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Snippet #2526954

located in Republic City, a part of Republic City Nights, one of the many universes on RPG.

Republic City



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Character Portrait: Rika Hakujou Character Portrait: Kiara Kita Character Portrait: Haki Soen
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Kiara, most unusually for being around her friends, was speechless. Haki had called them all together, she had assumed just for some additional stealth practice or maybe even probending—though they hadn’t been doing much of that lately with everything else going on—but when they’d arrived, he’d instead proceeded to tell them everything about Fang and the Equalists, and now, she found that she simply didn’t know what to say. Apparently, he’d turned himself in the day before and now sat in prison, awaiting trial. The death sentence was a very real possibility, and she felt a slow chill creeping up her spine.

She might not have been the most perceptive person, but she had the feeling that, somehow, he had done this for them, because of them. Kiara wrung her hands together, shifting uncomfortably in her seat before pulling her legs up underneath her. Her fingers clenched tightly over her ankles. He’d killed people. Fang was an assassin for the Equalists. She knew that was bad, in the abstract. She knew it was something he should not have done, no matter what kind of people they were. But
 didn’t soldiers do the very same thing in wars? Wasn’t this conflict basically the same as a war? Why should he be arrested for fighting a war when probably the Council would have had Equalist leaders killed just the same way if they knew how to find them? It wasn’t that she thought he was justified, she just
 didn’t really think it was about him.

More than that
 she thought that, whatever he had done, he was a good person. He was her friend, and maybe that biased her, but she could not shake the thought that the one thing that bothered her most was that he might die for choosing to do the right thing, after having chosen to do the wrong thing before. How was that fair? If he’d kept his secret, he wouldn’t be in prison. That had to count for something

It was all very confusing, and more than anything, she just wanted it to not be true. She wanted him to walk in the door, still wearing that blank face of his, and declare it had all been some kind of elaborate ruse. She wanted her friend back. “What—” her voice failed, and she licked her lips before she tried again. “What should we do?”

Rika stared in no particular direction. Her eyes were glazed over, all thought completely void and gone from her. Haki had called them, her and Kiara, to discuss something. At first, she didn't know what to believe, thinking he was playing a hoax on her and trying to bait them. But then again, Fang never really joked around. He wasn't a serious person, but she didn't believe he was capable of joking around like Haki was. He... killed people, for the Equalists. He was an Equalist. Why didn't he tell her? Perhaps, because something like that couldn't just be said, and some part of her knew that, however; it did not stop a dull ache from beating in her chest. He... was gone. He was in prison, perhaps on his way to death row for the blood that stained his hand, and Rika wasn't entirely sure what to feel.

She was angry with him, yes, but also scared. She was scared that she was going to lose him, and perhaps it was this thought that had blinded her. That, or she just didn't want to see the truth. For the first time in her life, she had felt something for someone, and she had been terrified of it at first. Terrified because she didn't know how to respond to it. She had never been in love before. Love? Where did that word come from? What did she know about being in love to begin with? Was it love that was blinding her to seeing the truth, and accepting it, or was love just blinding her? She was hurt, and she could feel tears threatening to fall, but she couldn't let them. She wouldn't. It wouldn't do her any good, nor would it stop the pain in her chest from continuing to drum against her ribcage.

The one thing, she realized, that hurt the most, was that she didn't even get a chance to tell him, or even say goodbye. He didn't come to her, to tell her, and that is what hurt her the most. Hearing it from someone else was just... it wasn't the same, and perhaps, a little voice in the back of her head was still trying to convince her that it wasn't true. She sighed into her knees, having sat on the floor instead, and tried not to let her tears loose. He could have told her, came to say goodbye, something. She would still be so angry with him, but at least it was he who had told her, not Haki. She needed to hear it from him, but now she may never get that chance. She wanted to go to the station, demand to see him and ask him herself if it was all true, but it would have been pointless.

"I... don't think there is anything we can do, Kiara," Rika finally spoke, her voice low and unusually solemn. "It was his decision to turn himself in, and for his crimes," she continued, choking back a sob as she tried to keep her resolve. "I don't think we can do anything for him now. We... we have to go after the people who were kidnapped, and if Fang gave Haki the information to their whereabouts, we... should use that to our advantage," she continued, however; even thinking about that finally caused the tears to fall, and she buried her head into her knees. Haki sighed softly and sat himself next to Rika.

