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Snippet #2447728

located in Etriny, a part of Dragons of Terra Firma, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Mirra walked through the courtyard garden; thoughts of a cycles gone by playing in her head. She was a child again dancing among the arcane energies that zipped through the air like fireflies. Her eyes filled with wonder and awe as she witnessed the magical sight. Merrin's Garden, it was once called. Merrin was a powerful Arcanist who spent his time in study and beautifying the man made world. "Nature is quite the artisan", he would say, "But arcanists are master craftsmen." Indeed he was; the garden that many in the castle enjoyed, worked on a perpetual cycle of arcane discipline. While it held every flower imaginable, it was the elemental flowers that really stood out.

Ember Flowers danced and flickered like the flames of a candle, while the Frost Flowers would send bursts of mist into the air that rained down upon the ground turning to frost. The winter scape was fleeting however, for the heat from the Ember Flowers would melt the frost turning it to water allowing the roots to absorb it and begin the process anew. Winding through this wonderland was a crystalline stream and small Lumin Wood bridges used for crossing. The source of this beautiful river could be said to be Merrin's greatest gift. Within the center of the garden stood the Starnight Fountain; a three tiered structure with water cascading down the the larger tiers below, the largest of the two being the bottom on. From here the water pooled into a small pond that branched out into the streams that wound through the garden. Placed around the fountain were benches for relaxing, there were fashioned from polished marble and shaped for comfort; they could seat two to three people.

Mirra walked across the bridges to the center of the garden, her light gown flowing in the ever present breeze. When she reached one of the benches she took a seat allowing the sound of the cascading water relax and sooth her body. She watched as a shooting star streaked across the surface of the fountain, her eyes following it till it disappeared around the bend. Starnight, she thought, what an appropriate name. The gem was said to mimic the night sky and one never knew what they see when gazing into the heavens.

"Lady Mirra, Her Majesty requests your presence."

A small sigh escaped her lips as whispered, "Just a little longer," to no one in particular, but duty called so it was back to the real and the sad state of affairs that plagued it.


The queen didn't look good when she arrived. Mirra had never seen her so tired weak. "You're Majesty!"

"Ah Mirra, help me to my room dear."

The queen's voice was feeble and barely a whisper. Mirra rushed over to her and called one of the aide's to help them. Carefully they guided the queen out of the throne room, down the hall, then up the stairs and finally to her bed chamber. When the the queen was laying comfortably upon the bed, the aide was dismissed. "Are you alright?"

Lynova smiled weakly. "Of course my dear. The distance and power needed was greater than I expected." Taking Mirra's hand she gave it a weak squeeze. "He has succeeded, as I knew he would. I envy you. You are a lucky woman; for he has eyes you and you alone. There was a time ...when I wanted those eyes to look at me; my child of winter, my perfect weapon. Oh how I would give you my all."

Bewilderment crossed Mirra's features. "How could a mother speak of her son in that way? "You're Majesty!?"

As if nothing had happened the queen smiled. "You were in the garden again."

"You're Majesty are you alright?"

"Of course my dear. Why?"

"It's just... You were saying some disturbing things."

"I'm sorry if I frightened you." The queen was silent a moment then said. "You were in the garden again."

Cupping her hands around the the queen's Mirra resigned. "Yes You're Majesty. I was in the garden."

The weak smiled returned. "You should take him there when he returns. Offer yourself to him. You two deserve a final night together." On the final word the queen slipped into oblivion, leaving Mirra both frightened and perplexed at what had just transpired. She was deeply worried about her friend's well being, but equally troubled by the words spoken in her delirium.


Dalmar observed the rubble around him, black stone that mimicked the night sky was also peeking out though the rubble; the Starnight that protected the wall from arcane onslaught, but he was puzzled by the amount of metal amongst the stone debris. Placing his hand over his chin he thought about what this meant. Turning to observe the crowd he finally spoke. "What kind of structure was built along this wall?"

A man in fine linens stepped forward. His posture was strong and erect, a man of authority and means given his rotund physique. "Scaffolding, My Lord."

Placing his hands behinds his back he walked with casually over to the finely dressed man. "Scaffolding, you say? For what purpose was this built?"

"Maintenance M'Lord. For the up keep of the wall."

"I see. You had scaffolding built to keep the wall in proper condition. Tell me...


"MR. Henfield, what do you know of arcane structures?"

"I know that they are the masterwork of Master Arcanists. They are eternal. They will not wither or fade. They are pristine."

"Very good." Dalmar said, as he paced around the prideful man. "And the wall of this great city?"

"It was one of the finest." Realization hit Mr. Henfield too late, beads of sweat began to form upon his brow.

"What is your profession Mr. Henfield?"


The silver haired knight smiled and began to chuckle. "A legal thief. I might have known. Taxes were collected for this maintenance?"

"Aye sir." Henfield's shoulders slumped forward and his tone no longer rang with pride.

Leaning in close to the now nervous round man Dalmar spoke softly. "You and I both know this was a false tax. Since no work was being done, where did the money go? To your fine linens and lavish life style perhaps?"

Now fidgeting vigorously with is hands, the burgomaster stammered out, "Partly."

"And the rest?"

Lips quivering, sweat sliding down his face, the man looked with tearful eyes toward the people. "Beneath the floorboards ...of my house." Falling to his knees he begged for their forgiveness. "I'm sorry, truly I am!"

Stepping back from the man Dalmar addressed the crowd as he drew his sword. "I find the selfishness of this city appalling, but this man offends me the most. He has stolen from his own people, you are no longer just citizens of Tonule. You are citizens of the Kingdom of Etriny and the queen will not tolerate theft from her people. We have few laws, but the laws we do have are absolute. The penalty for stealing from the Queen's people is death." With swiftness and precision Mr. Henfield's head was removed from his body. With the deed finished the Dark Lord turned his attention to the governor.

Louis swallowed hard when the silver eyes of their conqueror focused on him. This was it he thought, this was how he was going to die. When the Dark Lord spoke he could barely hear him over the sound of pounding heart. Words like 'failure, arrogant bled through the pulsing in his ears, but the phrase "You took for granted that which protected you." rang true. His fathers words, the family motto came haunting back. His knees buckled and he fell prostrate upon the ground. "Please.."

"Don't grovel to me governor. It is not me you have wronged." Pointing to the gathered people, he said; "They are the ones you should be groveling to. Your fate is in their hands" Addressing the mod; "This man's fate is in your hands. You may strip him of his title, where he will live out the rest of his days as a common man, or you can give him a second chance. Doing so will make him Regent of Tonule, with all the privileges that come with such a title. What say you?"


"The Millennial Fortress has fallen. Soon the blood of the father will stain the ground. Call your Champions. The last stronghold of Man must be defended; for if it falls...We fall."