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Snippet #2525283

located in Republic City, a part of Republic City Nights, one of the many universes on RPG.

Republic City



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Character Portrait: Fang Xun Character Portrait: Haki Soen
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It was time.

They were not especially adept at stealth, but any further progress would take them longer than they had to prepare themselves anyway. Fang knew that the day when Amon took away the bending of the Councilman and the two members of the Pygmy Pumas drew near. They would not be held indefinitely, and it was therefore important that his friends had all the information they could getā€¦ and some of that information could only come from him.

Which explained what he was currently doing outside of Hakiā€™s residence. He knew that his friend had a connection on the Council, and Fang would need that connection now, for anyone to have any chance of doing something before time ran out. If he took his information directly to the police, it would take far too long to ascend the channelsā€”Republic City law enforcement was not known for the quickest action, and if they were to have a hope of rescuing Daichi and Ying, they would need to be quick. So first, this, and then perhaps a repeat before a Councilman. He was not looking forward to facing the consequences of his actions, but he had decided that he deserved to, and he would. For their sake, if no one elseā€™s. Because he cared enough about them to do the right thing. Because he cared enough in general to do the right thing, even if it meant breaking a promise he had faithfully kept for so long it had made him more machine than man. For them, for the world they deserved, he would face his crimes, and endure their punishment, whatever it may be.

Fang raised his knuckles, and knocked on Hakiā€™s door.

Haki lay on his couch, arm draped over his eyes as half of his upper body dangled from the furniture. The last few days had taken an exceptional toll upon him. Between balancing his connection with Shun, and training with Fang and the others, it was starting to wear on him a little. If the dark circles underneath his eyes were anything to go by, then the way his hair, usually pristine and well kept, was a little coarse and shaggy. He breathed a heavy sigh, resting his free arm across his abdomen and allowed the steady rhythm of the wind chimes outside, lull him into a light slumber. It was, however, disturbed the moment a knock echoed through his apartment.

"Coming," he half groaned out, swinging his legs around before picking himself up. Slowly, almost begrudgingly, he dragged his feet along the floor, reaching the door and laid a hand against the frame. He was taking a temporary guess at who it could possibly be, and with a face in mind, he opened the door. "And I was wrong, I thought you were Lotus," he spoke, blinking in a confused manner as he glanced at Fang. He moved to the side, allowing the slightly taller man inside of his home. Once he was in, Haki shut the door behind him, closing his eyes momentarily and turning to properly greet the male.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" he questioned, quirking his brow up in slight confusion. They were not going after Ying and Daichi quite yet. Today had been one of the rare off days, and he knew Fang was not here to chat. He wasn't the sort.

The question managed to compress Fangā€™s lips into a thin line, and he nodded towards the living room. It wasā€¦ quite a long story, so perhaps it would be best if they were seated for it. Once heā€™d settled himself on the floor, his back up against an armchair, Fang looked down at this hands for a moment. They were nicked and scarred in several places from weapons practice, especially when he was a child. The pads of them were not soft, but roughened over and callused, the product of many years of using them on the hilts of swords and elements of architecture, to pull himself up and around, climb buildings, and suchlike. Would they go soft if he was never able to do any of those things again? The thought sat ill with him. But then, if this had been an easy thing to do, heā€™d have done it a long time ago.

Putting the words together the way he wanted them, he sighed through his nose and turned to look over at Haki. ā€œI have some information for you, information that I suspect your Council contact will want to hear. Specifically, I can point out on a map ten different Equalist hideouts, as well as the most likely date and time for when Amon plans to take away the bending of Councilman Shao, Daichi, and Ying. If I give it to you, can you guarantee me it will reach the Shun directly and as soon as possible?ā€

Haki was at a loss of words. What was going on? Why would Fang have information like that to begin with? He gave his friend a confused look, and contemplated on what he was saying. Why would he want the information given to Shun quickly? He took a deep breath, sitting in his couch and placing his head in his hands. He couldn't exactly promise something like that, getting the information to Shun quickly, but he could at least try. Besides, he was scheduled to meet the councilman later today, maybe that would be the best time, assuming Fang told him the rest.

"Fang, what have you gotten yourself into?" he questioned, glancing over towards the airbender. His brows were furrowed, and his lips were pulled down into a deep frown. Shaking his head, he cleared his throat and tried again. "Never mind that, I plan on meeting with the councilman later today," he stated, turning his attention outside the window for a moment. "Would that be quick enough for you?" he asked, glancing back towards Fang. It would be as good as any promise, and it was perfect timing, perhaps.

Fang nodded. He was certain that would be adequate. ā€œNothing I wasnā€™t involved with long before I met any of you,ā€ Fang admitted quietly. ā€œThe reason I know so much about the Equalists is really rather simple: I am one. Or was. I suppose I will no longer be one when I am in prison or hanged.ā€ Execution for his crimes was not the most likely option, but it was certainly a possibility, one he would accept like any of the others. He did not want to die, but he was willing to do so if it meant atonement. ā€œI intend to turn myself in to the police this afternoon, but if I waited until then to say everything that I know, it would be too late to be useful. The Equalists move bases often, so that they are not found.ā€

ā€œI believe that I know where they are keeping their prisoners currently, though I cannot say with absolute certainty. It was notā€¦ required knowledge, for what I do, and if I had asked, I suspect Amon would have become suspicious.ā€ And tried to pull him back into the fold, no doubtā€¦ but not before having the prisoners moved. None of those were chances he could afford to take. He described the location to Haki briefly, along with when and where he expected the process of removing their bending would take place. ā€œAmon tends to draw a crowdā€”it should not be too difficult to infiltrate, but stopping one in progress would put you against more Equalists than the three of you could handle. If the Council can arrange something, it is feasibleā€¦ but otherwise, you are best off attempting to gain access to the prison without being seen, and break them out that way.ā€

He had thus far studiously avoided the topic of his own involvement with the Equalists, wanted to get all the necessary information out first, but now that he was done with the essentials, he fully expected questions, and resolved that, at least this once, he would answer anything he was asked as truthfully as he was able. He had been lying by omission for so very long that it was a habit by this point, but it was one he would not indulge right now. Not here, not to his friend.

