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Snippet #2386188

located in Ranch, a part of All Or Nothing, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Character Portrait: Kittrina Del Character Portrait: Nikota D'Angelo Character Portrait: Jessie Blackburn
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Nikota sat comfortably cradled a few feet of the ground in her favorite tree. Midnight grazed on the grass below her. Her eyes dancing from line to line on the pages of her favorite book. The complete works of Edgar Allen Poe she had read the book countless times from start to finish, so much so the pages were worn. The sound of the creek that ran through the 40 acres of the D’ Angelo’s property keeping her company, one leg dangling from the branch. The sky was a depressing gray and dark black clouds plagued the sky. The usual summer storm was approaching quickly, setting the perfect mood for Nikota’s reading.

Niki shouldn’t we get going? the voice drifted through Nikota’s head like a soft melody, as Midnight lifted his head to look at his owner. She ignored as if she hadn’t heard. Midnight returned to his grass, knowing she was too enticed by her book to answer. A loud rumble echoed in the distance, followed by the angry streak of lighting across the sky behind Nikota and Midnight. Only moments passed before drops of water stared to fall from the darkened sky, though despite the light show in the sky and the rain, the weather remained warm.

“Now we should get going.” Niki said aloud, jumping from the tree like an adventurous little boy would. She wrapped her arms around her book protecting it from the soft flow of rain, shoving it into her backpack, before throwing it over one shoulder and climbing onto the bare back of her large black horse. “Midnight, my love, let’s ride” she spoke a loud and with those words the black stallion bolted, straight for the stables, she knew she’d be soaked by the time they got their but she didn’t mind in the slightest. Weather like this is what she lived for. The wind whipped through her long hair, she gripped her horses raven main as he raced through the tall grassed fields. Moments like this really made Nikota feel infinite.

When they finally reached the stables , midnight came to a slow halt out front. Midnight let out a loud snarl-like huff, stomping his front hoof obviously irritated at something. It was then Niki’s gaze meet the silver range rover parked in front of the house. She rolled her eyes “Doesn’t he have somewhere else to be.” She huffed. Apparently not, when are you going to tell that pompous prick to find someone else to stalk? Midnight huffed. Niki couldn’t help but giggle “He’s not so bad I guess.” She sighed knowing how much her father liked him. She kissed Midnights nose gently, before clicking to him, a signal for him to walk himself inside the barn.
Nikota watched as Midnight pranced into the barn and one of the ranch hands lead him into his stall. She half-ass jogged up to the house, soaking wet, she looked like drowned rat. Her drenched hair clinging to her face. The house was silent, with only the distant ticking of the grandfather clock.

Missy?” she paused waiting for a response “Trina
Jamie?” she paused once again. She bit her lip wondering where everyone was, shrugging she made her way up stairs, towards her room. “None of the above.” She heard a familiar voice call from the bottom of the staircase. She turned seeing Dustin in his normal, dressy attire, hair slicked back. “Decide to take a shower with your close on, love?” he smirked looking over her “Why don’t you get cleaned up, I’m taking you to dinner.” He said placing his hands on his sips. “Jamie’s making spaghetti, my favorite.” She lied as she continued up the stairs “Lair.” He chuckled following after her. Nikota stripped her clinging close from her body, reveling her badly scared torso and back, leaving the door open. Dustin leaned in the door way, he was the only person besides her father and sister who had ever seen her scars and lasting burns, not even Damien had ever seen them he had possibly caught glimpses but that was about it. He watched as she slipped on a hoodie and a pair of jean shorts, once they had been close
once she had been in love with him, but that seemed like ages ago now. “Listen Dusty, it’s a sweet gesture.” She said flipping her hair over crimping it so that when it dried she’d have soft beach curls. Then rearing her head back up shaking her hair out she flashed him her famous, pearly smile. “but, I’m just not feeling it tonight.” She said walking past him and making her way back down the stairs, taking them two steps at a time. He followed after her like a puppy. He had been trying to win her over since they broke up last summer, convinced they could pick up where they left off. She popped a cup of instant hot chocolate into the microwave, turning back around to face him. “Nik come on, please.” He begged She pretended to think about it for a second tapping her index finger against her lips. “Were home.” She heard her father’s thick Italian accent coming from the entry way. Nikota was grateful for the interruption.