"Come now, Lotus, you shouldn't say such things. There is a possibility they won't give him the death penalty. It's been a long time since they used it, and if anything, his confession might lighten the sentence," he spoke, rubbing his hand along her back in a soothing gesture. It only caused her to shake her shoulders harder. "I hate to say I agree with Lotus, but I don't think we have much choice. Fang chose to turn himself in, and as much as we would like our friend back, we have to find the benders first. Perhaps with their safe return, they might give him a few years," he had to, after all, try to stay optimistic about it, even if a heavy feeling was settling in his chest. He was only trying to fool himself.

Kiara swallowed thickly, biting down on her lip hard enough that she might well have bruised it, and nodded slowly. “I think
 he must have done it for us, at least in part. Did it so that we would know where they were, and be able to rescue them. It would be wrong of us not to use the chance he’s given us.” As she said it, she knew that she believed it. In some way, at least partly, Fang had done what he did for them. He’d turned himself in perhaps to try and make things right, but before that, he’d tracked down where the thought Ying and Daichi were being held, and he’d taught them what they would need to know to break them out. She for one wasn’t about to waste that opportunity.

“Maybe if we’re lucky, Councilman Shun will be able to send some other people to help us, but if not
 then we need to find some way into that crowd.” She couldn’t stand to sit around and do nothing, but she also knew that to allow herself to be overwhelmed, to try and do too many things at once, would be just as bad. She’d never succeed at any of them. So
 save Ying and Daichi and Shao first, and then figure out what to do about Fang after that. At the very least, they were all in agreement that their friends needed to be rescued, and so they made plans to meet that night and get into one of the Equalist rallies

Because they might be recognized without any form of disguise, the three of them dressed down for the event, and Kiara at least needed a hooded cloak. There weren’t too many Water Tribe members in Republic City still, and if anyone who knew probending looked closely enough at her, she would likely be recognized. She also wore a red scarf over her nose and mouth, and since a lot of the Equalists tended to conceal their faces, this didn't look too suspicious. They all entered separately, meeting up once inside. Pushing through to the front of the crowd, they were able to see Ying, Daichi, Shun, and a few other people tied to chairs on something like a stage. They were heavily guarded, each with no fewer than three Equalists standing around them, so trying to rescue them right away was out of the question.

They would have to wait until Amon took the stage. At her sides, Kiara’s hands curled into fists, and she spoke in a low voice to the other two beside her. “We’re going to need a really big distraction.” If they could make it look like there were many more benders trying to rescue the captives than there really were, they might be able to grab the prisoners and slip out in the chaos. The room they were in was an old factory, and there were copper pipes running along the walls and ceiling. She could feel that they were carrying water, and it gave her an idea.

“I can do that, but you guys are going to have to sneak over there and grab them before Amon gets to them.” They would need everything Fang taught them about being sneaky and unnoticeable and she
 she was going to need a tremendous amount of luck.

Rika remained quiet when Kiara spoke, only nodding her head. Even if he did it for them, it didn't matter to her. If he wanted to do it for them, then he would have told just them. Why did he have to turn himself in? She pushed the thoughts to the back of her mind, refusing to allow them to surface. She would hurt for his decision, but perhaps that was what came when she decided to be with him. They all had their secrets, perhaps some worse than others, but... isn't that what someone who loved you did? Didn't they forgive you, and accept you for that? She sighed, forcing a smile and shook her head. She would sort everything out when it was all over... if she got the chance to.

That night, Haki, Rika, and Kiara all met at the promised location, and stared at the large stage in front of them. Haki sighed softly, glancing at the benders tied to the chairs. He could see Ying's face, and a part of him still felt a little guilty for treating her the way he had. He would try to mend that once they were safely returned, however; his main priority was rescuing them. He glanced towards Kiara, nodding his head in agreement. He would leave the distraction to Kiara, and he spoke in a low voice. "Be careful, Kiara. If it becomes too much, do not try anything and just get out of here, alright? The same goes for you Lotus. We are here to try and help, not add more benders to the list of those kidnapped and taken," he spoke, nodding his head once before taking off to the right.

Rika sighed dejectedly, but nodded her head in compliance. She glanced towards Kiara, lacing her hand with the waterbender's and gave it a light squeeze. "Don't worry, Kiara. We'll get everyone safe and sound... everyone," she spoke before releasing Kiara's hand. She made her way to the left side. It seemed that a majority of the Equalists were on this side, perhaps where Amon would show up, and she inhaled a long breath. Everything they had learned over the last few weeks, she would need. Slowly, she removed her shoes, and placed her feet firmly on the ground. She'd be able to see better this way, and she would less likely make unwanted noises. She positioned herself in a corner, glancing to where Kiara was and waited for the waterbender's signal.

