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Snippet #2579808

located in Middle Earth, a part of A New Life: Middle Earth, one of the many universes on RPG.

Middle Earth



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Character Portrait: DĂșlinnor Character Portrait: Reinette Elise Oswald
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"Of course. I am certain that we can find one for you." Reinette absolutely brightened up at his words. The large package of clothing she was carrying seemed that much lighter, and she felt as if there was a new-found happiness in her step. The pair made their way toward a book seller nearby - Reinette continued to draw attention, though this time it was not only because she was clearly not an Elf... but also because of the dazzling smile she had plastered on her face.

DĂșlinnor's voice answered the young woman's question about returning to clean herself. "Not at all. We will head back once we obtain your book... Here we are. I believe we can find your book here." His voice was so kind - that was something that Reinette had noticed almost as soon as they had first made acquaintance with each other. She liked the way that he said his words, the way his mouth and voice seemed to let the words float away, as if caught on some wind.

Smiling, Reinette entered the tent with DĂșlinnor, though she soon passed him. Her eyes wide, she took in the vast amount of books that the seller was offering.

The voice of an older man spoke from behind her - it would have made her jump under any other circumstance, except for the fact that this voice held such wisdom and kindness that it could not startle even the most shy of creatures. She turned her head and saw the shopkeeper, an older looking Elven man. "Ah..." He said, a slight glitter in his eye. "You are not... Please forgive me, for my Westron is not well spoken." Reinette laughed slightly before speaking.

"There is no need to be forgiven. You speak just fine." She smiled at the man, who offered her a kind smile in return. The happiness in his eyes was apparent, and he approached her more as she turned her head to look at the shelves.

"Do you have a blank book? Something I might be able to write in...?"

The shopkeeper nodded, and pulled down a beautifully bound leather book from the top-most shelf. It seemed like it had been sitting there for all eternity, and with the light of the day on it's covers once more, it seemed to glow with a new-found life. Like it had been meant for her all along.

"It's beautiful..." Reinette whispered, taking the masterpiece of binding from his hands gently. He smiled at the book, turning his eyes to her.

"Please, take something to scribe your thoughts..." He offered her a quill of sorts, bony in structure and yet altogether natural. She took it from his hand, turning it over in her own. A bright smile was offered to the man, before he nodded gently, and turned to DĂșlinnor. The younger Elven man handed over a few coins to the shopkeeper, who took them and thanked the other man in Elvish.

All the while, Reinette was glancing around at the other books. Most of them seemed to be in Elvish, and she felt the twinge of curiosity. What did they say? She couldn't help but wonder if she would be able to learn to read them at any point. She thought she just might be gutsy enough to try to teach herself in any spare time she had.

Turning to thank the shopkeeper, he smiled, his eyes twinkling happily. "If you shall ever need more to keep your thoughts, I shall be here."

"Thank you..." She said, most sincerely, before turning to exit the tent with DĂșlinnor. She turned to wave a goodbye to the shopkeeper, who simply smiled.

Turning back to DĂșlinnor, the Elven male offered to carry Reinette's things, insisting that they head back to his home to ready themselves. At first, she was reluctant to have him carry anything - he had been the one kind enough to buy them for her in the first place, so having them carried by him just seemed to her to be adding insult to injury. But he insisted, so she reluctantly handed him the parcel of clothing items from the first stop. She couldn't bring herself to part with the journal and quill though, the former feeling unnaturally warm, but right, in her hands.

They walked together for a short while to his flet. Reinette asked him various questions about his home - how it balanced so well in the tree, how long he had lived there, what it was like to be a Warden. He answered however he could, though most of the questions - and most of the answers, rightfully so - were just simply to fill the space between them as they walked. Reinette was more curious about who DĂșlinnor was, what everything around her was, as time went on. But she felt as if her questions were a bit much at times, and tried her best to not overwhelm the man beside her with too many questions.

After a short amount of time had passed, they arrived back at DĂșlinnor's flet. He took her inside, showing her where her room was. Opening the door to her room, she was happy to see that the place she would be staying was so clean and tidy. It was simple, but it was beautiful in every right.

"It is not much, I'm afraid, but I offer it you for as long as you have need of it."

"Not much?" She echoed back, though her reaction was more of a question. "It's beautiful... It's perfect. I couldn't ask for anything more."

DĂșlinnor deposited her things down on the bed, and then explained the location of the bath. Reinette nodded, smiling, and thanked him as he left the room so she could get ready.

Once DĂșlinnor had taken his leave, she closed the door to the room. Peeling her clothing from her body, she tucked them on top of the dressing table, before taking a look at her reflection in a nearby mirror of sorts. She noted a few cuts and scrapes - probably from when she was was sleeping on the forest floor - as well as a few minor bruises - most likely from when she had passed out. She looked a little tired though, but she figured a revitalizing bath would make her feel more energized.

Stepping into the bathroom, she found a tub that was more like a in in-ground pool the size of a large soaking tub. There was water inside the bath already, hot and steaming. Stepping in, her muscles immediately relaxed, and she sunk into it like a warm embrace.

She scrubbed the dirt and grime from her body, submerging herself fully. Once she came up for air, she scrubbed her hair clean, using body washes and hair washes that were placed nearby. The smell of lavender and lemongrass filled her senses, and she reveled in its feeling a little while longer, before she decided she had spent enough time relaxing.

Stepping from the tub, she found some plush cloths nearby to dry off with, as well as a plush robe of sorts. Slipping in, she began the task of drying her long blonde hair. The cloths seemed to suck the water clear from her hair, and the process took much shorter than she had anticipated. Soon, she was dry, so she stepped from the bathroom to her bedroom, looking through the purchases from earlier.

A beautiful shimmering dress of a baby or powder blue color stood out the most to her. It had silver woven and embroidered throughout the piece. A beautiful silver and blue corset was built into the dress, for which Reinette was thankful. Many of the other dresses would require assistance, for their corsets were separate and Reinette knew she couldn't tighten them fully herself. She was also thankful for the two pairs of pants she saw in the pile of clothing. She was also thankful for the options provided to her in footwear, and she chose a pair of shoes appropriate for the dress.

Tying herself into the dress, she found some silver hair accents, and tied a few strands of the beautiful silver vine into her hair. It seemed to settle there, as if it had always belonged. Approaching the mirror from before, she gasped at the way she looked.

A smile began to creep onto her face, as she examined herself from every which way. Confidence blazing once more, she exited the room, making her way toward the main sitting room. She found DĂșlinnor sitting on one of the seats in the room, and she cleared her throat briefly before offering the man a bright smile. "Well, what do you think?" She asked, as she did a small and slow promenade for him, turning fully around once so he could see the entire dress from all angles.

Her hair tumbled down around her shoulders, and passed her lower back, shining as bright as the silver that was woven into her hair. Reinette looked absolutely beautiful in the piece, the colors complimenting her fair skin and hair, her eyes standing out against all the light colors. It hugged her curves in all the right places, and she felt absolutely at ease in it.

She thought it would have been vain to admit it... But she felt absolutely ravishing in her ensemble. She felt like she could take on the world.