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Snippet #2454640

located in Phyrexian Grassland, a part of The Garden: An Arcadian Boneyard, one of the many universes on RPG.

Phyrexian Grassland

Vast plains of grass and large fields were the norm at one point here near Kerris, but after a game with a Demon Lord the Phyrexian Grasslands are withered and barren waste-lands devoid of all but a tiny almost village area home to The Nameless.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: NPC Sheet Character Portrait: Aera Kirishima Character Portrait: Seriene Arvor Character Portrait: Pravus the Grave Tender
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The ogre the priestess was standing upon, stepped back in surprise as the muddied gravedigger emerged from the melee, tapping Seriene's hoof to draw her attention down, shouting over the sounds of battle questioningly in her alien tongue, blinking at the sight of the wounded warrior girl, patting the side of the ogre's head and motioning for it to put her down on the ground, the large creature complying with a quiet grunt, placing her down on the ground as gently as it could.
The slender priestess ran her luminescent eyes over the girl, clutching her staff tightly in one hand while hovering her hand over the various wounds and breaks in her small body, shifting her ear close to the girl's mouth to check for breathing and tapping her fingers against her neck for a pulse, chewing the corner of her lip in quiet concern.
The Draenei spoke to the mud streaked man before shaking her head and hitting the side of her head with a palm, remembering that no one could understand her, simply sighing and grasping her staff in front of her, the hooded figure of the staff's head facing towards the girl as Seriene took a deep breath and squared her shoulders, channeling a spell, muttering a prayer in an alien tongue, bluish white light wreathing her body as her shoulder plates flared up in light, blue ethereal feathers arching out of the metal protrusions and an ethereal halo forming about her head as she opened her eyes and exhaled, a small pillar and swirl of light engulfing the girl's body, as life and energy was thrust into her form, sealing her more severe wounds and fading much of her bruising.
The priestess exhaled then shouted in surprise as the gravedigger bolted off, looking rather displeased as she caught the still limp body, huffing and looking up at her unlikely companion pleadingly, the ogre shrugging and picking up the girl, carefully cradling her while Seriene casted a lesser heal to further stabilize the girl and hopefully put more energy into her.

However Seriene flinched as her keen ears picked up a sickening crunch from somewhere behind her, turning then looking up to see the animal eared woman rag doll through the air above her and her ogreish friend, her limp body thudding and rolling brokenly along the ground.
The priestess flinched and cringed at what must have been an agonizing fall, if the lady were conscious that is. She looked behind herself to see where the woman had been launched from to no particular avail.
Grunting in frustration and concern for the strange female's well being she patted her ogre companion's hand to get his attention before pointing towards the downed woman, the creature nodding in understanding and giving the girl in his arms a gentle rock, conveying he'd keep her safe while she was unconscious, Seriene giving him an awkward smile and thanking him, even though the tall muscly being had no idea what she was saying.
The agent of the Light ducked and weaved between the Nameless' forces, making a beeline for the fallen woman, emerging from the crowd with a gasp, sprinting towards the pile of rubble and the woman's broken form, her robes flapping about her legs. She cursed as she almost tripped as she neared the body, cursing and figuring that her battle-priest raiments were a little less practical than first thought and could probably use some modifications.
Seriene pushed aside her idle thoughts as she came up to the body of the woman, digging her hooves into the ground and groaning at the strain as she pushed aside the larger bits of rubble resting on the lady, sweat beading out from under her hair at the physical exertion, as small an exertion as it really was.
She huffed as she uncovered the woman, thanking the stars above that the larger shards of ice had mostly missed her or had been shattered into more manageable pieces though the strain had stolen her breath from her and she gasped to catch it once more.

Seriene grimaced at the state the black clad woman was in, wincing at the way her arms and body was bent, she kneeled beside her and placed two fingers at her neck, feeling nothing and cursing, she leaned closer, moving her ear near her mouth, unable to tell if she was breathing or if it was just the wind brushing past her. The priestess gave a rather heinous curse in her native tongue before doing her best to carefully lay the woman on her back, wincing and cringing almost in pain herself from the sound of broken bones within her body.
The draenei placed her ear to the broken woman's chest, ignoring the decidedly lewd nature of her actions for the greater good, closing her eyes and listening for a heart-beat, gasping and biting her lip at the faintest of thumps, silently thanking the Naaru for their kindness.
Seriene steeled herself as she was not looking forward in the slightest to what she was about to do. Silently asking the unconscious woman on deaths door for forgiveness she carefully but firmly bent her body and arms back into shape, realigning her pelvis and arms with the rest of her body, throwing up a little in her mouth at the sound of popping and grinding bone.
Once the woman was laying flat on her back, her bruised and shattered body looking mostly normal she began her spells of healing, tapping into the relatively new payer of Renew, hoping that by the Light's grace she could save this lady from Death's embrace, her eyes glowing brightly as her clenched hands light up with golden light, her breath quickening as she opened her hands and turned her palms over the dying woman, the holy light and energies engulfing her bodies as her bones reset themselves and her flesh knit itself together at an inhuman pace.
Seriene gasped and was forced to hold herself up on her hands as her strength was drained from her body, a considerable reserve of her strength taken away for the sake of this woman she didn't even know...
"At least I'm being useful..." was all she could think to herself as she staggered to her hooves, looking about carefully, partly hiding behind the shattered stone and ice and waiting for the woman to come to her senses while Renew ran its course through her body, hoping nothing came to kill her or undo her work.