Not anymore.

That was a bit of a revelation. Fang... was an Equalist? "That explains your answer to my question," Haki spoke casually, referring to the day the two of them went out for tea leaves. When Fang had lost his apartment and was still living with Haki at the time, and he shifted in his spot. Haki cringed slightly when Fang spoke of his potential punishments. He would be put in a cell, that was a given since he was an Equalist, but depending on the severity of his crimes, he wouldn't be hanged. He listened to Fang speak, telling him about the locations, a bit of what Amon did, but nothing of who Amon was. He also did not speak of his involvement with the Equalists, which Haki found a trifle odd. If he was an Equalist, surely he must have done some things.

"What exactly was your job?" he found himself inquiring. He didn't know why, but he felt that the more information he had, at least about Fang, the more he could help with Fang's sentencing. Perhaps not so much as he would like to have, like getting his crimes dismissed since he was, after all, helping them find the kidnapped benders, and councilman Shao. If they could save them before Amon stripped them of their bending, then maybe he could get the sentences dismissed, though not without help from Shun, of course. Haki was never one for using his position to help out with things of that nature, however; Fang was his friend. He could see why some people used their connections.

"Does anyone even know who Amon is?" he inquired further. He wasn't sure what that information would have a relevance to, however; if they knew who he was, perhaps it could help them dig into Amon's history to find out why he chose to do what he was doing. Perhaps... he had family they could use to try and persuade him to release the benders, and to put an end to this madness. He highly doubted it would work.

ā€œI killed people, Haki,ā€ was Fangā€™s muted reply. He looked dead into the other manā€™s eyes for a moment, then shook his head slightly. ā€œCorrupt politicians, yes, human traffickers, yes, but people all the same.ā€ He pushed a breath through his nose, then shook his head slightly. ā€œNobody knows who Amon is, not even I. He is masked even in our presence, his disguise never removed. Truthfully, I only say he because it saves needing to mention every time that I am unsure of the correct pronoun.ā€ There was certainly a chance that Amon was female; Fang had never dismissed that possibility, but the Amon persona and name were both masculine in some sense, anyway. But who knew?

ā€œDo not make any attempt to help me. I have done terrible things; it is time I paid for that.ā€ He stood smoothly, rising to his feet fluidly and without hitch. His time as a free person was measured now not even in hours. For a moment, he contemplated going to see the other twoā€¦ or to see her specifically, but that would be unfair of him. Unfair to her, and perhaps even a little bit unfair to himself. Punishment he deserved, but that would be a little like torture. ā€œIt is also time that other people stopped paying in my place. I have done what I am ableā€”you have everything you need to get them back, if Councilman Shun will hear you.ā€

He paused for a moment, almost lost in thought, but he shook himself out of it. ā€œThis is, I expect, farewell. Pleaseā€¦ look after them.ā€ He knew they were not the kind of women who generally required looking after, and in truth, they probably took better care of himself and Haki than the other way around, but there was a silent request underneath the voiced one. Please tell them of me, so that they do not hear from someone else first. It wasnā€™t much, but it would be enough.

Haki was, once again, at a loss of words. Fang killed people. There was no question about it. It was a fact, one that was going to cost Fang dearly when he turned himself in. He made to speak to Fang, however; the statement the man provided caused Haki to close his mouth, a frown etching upon his features. He released a heavy breath, standing in response to Fang, and glanced at the airbender. He did not want his help, and he didn't want him to make that attempt. But Haki was not going to let his friend rot away in a cell. He might have done unforgivable things, and for a moment, he wondered how the other two would take the news. He was certain that Rika would not handle the news well... at all.

To know that she felt something for someone who had blood on his hands, it would probably devastate her. And knowing her, she would try everything she could to help him. It almost brought a sad smile to his face. He couldn't say for sure how Kiara would react. Perhaps she would feel hurt, or betrayed somehow, or perhaps she would take it as Rika probably would. He could not say for either of them, and his eyes softened. "Turtle-Duck and Lotus... I do not know how they will react to it, and I cannot guarantee it will be anything pleasant," he spoke, pausing momentarily to gather the rest of his thoughts.

"But I assure you, it will be they who will be looking after us," he replied, a small smile appearing on his face, and yet, it did not fully reach him. How could he smile knowing his friend was going to put himself on death row?

Fang disagreed, but nodded slightly anyway. There would be nobody looking after him anymore, and that was the way things needed to be. ā€œWhatever their reactions are, let them have them.ā€ He did not need defendingā€”there was nothing to defend. The stark fact of the matter was that he had killed eight people in the service of the Equalists. Perhaps, if history saw him kindly, it would see him as a soldier rather than a murderer. Deaths in war tended to be forgiven, at least to a point. Fang, though, didnā€™t feel that there was much of a difference, even if his cause was much like a war. Even if it was just, in a way. Whether he was redeemable or unforgiveable was not for him to decide. Nor even, indeed, for them, though their opinions were perhaps the only ones that mattered to him anymore.

He wished that they would remember him for whatever worth heā€™d had as a friend, rather than the rest of it. But he did not deserve to hope for such a thing, and so he did not. Turning, he departed Hakiā€™s home and made his way over the roofs of Republic City until he stood in front of the police building. With a long inhale, he took in his last breath of fresh air for what might be forever, and strode into the headquarters.