Her whole ensemble had been too small to begin with, exposing the round tops of her fleshy hills and the pink lacey hints of lingerie. Her golden necklace, crafted in the shape of a heart, was sitting right above her cleavage, signaling at him.

Now I’ve…go~t you in~my si~ghts.

Cynthia turned her head and felt her heart leap when she met the eyes of the man that had been staring at her. She grasped her shirt collar and pulled it up over the tops of her breasts as she slowly turned her chest away from his sights. He was holding her gaze in those dashing eyes. The way his dark brows furrowed over them made her breathing deepen.

With…these…hun~gry eyes~


The elevator doors rolled open and Brandon stepped out onto his office floor. He had an entire floor to himself at the top of his firm. Cynthia’s desk was outside his large office, waiting for her to take a seat.

Seconds after her employer stepped out, she followed still holding her shirt collar as her cheeks continued to glow in her embarrassment. The whole situation was embarrassing and she didn’t know why it had to happen. Her boss was such a pervert. Silently, she took her seat as Brandon disappeared into his oak-door office. She set down her clipboard and just stared at her desktop. She felt as though her daily routine had been thrown off course. What did she have to do again? She felt so…lost.

Brandon sighed as though expecting work to be uneventful. He hadn’t been in the office for a week. He worked back at the mansion, making sure to check his emails daily. Being the head of a monopoly was too easy when all you had to do was meet with managers from the satellite businesses across the nation, attend conferences, and remind Microsoft and Apple every day how they’ll never be able to keep up with his business. He had to give Hephaestus some credit for being such a brilliant son. Brandon had branches in Europe and was hoping to get some in Asia. For now, he opened his suitcase and pulled out his Vaio laptop. He placed it on his desk and moved his suitcase to the floor.

Maybe I should be thinking about dinner tonight. he mused. He stared at his laptop screen, waiting for the damn thing to load up. Rib eye sounds good. Ares enjoys his protein. I’m sure the chef will provide greens for the girls.

Brandon pressed the button on his intercom that linked him to Cynthia’s desk.

“Cynthia,” he hailed.

Cynthia jumped not expecting to hear his voice so soon. “Yes, Mr. Powers?”

“Please get in contact with Hermaine, and tell her that there will be rib-eye for dinner tonight.”

Hermaine? Who was that? His wife? “Yes, Sir,” Cynthia replied weakly. She stared at the intercom box a little disheartened, and then it hummed on once more.

“She’s not my wife.”

Cynthia blushed again. The bastard! ‘Like she cared if he was married or not. She stroked a cinnamon strand behind her ear and got on the phone to contact this, Hermaine.

Brandon grinned playfully. He felt so clever.