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Snippet #2310374

located in Malibu, California, a part of Scandalous Young Things, one of the many universes on RPG.

Malibu, California

Welcome to Malibu, California, the place of dreams, XOXO, and a hidden reality show. Only in Malibu, California.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Danny Crankshaw Character Portrait: Presley Floyd Character Portrait: Robert Mann
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Danny watched her closely after he spoke, but only out of the corner of his eye. She seemed to be intrigued by his question at least, which he guessed was a good thing. He had also noticed that she kept glancing at him as well as he walked, the same way he would do to people when he didn't want to face them directly: apparently it was a smaller world than he had realized, or wanted. Regardless, she simply nodded at his quesiton, and kept silent for a while before giving an answer. For reasons of this, Danny knew not: after all, he barely knew the girl.

Yes, Mr. Crankshaw, I know your name Danny raised an eyebrow slightly at the formality she had given him. Most people that knew him either stuttered out some form of formality, or called him by Danny. It wasn't uncommon for formalities to be just that, but he hadn't been expecting it from a complete stranger. True, he had figured out that she would be working on the set, which would most likely explain her use of formality towards him, but Danny had a knacking feeling that there was more to it. Perhaps she was submissive, easily establishing herself at the bottom of the pyramid? Maybe it was just because she had a job that she felt to be inferior to his own. Danny didn't know yet, he didn't have the information, but he knew it would come. It always did.

Floyd. Presley Floyd. At first hearing her name, Danny instantly recited her name in his head to the theme of the James Bond movies. What? It wasn't his fault that he grew up with a kick ass agent as his iconic hero. Pushing that aside, he mentally rolled the name across his imaginary tongue. Presley Floyd. Flows quite nicely, isn't hard to remember. I like it. He finally came back to reality, having her name run a few more times through his head in her tone. Quite formal as well, just like her earlier statement. Interesting, to say the least. Granted, many people told him that he could get a little too formal, but he brushed them aside: he needed to make up for all the times he said 'Yo', and... well, you get the idea.

"Well, nice to meet you Miss Floyd." He let out softly after his long thought process. If she heard him or not, it didn't register as they reached the top of the hill and Presley checked her phone. Danny had no need to, as he accurately guessed that they had only been walking for no more than 5 minutes. It was weird how Danny could accurately measure how long they had been doing an objective, and yet when it came to times themselves he could never keep up. Throughout the next twenty minutes of walking, Danny thought about very little besides his own situation. There was the fact that he still wasn't very comfortable with being around a bunch of bigwigs with famous names, while he would be stuck at the bottem. It he was correct in the hierarchy system the actors would have set up, he would probably get lumped in with the other workers, if there were any others besides Presley.

When they arrived, Danny muttered something that he wasn't sure if Presley heard or not, but he doubted she would understand it anyway. "OstavΚΉ nadezhdu vsyak syuda vkhodyashchiy..." Yeppers, Danny let loose some Russian. Now, for those that don't understand the harsh language, Danny was quoting the most famous line from The Inferno by Dante Alighieri, 'Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.' With that depressing little entry to the estate, he knew that he was going in with the wrong mindset, but he also knew that this little adventure could turn ugly fast.

Just as Presley did, Danny entered the meeting unnoticed and silent - as stated before, Danny had a serious skill for entering and exiting without being noticed or even cared about. This skill may not be as refined as Presley's seemed to be, for nobody even looked at the girl, even when the meeting ended. Regardless, Danny remained by the door and listened to the 'ever glorious' Robert Mann speak about their jobs and such. As Rob continued on his speech, Danny's eyes scanned the room, intrigued and yet barely interested in what he saw. There was the obvious two that seemed to soak up everything, William and Chandler. Then there was the Latina Candelaria - which not only was difficult, but surprisingly hilarious to pronounce, but not in a bad way. Danny knew about these three the most, but that was given: famous people were famous, therefore well known. Then there were the others who weren't: The silent Elias, the goofy Nathaniel, the frozen Zara, the strict Olivia, and himself. Among the actors were bunches of people who Danny could only expect to be the workers, and he was shocked to see how many there were. He hadn't expected Mann to go this crazy for hired help.

Speaking of Mann...

Our favorite jokester, Gregory! Danny, your character is a riot, the scenes we have for him are hilarious. He's intrigued by Cindy, that is, Chandler's character, and is always trying to get some fun out of her, but as fun as she is, Cindy only thinks the two of you are friends - which, right now, the two of them are. But it will grow into something larger, let me assure you. I need you and Chandler learn to be comfortable around each other. Start talking, spend some free time together. Just learn how to relax when the two of you are together, laugh, smile, so that the friendship is natural on camera."

Danny couldn't really call this homework: after hearing it, it sounded more like a weird mixture of 'toruture' and 'character research.' He knew enough about Chandler to know that attempting to act high and mighty would get you killed by this bitchy miss. So basically, Danny had to act exactly like himself, keep his snide comments to himself, and try not to piss her off first day with his own views, because he knew that they wouldn't see eye to eye on anything if they talked too much together. So Danny made no attempt to move at all when the meeting had been adjourned. He waited until all of the other actors walked by him before sauntering out himself, but not before catching a few words of the worker's meeting. Don't blame Danny for being snoopy, blame his ears if you have to for being unnaturally good. He didn't catch much other than 'You know why I put them together' before he walked far enough away not to hear them and headed towards his room.

Basically, Danny had felt like Robert Man had issued him a challenge in the very first day. 'You're going to have to be able to play with the big leagues to stay here, kid.'

Oh my friend, it seems you are going to be more useful than I thought during this journey. Danny thought to his bottle of vodka in his bag, which was still around his arm. Because if this goes as bad as I'm thinking it will, this escapade will go south fast for the Russian.