Kiara nodded firmly, blinking at Haki’s use of her actual first name. He never did that, really—but she brushed the thought aside. The situation was serious; he’d probably just forgotten at first. Clasping Rika’s hand, she gave a smile full of false confidence. The truth was, she was worried about what was going to happen, but she had faith in them. They’d pulled off a lot of things they shouldn’t have been able to already—and so she had to believe they’d be able to do this as well. Blending into the crowd, Kiara disappeared from sight, slowly flowing through the crowd to stand closer to the opposite end of the stage, where there were no hostages, but closer to the pipes.

It was only a few minutes later that Amon himself entered. Fang was right—he was covered from head to tow in clothing, and wore a mask. When he spoke, his voice was amplified by something, but came out oddly distorted, mechanical, almost. She assumed it was some kind of disguise as well. He stalked out into the middle of the stage, with a sort of catlike grace that reminded her, of all people, of Fang himself. Amon was shorter though, and more slender. Still probably taller than Kiara was, though.

“Concerned citizens, I welcome you.” Though distorted, the voice was impossible to misunderstand. Amon tilted his head slightly to the side, clasping his hands behind his back, as though contemplating the audience before him. “Your numbers increase, as more and more of you are pressed to seek you own justice where the benders would give you none. Your city is ruled by benders, policed by benders. The cult of celebrity worships those benders who can turn their abilities to mere sport, and forgets that it is you, it’s everyday, working citizens, upon whom each and every one of those entitled benders relies.”

There were general murmurs of assent, and Kiara recognized that this was her best chance to get in position. If she could avoid being noticed by Amon or the Equalist guards, she would be in good shape, because the crowd was totally enraptured by his speech. Slowly, she started to creep towards the stairs on the far side of the stage, eyeing the pipes in between glancing over her shoulder to make sure she wasn't being watched. “Their every comfort and every success is built upon your labor, your work, and your industry, and yet not one of you is ever thanked. Your money pays for their schools, the sweat of your brow furnishes their luxuries, but never are you given the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of your labor yourselves! And for what difference? An accident of birth?” Amon shook his head—Kiara was ducking own behind the side of the stage now.

“No. Not anymore. Not when such accidents can be erased. The way he said the words, low and menacing, sent a shiver up her spine. “And that is why you are here. Before you are symbols of everything the benders have done to you—taken your power—” he jerked Shao’s head up by his hair. “Your authority—” here he did the same thing to Daichi, before letting him go to slump back against the chair. “
and the luxury of fame and fortune.” Ying hissed in something between pain and anger when her face, too, was exposed to the crowd, most of whom recognized all of them without difficulty.

“No more.” Amon concluded in that same, dangerous voice. “No more will they have the thing that they claim makes them superior to you. Because even a gift from the gods can be taken away.”

“No!” The voice, easily recognizable to her friends, belonged to Kiara, and at the same time she shouted, the pipes around her burst, spraying water and steam onto the stage from behind her like the angry breath of some leviathan. “Whatever you think they’ve done, they don’t deserved to be kidnapped! They don’t deserve to live in fear of people like you, who won’t even show your face!” She prayed that Haki and Rika were already on the move, because the steam was already beginning to settle. She had a lot of water to work with, but the guards were already looking around for her, and she didn’t like her chances against so many.

“An interesting sentiment, when we cannot even see you,” Amon countered smoothly, and Kiara had to give him that much. Her disguise wasn’t of much use to her anyway. Dropping her hood, she pulled down the scarf that concealed the lower half of her face, the steam receding to the level of her knees.

“It doesn’t matter who I am,” she said, her voice clear and steady. She was drawing on basically everything her mother had ever taught her about maintaining her grace and dignity just to hide the fact that she was afraid. “What matters is that what you’re doing is only going to make things worse. You can’t hope to take away all the bending in the world, and for as long as you keep trying, you’re only hurting everyone else as well.” With a sweeping gesture, she picked up two large water whips and hovered them at her sides.

“Let them go.”

“See how they struggle to keep their power,” Amon spat, “as though being without it makes them lesser. As though we are lesser.” He motioned the guards forward, and they rushed Kiara, who swung the first water whip to keep them from getting too close. Hurry, guys