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Snippet #2564799

located in The Continent of Valnor, a part of Splendorum Animae, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Continent of Valnor



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Character Portrait: Lenore Ourania Character Portrait: Cyril Nishant Character Portrait: Calliope Khthonios Character Portrait: Apollyon
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"In this world of uncertainty and chaos, one who pretends and is not will prevail."

Basileus stood in front of a frame which carried a painting of two individuals. His eyes reflected sympathy and at the same time, yearning. For what? He could not even describe or hope to understand. The self-righteousness ambition of his mother was overwhelming for him in so many ways. Yet, he could not oppose her. He had always avoided conflict of any kind. It is his belief that such is the secret to a peaceful life. And, that is what he simply desired out of his existence. But, there will always be that one exemption to the rule.

This place had been his sanctuary in a sense. These hallways where various creations of artists preferred by the Royal Family or done by them personally would be displayed. It was very seldom to see anyone around as there had been haunting rumors floating about. Really, he finds it absurd for people to be scared of ghosts and spirits when they should be more fearful of what can be touch and what is in front of them. That is right. He does not fear what is yet to come for he instead fears what is quite known to him. Because, he could not do anything but succumb to its lore.


It was the perfect word to describe himself. So, he could not fathom why people see him as someone excellent or worthy of his title as the next Lord Pallas. Yet, he did not bother with it and let them do as they wished. They had their own minds and own aspirations. It would be a foolish chore to change it otherwise. Though, he would not mind to give counsel when needed. Speaking of which, he would definitely require a sympathetic ear for his own plights. And, he finds that in the painting before him which was rather emphasized than the others beside it. "What would you do if you were in my place...?" He said in a whisper-like manner. There was silence, something which he had been used to. It would be idiotic of him to expect for the artwork to speak. "Just kill yourself." Hearing the voice, he could not help but to step back in surprise. Did that come from the painting? Impossible. The only logical explanation to that is...

Someone else was here.

Looking behind him, his eyes widened in surprise and expected horror. And really, such expression was welcomed by yours truly. "A-Asura..." Endless black eyes looked down at Basileus. He had never in his life felt so small in the presence of another, until now. "You like talking to the dead. Join them. I will help you." Apollyon suggested with all of his little black heart. In response, the young lord backed away from the creature to put some distance between them. Of course, he also knew that it really meant nothing in the end. "There is no need for that. I assure you." That was then Apollyon's attention transferred to the painting. It was a portrait of two humans who looked identical, twins. Seeing the asura's interest, Basileus calmed himself at that point. There is a probability the asura could not harm him based on the prescribed contract.
So, he decided to entertain the asura in a polite manner. He introduced the painting. "It is a representation of the King Aither and Prince Phanes Khthonios." Then, he pointed at the person with long hair. "That is the late King Aither." Then, he pointed to the other with short hair. "This here is the late Prince Phanes. So, you knew they died?" Whether Apollyon acknowledged that information and question or not, one could not say as he simply walked towards the painting. His hand reached out to the painting and traced the faces of the two men. When done, he removed his hand and spoke.

"You are not human." At that statement, Basileus froze. He did not expect such words to be spoken. After all, he is human as far as he knows and feels. Looking over his shoulder, Apollyon had that empty and cold smile upon his eyes. He liked that reaction of confusion, denial, and subtle agreement. It was all twisted into one of torment. Humans are truly capable of many emotions which make them superbly predictable and so easy to trick. "Not Asura. Not Deva." Basileus could not understand what makes this Asura spout such things about him. He could revoke them and yet, he did not found the words to resist or even to move from his position. It appeared that something had gotten hold of him.

As if the entire area had darkened, Basileus could not see anything else but the black asura before him. His entire body was not moving and even his will was not responding to him. Apollyon began to approach him and then lowered his head to the boy’s neck in such a sensual motion as black silken strands of hair served as a curtain. Taking the scent with recognition, it was rather unorthodox, something new to the senses. It was the same thing he had with the white girl. The mortal plane was now showcasing oddities since the last time he had come. It seems the saying that time truly does change things is true.

The subtle touch of breathing upon his skin made Basileus crawl with fear. It was then the words of his mother echoed through his head in regards to the contract which bound the asura and deva. Would it mean that these actions were dictated or not? Either way, this was enough bases to consider the issue of trust. Even more so, when the asura released the next set of words like the trickling of sweet poison.

“Let us have a taste.”

"If there is one thing you could depend on me, it is that I will never give up."

“Why would I do that? You are already quite the dashing type. I would not want so many girls crawling over you when the helm comes off now. I am rather the jealous type.” Chrysanthe answered back to Nishant’s query that her offering of dumpling was a means to see his face. Though, it had been one of the mysteries that everyone wants to find out someday and she was not exempted from that fact. There had been two prominent speculations, but she was not leaning on any of them. Probably due to one fact, it was not like him to do so. Well, this is her personal opinion. Thus, it could be wrong. Either way, she was also curious about it. Nevertheless, no matter what hides behind that suit of armor. Her respect for the man will not waver.

As such, it brought a very bright smile upon her face when the challenge had been accepted. Chrysanthe could already notice some of the men gathering around. She was not ignorant of the gender specifications of being a warrior within Elysia. It was extremely hard and acceptance was still a work in progress. The reason she had not been heavily reprimanded as the others was probably duly to her noble status. Yet, it was another stigma added to her personage which gave a lasting impression on her confidence. That is why she felt completely proud when Nishant would address her by rank of Vice Commander. Others might find it too distinctively polite and be considered that their relationship was distant.

Yet, she sees this as endearing.

