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Snippet #2386542

located in Ranch, a part of All Or Nothing, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Character Portrait: Kittrina Del Character Portrait: Nikota D'Angelo Character Portrait: Jessie Blackburn Character Portrait: Damien Fox
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“Don’t treat me like I’m some little kid who doesn't understand love.” She said, obviously irritated by what he'd said. “Firstly, running off to Vegas to tie the knot after only a few months of knowing someone doesn't exactly spell out love.” He winced a little on that one. He loved Jamie... Or at least he'd thought he had at the time. Lately, with all her baby talk, he just wasn't sure. It's like she'd changed after they'd married. “And, secondly you want to give me the excuse that you left because she was like a mother to you…she WAS my mother and your forgetting one small fact D, I was there. If you or anyone only knew what they did too me that night...” He looked over at her, catching the tears on her cheeks, and was hit harshly by them more than her words. She was there that night, and they'd scared her internally, and externally, then he'd just left her. He should have stayed behind for her and her father.

“You just don’t get it do you. You have a family who loves you, my dad might as well be you biological father. He talks about you like you’re a saint.” He caught a hint of envy in her voice. “Stop running, you have nothing to run from. Your scars are internal, be thankful.”

The music filled the silence for a moment, and he turned to face her, gently wiping the tears from her cheeks. "I know you're not a little kid Nikota, but from what I can tell, you haven't been in love yet. That kid Dustin doesn't count." He shook his head. "Maybe you're right, maybe I haven't been in love yet either. And I should have stayed for you guys. I've regretted leaving every day of my life." He sighed softly, knowing that his words wouldn't make up for what he'd done, but hoping maybe they would help. At least a little.

"And I respect your father more than anyone. I'd die for him. He changed my life Kota," he said, using his old nickname for her. "I'm not running from him, I'm..." He hesitated. What was it he was doing? "I'm trying to find out a way to pay him back. For everything he's done for me."

The sound of someone clearing their throat behind him, made Damien turn. Instantly, he took Niki's cigarette from her hand and threw his on the ground so it would look like he was the one smoking. Not her. It was Jamie.

"Diner's ready baby." She said with a smile, coming over and kissing him right on the lips. He felt a little bad, though he wasn't sure why. She was his wife right? He should be able to kiss her when he wanted and not feel guilty. Nevertheless, he did for some reason. "I knew you'd be out here." She said when she pulled away. "I'm so sorry for fighting earlier, but I have some big news, and I want to announce it to everyone at diner." She then looked at Nikota as though realizing she was there for the first time. "Come one honey, let's eat." She said turning away, tugging at Damien's hand, so he followed her into the house.

At the table were Mr. & Mrs. D'Angelo, Olive, Kitty coming down the stairs, and... Jessie? He couldn't keep the shocked expression from his face. Why was he back? Damien had never totally hated the kid. He'd actually kind of like him, he'd reminded him somewhat of himself when he was younger, but he hadn't like what he'd done to Kit. "Well that explains the yelling." He said as he sat in his seat next to his wife.



“I can’t wait, as long as you’re there to keep me company hell sounds like a dream.” He said, shooting her a lazy kiss. She simply rolled her eyes. “Actually working, ha, doubt it. D’s got my back. You seem to be the only one who doesn't like me, well you and drama queen, but she doesn't count.”

She actually smiled at that one. He'd never really liked Niki, and he was always making fun of her. When it got really bad, Kit would step up and shut him up, but him standing here making fun of his step-sister reminded her so much of how they used to be, she couldn't help but chuckle a little bit, ignoring that part of her that was irritated at his cockiness, and giving into the part that liked his sarcasm.

She looked him over for things that were different since she'd lest seen him, and that was when she saw it. The tattoo on his hand reading: Kitten. She let her eyes glaze past it as though she hadn't seen it, but she was startled. That wasn't there when they were dating, meaning he had to have gotten it after he left. She struggled between happiness and fear. What if he still had feelings for her?

“Hiya…er sorry for interrupting.” A voice behind her made her cringe. She knew who it belonged to. Olive. The bimbo her mother had hired. “Jamie told me to come upstairs and grab you two love birds, dinners ready.” Kitty turned and glared at Olive's all-too-kind smile. She hated the girl. Stupid people who couldn't think for themselves and were too dense to recognize sarcasm annoyed the living hell out of her.

“Hey cupcake, aren't you a pretty thing?” Jessie said from behind her, making Kitty hate her all the more. “Love birds, ha, that’s funny.” He closed the door and pushed past her, heading down the stairs after Olive before stopping to look at her again. “Hey babe, you coming or what?”

Her eyes flashed angrliy, and she was about to yell at him for calling her babe when he turned away and continued down the stairs so she just groaned and followed after him, taking a seat aggressively at the table, glaring at Jessie and Olive as Jamie passed out food and said that she and Damien had a big announcement to make once everyone started eating.