She skip walked her way to where her father’s voice was coming from, looking very similar to the way a fairy would move, light and flowy. “Daddy, where did
” she stopped mid-sentence realizing who was standing behind her father, duffel bag, duchy sun glasses and all. Her eyes widening a bit. “Well look what the cat dragged in.” she heard Dustin say from behind before she had the chance to say anything.

“Yeah missed you to pretty boy.” Jessie teased. “What’s wrong baby doll, cat got your tongue.” He said almost darkly as he glanced to Nikota. “Feels good to be back.” He added staring right at Niki. Nikota’s realized how shocked she must have looked and quickly replaced the look with a slightly irritated look. “Wow dad, I thought we were always taught to take the trash out, not give it a home.” She growled before pushing past them back outside into the rain making her way to find her sister, wanting to warn her that he was back.


Jessie rolled his eyes as he felt Nikota push past him “Drama Queen.” He said under his breath. “I suggest if you have anything bad to say about my daughters, you keep it to yourself.” Mr. D’ Angelo warned in a very fatherly tone. “Yeah, whatever.” he breathed. “What are you doing here rich boy, stalking Drama Queen I assume.” Jessie smirked. He liked to push peoples buttons and although he respected Mr. D’ Angelo, he still couldn’t help be test the waters. “Jessie, I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that. You can head up stairs and get settled in. Leave your bag here. I’ll make sure and go through it.” He said in a strict tone, though his voice smooth and calm. Mr. D’ Angelo was a very kind and generous man. Having been an orphan himself, he had quite a lot of patients when it came to trouble makers like Jessie.

“Yeah, Yeah. You got it warden. I’ll just go upstairs and wait for you to take the imaginary handcuffs off.” He said dropping his duffel bag right where he stood, before giving the two men in the room a lazy two finger salute before jogging up the stairs. He opened the door to a bedroom he was quite familiar with, it was exactly the same as the day he’d walked out without a word. Nothing had been moved. He shut the door behind him, closing himself off from the outside world. His eyes drifting over the room, before his blue eyes feel upon a photo that nearly shattered his already broken heart. He could remember taking the picture like it was yesterday, it was taken the night he left. A photo of them kissing, they had actually been quite happy in that very moment. He haven’t realized he had been tracing his lips as if trying to feel where her lips had been. “Why the fuck’d I come back here.” He whispered breaking the silence. He rubbed the back of his head, before locking the door and making his way to the window.

He watched as Nikota headed straight for Kit’s dance studio. He despised that girl, the way she pranced like a little doe, the way she acted like she owned the world. He could see right through her. He wondered how her and Kittrina got a long, they were so different. He snuck his hands under the window pushing it up, allowing the rain drops to fall on the window sill. He cupped his hands around his mouth so that the next thing he yelled would be more audible.

“Hey Niki, why don’t you stop being such a bitch, don’t you think tattle telling is a bit below you.” He smirked when she flipped him off, letting him know she had heard him. He flopped down on his bed, sinking into the soft comforter. He really did love it here and he really did appreciate Mr. D’ Angelo, but he was already used to being so disrespectful to everyone, he wasn’t sure he could change for anyone. He pulled a small baggie from his pocket, smirking a bit seeing five joints, holding them up as if he’d won some kind of contest. He sat up pulling one from the baggie before stuffing the remaining joints between the two mattresses. He stood making his way to his old desk, pulling out the top drawer. “Hello old friend.” He said grabbing the lighter, he struck the back watching the flame dance to life as he lit the joint, taking a long drag, coughing harshly as he let the smoke out.

“Here’s to the beginning of hell.” He glanced out the window, taking another drag, letting the flavor of the marijuana stain his mouth before blowing the smoke out again.