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Snippet #2225186

located in New York City, a part of The Rise of the Titans: Crimson Age, one of the many universes on RPG.

New York City



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Character Portrait: Persephone Character Portrait: Hades Character Portrait: Demeter Character Portrait: Zeus
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Demeter & Persephone

A collab between myself and Madmoiselle

Demeter stood slack-jawed, even as her two brothers began to fight with one another. For several minutes she was as still as stone, her mortal heart quickening as fierce rage flooded throughout her body. Had she really just witnessed Hades put his filthy tongue down her innocent daughters throat? Her hands began to quake, and rage was replaced by pure unstoppable fury. While her two siblings sauntered into the kitchen, Demeter took her daughters wrist with a grip as fierce and tight as a bear trap.

Persephone's lips still tingled even after her husbands lips had departed from her own. There they stood against one another; the fur he had placed over her still hanging snug and warm over her skin even as she pressed herself close to his muscular figure. "I've missed you much! I have so much to tell you, did you know that Ambro-." She paused, noticing his hazel eyes were no longer locked with her own, and it took her a few seconds to realize what had happened. Within moments that seemed much longer to her, both her father and husband were fighting and Persephone was left with only Bernard close enough for company.
While she turned in order to greet her husbands main henchman, her mother's sudden grip on her wrist made her blue eyes grow widen.

"What are you doing? Let go of me." She demanded, attempting to pry her mother's fingers off of her. She could feel her wrist beginning to bruise, and the look in her mothers eyes actually frightened her a bit. Normally the Harvest Goddess was gentle, even if she was as stubborn as mule. If she was ever violent, it was never directed at Persephone herself.

She did not relent, and instead pulled her daughter close to her. Her nails dug into her daughters supple skin. "How dare he act so vulgar in front of me! I've had enough of this, we're leaving!"

Persephone finally found enough strength to yank her poor wrist out of manic of a mothers death grip. She emerged victorious, but a small scratch from where her mothers fingernails had dragged against the top layer of Persephone's skin began to bleed. "Mother, stop it." Her voice came out as more of a whine than the strong command she wanted it to be. She was weak against the woman, even after years of her constant complaining.

Her daughters feeble attempt to end the conversation did nothing to diminish Demeter's rage. She could not punish the God of the Dead, so her willful daughter who insisted on protecting him would have to do. " Either you come with me right now, or you'll regret it Persephone. I swear by the River Styx, you will regret it."

As if Hades cockiness had finally rubbed off on the Springtime Goddess, Persephone took a step forward and raised her chin up . "Or what? You'll put me in time out? I'm not a little girl anymore and I'm done with you treating me like one." Her voice wobbled slightly at the end, but the proud look in her eyes never diminished. Her husband would be proud had he not still been in the kitchen along with her father.

See, I can stand up to her, she thought to herself as a brief smile flickered over her face as if she had already won against her mother.

Seeing that triumphant look on her daughters face had been the final straw for her. If Goddess's were able to have mental breakdowns, than this would be it. She had spoiled the girl too much, and perhaps her daughters attitude was due to her bad parenting. The reason why didn't matter as much as the present.
Demeter took a step forward and threw her hand back before letting her palm and fingers hit the side of her daughters face. Unlike this morning, she felt no guilt for the slap.

She shuffled back, nearly toppling into Bernard as she struggled to maintain her standing position. It was deja-vu from this morning all over again, only this time her mother had an almost satisfied expression on her face. The painful throbbing of her arm lessened as a even harsher pain lingered on her face.
Unlike the last time, she did not run away. Her blue orbs stared straight into her overbearing mothers and she charged. She put all her strength into a shove that would hopefully make her mother land on her ass.

Persephone's attempts at violence were similar to a kittens. She rolled her eyes and shoved the girl back. "Oh please. Put your back into it at least, that was pathetic" she taunted, placing her hands on her hips.

She never used violence as the answer for anything. Her husband did, and while she had begrudgingly accepted his way of life, it wasn't something she was fond of. Instead of a shove, Persephone mimicked her mother and laid her hand flat to her side before raising it up towards the sky where only seconds later it would come plummeting down to strike her mother on her left cheek.

Demeter clasped her hand against the burning sensation that flooded through her face. "You hit me," she said surprised, rubbing her hand now against her left cheek. She had never really expected her to retaliate, so the surprise of it all left the woman again as still as a statue.

With Hades return, Persephone attempted to hide the scratch her mother had given her behind her back. The sleeve of her new coat was almost long enough to hide it completely, but the end of it was still exposed; red and raw, despite her best efforts. She shot Bernard a look to not say a word. There was no reason for anyone to interfere between her Mother and herself, and she would have hated if Hades were to threaten her mother.

All she wanted was a simple dinner.


“You know why I am here, you're rather subtle message to the Olympians was clear enough. You wish to start the old war again, and instead of biding your time you've struck the first blow against a single building of little worth for even less gain.”

He slammed the door closed with a bit too much strength. The door hinges loosened and a small bolt fell onto the marble flooring. Cronus cracked his neck and turned to follow his nephew as he walked somberly into the house.

"Nice to see you again as well." Cronus replied, mimicking the same tone his nephew had used with him. He let the strongman ramble on with his questions until silence was finally between them once more.

"Despite what you may think, burning Ambrosia does have a purpose." Cronus answered, walking past his nephew in order to lead the Titan to where his brother and father were sitting along with the others."As for your last question, Iapetus and Epimethius are among us. Your..."other" brother has not yet joined us." He shrugged his shoulders back as if to say the younger Titans whereabouts mattered little to him.

The other Titans rose in their seats as Cronus reappeared along with the younger Titan in tow, back in the dining room. The others only took their seats once Cronus himself had found his own chair at the head of the table and sat down upon it with his usual Kingly grace.

"I have to say, I'm surprised to see you here."He admitted,leaning forward to take a sip of his water he had left while opening the door for Atlas. It had become lukewarm but Cronus drank it anyway, still not taking his eyes off the Sky-Bearer.

It's too bad he isn't still holding the damn thing. At least that would keep him away while his betters go to work.

He waited for the man to rage, complain, or to finally have some sense and listen to his Lord. After all, it was the only sensible option if he planned to survive all this.