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Snippet #2447348

located in United States of America, a part of Marvel's: The Order, one of the many universes on RPG.

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“ls that your grand theory, then?” She had moved on to her third steak and fifth glass, this time downing the vodka. Astrid wasn't exactly the kind of girl who ate salads and drank water in public so people would think she was classy. The girl went through food and alcohol like a fish went through water “That's what it all boils down to?” She gave a coy smile as she set her glass down, the liquid burning the linings of her stomach, warming her chest, and making her throat and head tingle. “Please, elaborate on this....notion. I'd absolutely love to hear how you came. To your conclusion.” She had to pause for a minute, shaking her head as she downed an entire glass of straight vodka. Her eyes fell upon her brother and his two companions and she could already tell that he wasn't happy She could also tell that both Lina and Azzy were both going to shake her down for information later on. What would she tell them? What was there to tell? Loki was doing well...that was all. How did they expect him to become more humane if he was treated like a criminal? Like an animal? She sighed through her nose before placing her fingers against her necklace She felt somehow that as she became closer to Loki, she was becoming closer to her mother as well. But those thoughts were quickly pushed from her mind She would remain devoted to her current muse — Which was helping Loki ascend to the throne of Asgard as a worthy King.

Warren had dropped the teasing for a little while, taking a bite out of the buffalo wings delivered to the table. “I have known Captain Howlett for many years. If I remember correctly, it is near seventeen We were in the Dragon Brigade together.” He quickly stopped right after mentioning the brigade, both he and Lina exchanging glances. The Dragon Brigade was not something that Orfelina talked about at all. Ever. Not even to her father. It wasn't that she had done things that she wasn't proud of. But it was those seventeen years that were hell on her. She couldn't count on all of her fingers and toes how many times she had been shot in the head, blown up by a grenade or lED, and pushed off of a cliff. She had died more time than she could remember and it wasn't exactly something that she brought up in polite conversation. Warren knew that she didn't want to talk about it and immediately muttered an apology. He diverted his glance only to catch the sight that the other two had already noticed earlier. His eyes narrowed and he gave a snort. “Can you believe that the government is going to give him a pardon if he "reforms" within one year?” He watched as Loki took shots with Astrid, her every smile and giggle making his blood boil “Pieces of shit like him do not deserve such chances. People like him do not change. He should be publicly executed as a warning to all other stupid fuckheads who would try to take over this world!”

His voice became a snarl and Lina had to grab his arm front across the table, narrowing her eyes “You're no saint yourself.” Warren had done things. Maybe not as bad as Loki, but there was red in his ledger too. The Ukrainian ripped his arm from Orfelina's hold and took seven more shots of the bourbon in front of him. “With all due respect, Captain. Do not dare to compare me against that monster.” He leaped up from his seat and marched over to Astrid's table. Astrid looked up and lifted a brow. She was buzzing hard, her body giving off a brighter glow than usual as she suppressed a giggle. “Can I help you?” She downed another shot coupled with a few crunchy fries. Her eyes narrowed as his muscles twitched before he curled his hand into a fist and swung towards Loki's face. Like a cobra strike, her own arm shot out and she grabbed Warren's thick wrist. “You're really killing my buzz. Get lost before I break your arm.”, she hissed at him with dangerously narrow eyes. Before Ásbjorn or Lina could make it over to the table, Warren cocked back his other fist and slammed it into Astrid's face, successfully breaking her nose. “Fuck!” He didn't just break her nose. His punch dove her through the wall and right out into the alley behind the diner. “Warren! Stop it!” Orfelina cried out above the screaming of the other patrons who were either breaking out their phones or running away and taking the opportunity to skip out on paying their tab. Warren shoved Orfelina out of the way and swung at Ásbjorn as Astrid staggered in through the rubble.

“This man does not deserve life! l dedicate my life to killing fucks like him! Captain, what happened to you? Huh? The Captain I know would never stand for this! To watch him walk around a free man, suffering no consequence! Before this night is over, I will kill him. If you or his whore or your lover get in my way, I kill you all with him.” This was exactly why Orfelina had not spoken to him in so many years. He was wild and reckless and bloodthirsty to boot. “Who the fuck. Are you calling a whore?” Astrid stumbled towards him, her body glowing red. Warren disregarded her as he pulled a knife from his boot and turned towards Loki. “I'm not done with you! Don't. Fucking! TOUCH HIM!!” Her voice rose considerably, taking on a dangerous tone as she looked at him through blurry vision. “Stay out of my way, Ásbjorn! You too, Lina! He's mine!”

She warded off her brother and friend lunging at the large man who turned with ease, jamming the knife into her abdomen. Were he a normal human, the knife wouldn't have made it two inches through her thick flesh and muscle tissues. However, that was not the case with this man of immense strength. It went straight through her down to the hilt. He gave it a few twists as she placed her hands against his face as though trying to push him away or claw his face off. Willing the light emanating from her hands to move faster and energize, she gave a cry of pain and frustration. There was a bright flash of rainbow light and a loud boom that sent Warren flying back and causing tables and booths to fly out of place. Warren was clutching at his face as the scent of charred flesh wafted in the air. The ambulance arrived just as Astrid began to sway, seeming to fall in slow motion towards the floor. The knife had gone deeper than the hilt and she could swear that the man had almost driven his fist into her. Perhaps his knuckles grazed one of her ribs. As her vision flickered, she could see Warren rising with a nearly healed face. What the fuck? No mutant outside of the Howlett family healed so fast...

Holy fuck.

“Warren! Stop acting like a child! This is none of your damn business! Everyone, get out! Ásbjorn, you help me until S.H.I.E.L.D. gets here. Loki, get Astrid outside somewhere safe! Tito...we'll write a check!” Orfelina immediately assumed command as everyone cleared out and she pushed the rubble off her body, moving to help Ásbjorn as Warren stumbled towards Loki and Astrid.

OOC: You can control Warren's action for your posts!