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Snippet #2521470

located in West Coast, a part of Ride or Die, one of the many universes on RPG.

West Coast



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Character Portrait: Jayden Delgado Character Portrait: Harley Delgado Character Portrait: Benjamin Bones Character Portrait: Elijah Youngblood
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"Oh really? You didn't seem to think that last night." her jaw clenched but she just continued to walk and even quickened her pace but she doubted sheā€™d get away. "You jumped right into bed with me baby." He spat grabbing her arm roughly and spinning her to face him, he held her tight enough she had to fight back a wince, somehow no matter how much sheā€™d built her walls up his words could still cut her like a knife.

"Your brothers and that stupid fiancĆ© of yours are the ones who were trying to hunt me down and kill me. I couldn't just break up with you or leave you, I had to fucking disappear Harley. I had to do what I did if I wanted to live." He yanked her close, but she turned her head to the side because she didnā€™t want to look at him. "I fucked up, I get that. But I apologized didn't I? I'm genuinely sorry Harley." His smirked pissed her off and if he hadnā€™t have been holding her so tightly she would have easily punched him again to shut him up because she didnā€™t want to hear what he was saying. "What do you think would happen if your gang found out I was still alive huh? You think they'd be sorry, or do you think they'd come right back after me and try to finish me for real this time before you found out?" He spat holding up her engagement ring for both of them to see. "That's who you're going to marry?" he hissed and it was like a stab to her gut, like he thought she had a choice. He released her, but she couldnā€™t move.

It was utterly frustrating, there was nothing she could do, because she was her fatherā€™s daughter everything inside of her wanted to hate him, she wanted to be the one to kill him for good, because of what his gang had done to her and the hell heā€™d put her through. But, she loved him so much she could barely breath without him so the thought of killing him even though thatā€™s what she knew she should do, was agonizing. Then there was the thought, that he might not even love her, he was his fatherā€™s son and as much as she wanted to believe that he loved her, it would be easy for him to come back into her life and they turn around and betray her.

"Get your ass out of here before you get killed or raped Harley. You're in Blood territory, so why don't you turn around, walk your ass back to safety, and call your precious fiancƩ to come get you?" he shrugged and turned away from her headed back to her house. Watching him walk was painful and she wanted to stop him, because watching him walk away was a painful reminder that he never be able to just stay and she was sick of living that way.

ā€œI swear to fucking God if you walk away, itā€™s over!ā€ She screamed after him, she was sick of goodbyes and people walking away from her, whether it was for a short time or forever, people were always walking in and out of her life, like she meant nothing. When he kept walking, she could feel herself losing it. He was leaving her there in Bloods territory like he didnā€™t care and it was killing her. ā€œYouā€™re going to regret this.ā€ She breathed like he could hear her, even though she knew he couldnā€™t but she couldnā€™t bring herself to scream.

Pissing Harley off was one thing, when she was out for revenge that was a whole other monster. She didnā€™t think, she just did. She turned then and head back to the police station, just as Dean was coming out of the station and he raised a brow, but gestured for her to get in the car and she didnā€™t hesitate.

ā€œTake me home.ā€ She said holding his eyes and he looked confused. ā€œTo your place.ā€ She smirked.


Eli wasnā€™t trying to flirt with the girl, she was marked and heā€™d seen her before. She was in hiding that much was obvious. She cut her long hair into a pixie cut and dyed her natural blond hair jet black, but heā€™d recognize that face anywhere. She was Bobby Garciaā€™s girl, not that he was faithful to her or very good to her, but theyā€™d been together for as long as Eli could remember every time theyā€™d gotten in fights sheā€™d been there by his side. He Smirked because he realized that she didnā€™t recognize him. Jaydon kicked him hard under the table pulling him out of his thoughts.

"Just remembered, I'm allergic to cheese so this burger's no good." Eli raised a brow, realizing that Jade thought he was trying to fuck the girl. "I'm going to go ahead and do some shopping. You two have fun, don't get her pregnant alright Eli?" He rolled his eyes, but he didnā€™t bother to stop her, even though he was fairly certain he should. "That'd be a little awkward to explain to your wife." she spat causing the girl to pull away and he sighed.

He ran his fingers through his hair, debating on how he should go after. In the end he end up staying and waiting for the waitress to slip into the bathroom and he followed after her. He seduced her into fucking him, while heā€™d set up his phone to film part of it. After they were finished he killed her and left her there, slipping out the bathroom window. He knew Jaxon would be pissed and heā€™d probably just pushed the bloods over the edge, but Bobby had been the one whoā€™d lead the Bloods to his house and killed his family.

He sent the video to everyone he knew, knowing it would get to Bobby and when it did, Bobby would come looking for him and heā€™d be ready. He hopped on his bike and headed to find Jaydon. Which wasnā€™t too hard, heā€™d managed to find her in one of the stores.

ā€œYou ready to go babe?ā€ he said walking up behind her.