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Snippet #2291542

located in Chapter One- Everyday, a part of Outlawed, one of the many universes on RPG.

Chapter One- Everyday



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Character Portrait: Amber Jay Cassie Character Portrait: Dan Hardy
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Amber had never been much of a people person, then going through a huge change she managed to break that habit. Talking to more people was easy, except on a day like this. Amber was sat purposefully on a table in the canteen away from most if not everybody else, she must have looked like a real loner. She didn't have much in the way of food today, not choosing to eat much mostly because of not wanting to be seen eating in front of people. It was the heavily sub-conscious side of her personality in seeming charge today, that wasn't really good for her or anyone around her.

As she held a single green apple in her hand she contemplated eating it, having been given to her from her "Mother" which she doesn't particularly like nor dislike. The mask she wore on her face had been causing problems recently, becoming un-comfy and slightly digging into her face after a prolonged wear. She wanted to take it off and have it over with, she wanted all these horrible laws to be discarded and be allowed to feel love again and not have to wear masks in public by law. She dared not speak to anyone about it in fear of being found to actually feel this way and get locked up because of it but she thought about it when she was alone, it was practically the biggest problem in her life and also everyone else's lives. Just getting rid of love and acting like it will solve everything is ignorant, it may work in lowering crime rates and much more but there is so many other ways to do it Amber felt, the government seemed annoying in the way they think it will solve everything. If anything it will start more problems.

Managing to finally decide on eating the apple which due to her ability she could smell really strongly already, speaking of that she could also smell everybody else's food in the canteen as well. Blocking out most sound waves she lifted her mask slightly and started eating, the fruity taste of the apple intensified in her mouth. As she was enjoying herself she started to relax a bit more and so she lifted her mask higher, revealing a large portion of her face. With her heightened eyesight she caught a glimpse of someone on a far table scowling at her through their face mask. Noticing and noting this faster than average she felt the awkwardness come back and soon pulled the mask down over her face once again, she felt that she had spent enough time sat, like a loner, awkwardly thinking to herself about the current problems with the government and decided to head for her next class; calculus.

Standing up and dropping the last half of her apple in the bin she walked with her eyes on the floor, still managing however to evade the canteens various tables and chairs without any effort on her part. As she passed a table of a group of what looked like close friends, she felt eyes land on her as she grabbed for the handle and almost jumped for freedom on the campus. The main building was not too far away and Amber was keeping to the path as to not mud-up her trainers, not like they mattered much. She was wearing pretty much the average today, nothing to catch too much attention. Amber dodged as much attention as she could usually on a down day like this because she was pretty much a bad speaker with her being all awkward, but maybe she will get seated next to somebody that is just as awkward then they have a good chance of being buddies. The reason today was not a good day was mainly because of looks she has been getting off people, actually more of the looks Amber thinks she has been getting today. As she neared the main building she walked past a smallish student who was just as out of it, before Amber passed him he gave a smile, out of politeness. Making her feel slightly better she smiled back and walked up and into the main building.

As she pushed open the door to the class she felt the temperature hit her before she walked in, knowing she was just practically on time she walked in and looked around for an empty seat. All the ones at the back were unfortunately taken so she had the choice of the two she saw available from where she was standing. One next to a pretty nice guy Amber knew as Dan, her recognizing him due to his noticeable clothes or next to someone she had never seen before. She was pretty good with faces so they must have been new, not thinking about it for too long before deciding she lifted her messenger bag strap back onto her shoulder and walked to the free seat next to Dan, letting her voice be heard for the first time in quite a while she greeted him quietly. "Hey Danno." Her voice was soft and naturally pretty quiet so her trying to make it even quieter was illogical, rather unneeded. Sitting down next to him she took out her book and a pen, a pretty average pen but if one was to take any notice they would see that the logo, which happened to be the logo for the government that banned love; was scratched off, violently at that. As the class started she started taking notes slowly along with the other people in the class who wanted to learn. There were others who just slouched and fell asleep, their choices were their choices, if they wanted to sleep nobody could say they couldn't. Unless a bunch of cowards hiding behind masks and bodyguards decided to pass yet another set of laws around because they could.