Entering the ring, Chrysanthe noticed the excitement surrounding the area and even upon her respective squire and his. It was no secret to her that the Knights-in-Training were having their own rivalry in relation to the ones they served. Well, competition is good as it would edge development as long as they would not forget the integral factor of accepting defeat when it is due. As for her case, she knew that there is a great difference in strength and skills between her and Nishant. Yet, she would not give up on the idea of overcoming that gap someday. Just like now, she would try to do that once more.

Never give up, correct?

Her sword had been handed to her. It was her favored weapon among everything else. More specifically, it does have a sentimental value. The sword had been crafted specifically for the House Pallas and gifted to its Leader. Though in this case, it had been passed down to her as willed by her father. Of course, this was not questioned by her brother, Basileus seeing it to be a fitting inheritance for her. Well, there was an objection from their mother. Yet in the end, it was left in her hands. She carried it with pride and expertise in regards to a very large sword for someone of her physique.

“Thank you for accepting, Sir Nishant.” She noted while standing on her corner of the ring. Her clear blue eyes did not show any haziness or hesitation. Instead, it was brimming with determination and a certain purpose. She bowed as a show of respect and the protocol for such duels. Afterwards, she was gone from anyone's eyes in an instant.
Chrysanthe had already closed the distance between them in an instant. Easily wielding the sword as if it was a part of her and carried a weight of a paper, her strike met the resistance of his lance. Against everyone she had fought, the Commander was the only one able to discern her movement often categorized to be inhumane due to her speed. She knew that it would be a useless means to fight him in terms of dominance. And so, she took a step back and delivered a flurry of speedy strikes from various directions. It showcased her precision as her targets if inspected were upon the Black Knight's perceived blind spots. At the same time, it displayed her acrobatic capabilities making it appear that she was dancing to a tune reserved for a medley of combat.

To her, the man before her was a rival and a mentor. And someday certainly, she wanted to overcome him by her own power. When that day comes, she will have the strength she desire for that wish and also may be... just may be...

"In the end, I still prefer my way for it is one I will have no regrets over."

The words left to her by the obsidian Asura stirred various connotations inside of her. Unlike when she had spoken to the Deva, Seraphiel where there have been comfort and gentleness. Strings of words covered in the grace of what a mother would say to a beloved child. But in regards of that Asura, he was like a thick fog enveloping her and then strangles her to a slow and tortuous demise. All of it done through the means of a conversation with the implication that he seems to know more than anyone else in this plane could ever hope for. Yet, it should be impossible to do so.

Isn't it?

This is a game to him. But, that is not true. It was real and consisted of people's lives and hopes. That is also true for anyone not only for Elysia or for Dothonion. She took a deep breath and released a rather long sigh. Things were escalating into matters she would not rather want to. Even if the people were still in the trance of peace, the threat of war was true as it can be. Why is that Siegmund Anselm refuses to even talk properly? He out rightly displayed his military might without much of a doubt. Then, he devised such a cruel plan to take the crown of Elysia. Just like a violent and ambitious tyrant, the reputation attached to him.

Even now, Calliope is deeply saddened by the lives lost on that day. They will never be forgotten nor would it be restored. If only people could just say what they want and then understand each other properly, it would be a more gentle world. Yet, what is done is done. As many would have say, still...

Is there really no other way?

That was when she heard the ever familiar voice calling out her name. It came from someone who is very dear to her. Closing her eyes for a bit, she made sure her expression did not reflect any form of weariness or sadness. There had been enough of that before. It must not be repeated. His father would scold her if it does.
Looking over her shoulder, she was welcomed with a sight of a wonderful smile. It could not be helped as a light blush stained her cheeks. At the end of the day, this person is a warm and kind beauty to behold. "Good morning, Lenni!" She greeted happily as she fully faced the white-haired Lady of Ourania. It was not a hidden knowledge that she and Lenore had been friends since their childhood days. If she would be honest, Lenore had been her first friend ever. Being a princess and the proclaimed heir, she found such simple things to be rather very hard to have. So when she had such companionship, it had become very precious to her. "Well, I wanted some fresh air. The castle has been a little too restricting for me."

True. Military affairs often discussed. Political affairs being interjected at every point. There had also been the opinions of many or rather the revival of a chorus insisting the inadequacy of her Mother's reign. At the same time, this view has also been extended to her, being an unfitting heir. She had stood strong in all of that with the sole purpose of not failing her loved ones. In any case, the issues about the crown could not find a better timing than now. There was only one year left before the throne is handed down to her and the fact the Dorthonion's eye had landed on Elysia. Really, everything was coming out of the wood works.

In any case, she put that aside. It was then Calliope wondered why Lenore was out as well. Are there no classes at the Academy today? She hardly doubts that knowing the strict regimen of Lord Emrys. The man was like the personification of the word STUDY and LEARN. She could already imagine in her head what that look like. A slight chill enveloped her as she quickly dismissed such thoughts. One of the things she fears was Emrys becoming her teacher. She had already a brief taste of it and they were not just compatible. "How about you? Do you have no classes today?" She walked towards Lenore and during that interlude, her eyes observed her friend.

Nothing seems to be out of place. She had been worried ever since that day when Lenore noted that the Asura was calling her. But it seemed, her worries about the intricacy of the contract were left unfounded. Though, there should be something more to it especially when she finally had that talk with the summoned Asura. "I actually just met him... the Asura." Calliope looked at the direction where she had last seen the black creature. "He is odd." Then, she shrugged her shoulders and asked a question in particular to that. "Is it fine if he is not by your side?" Well, she did have that impression since Seraphiel hardly leaves Lord Emrys' side unless it was an order of some sorts.

Then, Calliope asked another question. This one particularly relating to her own thoughts. "Lenni, do you think it would be foolish of me if I said I wanted to talk to the Dorthoni King again?"