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Snippet #2272778

located in Manus Solis, a part of An Impulse and the Delirium, one of the many universes on RPG.

Manus Solis



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Character Portrait: Vega Delacroix Character Portrait: Boyd Winston Basford Character Portrait: Edmund Liuva Audo
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“How many nights has that been, Boyd?” Calliah asked. Boyd had been camping in the woods for over a week, the only reason he was back was to get new clean clothes, journal, and food. Lately it had been hard for him to focus on Devora. It was like she was slipping away, one night he was talking to her and in a second she disappeared. It took him around an hour to get her back, it scared him to the point where he started to have an anxiety attack. Once in the woods she had shown him a new plant that could, for a short time, change the color of your iris. He had documented it in the last page of his journal.

“A week last night and I am going back out tonight.” Boyd said. He was in his black shirt and tan shorts. He moved around Calliah. “Excuse me.” He said as he saw Devora standing in the doorway of his room.

Wear the old maroon dress that stops before your knees and the black boots! She didn’t move as he walked partially through her. She sighed, for some odd reason loving the feeling. To her it was like she was actually touching him. She has watched him hurt and for a year after her death he finally saw her. He had walked to the small park that was next to their parent’s house; all there was, was a swing set, slide, and merry-go-round; and he sat on the swing and cried. She stood there and if ghost could cry she would of. He asked why she had to leave, and out of habit, she told him she didn’t have a choice. He flipped out of the swing and turned towards her.

He walked into his room, leaving Calliah in the living room, and closed the door. “Why? I am going to be in the woods, Devora.” She huffed.

Because, you are going closer towards the main road that leads into Inversa, which is dangerously close. What if you are seen? How are you going to explain what you do? Didn’t mother and father send you hear so you wouldn’t be ridiculed and shunned? I heard that someone was going to rat you out to, Rajesh. You know what he would have done to you! He shivered. Rajesh was a very weird God that had been ruling over Quailson where his family lived. He had a thing for younger boys and worse for boys that dressed as girls. He remembered a boy that was forced by his older brother to dress in a sun dress one day. That one day so happened to be when Rajesh was out for his monthly check up of the town. The boy was forced to move in with him. He never heard of the boy ever since then. Rejesh wasn’t a bad looking man, but rather a scary one. He was tall, roughly around 6’4, and muscular with black hair and the darkest blue eyes. Boyd tried his hardest to dodge him whenever he could and thankfully his parents did him a favor.

“Fine!” He tried to make her stop with her questions, he knew she was worried for him, but it got annoying after a while. He stripped and laid out the clothes he was going to wear and the wig. He heard Calliah walk up to the door, she was a curious soul. She only ever heard one side of the conversation, but this time he wanted to keep this one private, “Bes I hup's vops su fioq ag I his as haqsz. Yue jpuv I eteommz his haqsz up sfiti sqant.”(But I don't want to hear if I get it dirty. You know I usually get dirty on these trips.)

She is listening again? Why do you keep her around anyway? And that is why I told to wear it because I know you were or are
something like that. Get rid of her, you know I think that language is creepy. It is dead for a reason. She floated and sat on top of his dress of drawers.

“I ol pus hissaph qah ug fiq, tfi at upi ug sfi giv gqaipht I fowi. Aph I sfapj tfi majit li..tfi fot ciip tniphaph o mus ug sali vasf li...vimm tapbi I fowi ciip fiqi. Aph I ol pus tsunnaph, his uwiq as. Is a noqs ug” (I am not getting rid of her; she is ONE of the FEW friends I have. And I think she likes me..she has been spending a lot of time with me...well since I have been here. And I am not stopping, get over it. It i part of

I don’t think it is that. He looked at her and he knew she knew something. When she knew something she never looked at him. Boyd hurried and got dressed, looked in the mirror, made sure he looked like his sister, and dodged out of the room. He ran right into her.

“Is there something you want to tell me?” He asked her.

She blushed, took a seat, and teared up. “We are moving, Boyd. My parents are being called back to Wimsville. Kail wants the original families to be there. I don’t know why and I am scared.” Boyd hugged her until she stopped crying. They talked until she had to leave and he watched her leave.

You ready? Life is too short to cry over things we can’t control. She said and walked to the border of the woods and their yard. He sighed, grabbed his stuff in the house, and made his way with her.

“I don’t see why we are going this way; I really wanted to take more notes on the plant. It was pretty neat. My iris has never turned purple before.” They made their way down the path that leads to a small bridge and over a brook.

Why you have to question me about everything? Just
listen to me for once. I never lead you to anything that was harmful! She huffed and walked through a tree. He walked around and sighed. She was right; he needed to just listen to her. Boyd looked around and saw that they were heading for the outskirts of the town. Why is she leading me out of town? Nothing good is out of town, unless it is for more plants! Other than that, well
 He walked right through Devora and right in front of a girl and a guy. The girl was tiny, shorter than him by a good six inches; she had long black hair and violet eyes. He shivered before looking over the guy. He was way taller than Boyd, a good foot, give or take an inch. The guy had black hair also, but he had blue eyes instead. Cute.

“Yue buemh ug sumh li su tsun uq sfos sfiqi viqi niunmi oqueph! Nus maji sfiz buemh fioq zue. Nuv I fowi pu bmei ag sfi oqi huaph su ossobj uq pus!” He hissed behind him where Devora was standing.

Sorry! They just kind of snuck up on me. I didn’t even hear them. Just act
natural. Be friendly and cute. Maybe they will take pity on you and spare your life. She gave a nervous laugh and walked up to them to check them out. Well, the little girl has the big stick, but other than that they don’t seem to have anything. Now
be cute and loveable. Say hi!!

Boyd sighed and then smiled, “Hi there, sorry if I have scared you two, I was just hiking through here. Are you two lost? Do you two need help? Ah, sorry, I am Devora. Sorry if I am just rambling, I tend to do that
sometimes.” He spoke in his higher pitch voice, making him sound more of a girl than normal, like always. He knew what they say; they saw a girl, which made him feel oddly happy. A blush crept up as he looked up at the guy and then away.

Devora laughed, Well don’t you look cute! Ohhh you think that guy is cute, huh? You make me look like some innocent little girl. Or rather you make yourself like that. She stared at him, standing next to the two strangers that he just sort of jumped out in front of. Ehh, I don’t think the guy likes cute girls. Look at his face. She floated up and stared nose to nose with the guy.

Oh for the love of all things! Get down, Devora! What if he CAN see you?! He looked nervous and kicked the dirt before looking back up at the guy and then the girl.