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Snippet #2579891

located in Middle Earth, a part of A New Life: Middle Earth, one of the many universes on RPG.

Middle Earth



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Character Portrait: DĂșlinnor Character Portrait: Reinette Elise Oswald
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DĂșlinnor spent some time simply reading. In fact, he was not sure quite how long had passed before he heard the young woman clearing her voice. He immediately tore his eyes from the book and looked to the Mortal. As his eyes fell to the woman, he suddenly seemed to freeze as he took in her image. It was easy to see that she was in a better mood than earlier, something that DĂșlinnor was glad of. "Well, what do you think?" Reinette asked, slowly moving. He continued to watch her.

She was absolutely stunning. A fool could see that. Not that he didn't think her lovely before. There was just something different about her now and he could not place it. He finally offered her a smile. "You are beautiful." He said, suddenly seeming to break out of the frozen state he'd been in when he'd first seen her. He sat the book down, rising from his seat.

He slowly approached her, his gaze never leaving her. DĂșlinnor suddenly continued speaking. "I would also venture to say that you look as if you were meant to be here." He was unsure if she could understand what he meant though regardless he meant the words. It was not often that the Elves of LothlĂłrien welcomed a Mortal so easily within their Realm. However, Reinette truly looked as if she was one of them.

DĂșlinnor turned from her then, slowly making his way over towards the door. "We should leave. I've no doubt that you are likely famished as Aglaron more than likely did not offer you anything to eat this morning." He said, glancing back to her. He opened the door though hesitated, waiting for the woman to join him. Only then did he offer his arm to her. He then began leading the way once again.

His parents did not live so close to him. It was something that DĂșlinnor had made sure of. He'd decided that putting as much distance between them as possible was a good action. It had helped somewhat. Though it was still painfully clear to him that they favored Aglaron, they did not fight nearly as much as they had when he'd still been living with them. They began heading in the same direction that he'd led her earlier. "It will take us a short walk to arrive. I'm afraid that my family lives nearly on the other side of the city."

His voice was apologetic, aware that they would have to travel a bit to reach their destination. DĂșlinnor, however, continued speaking with Reinette. He was glancing at her from time to time, still amazed at how lovely she was. He found himself in high spirits as they walked. Even though he was unsure of how this meeting would go.

As they soon neared his parents' home, DĂșlinnor suddenly stopped, turning to look at Reinette as the beautifully crafted building lay before them not more than ten paces away. "Are you ready?" He asked her, looking at her. He waited for her to speak before turning and closing the distance to the door. He paused there, glancing to her once again before knocking. He could have simply gone in but since he had Reinette with him he decided that it was best to knock. A few short moments passed before the door opened, revealing a female Elf that was only slightly older looking than DĂșlinnor. She had long, blonde hair that fell straight, reaching her lower back. She wore a simple dress though that did not hide her beauty.

At seeing DĂșlinnor, the woman smiled happily. "DĂșlinnor, I had worried that you would not come. Aglaron had told me of what has happened. It warms my heart to see you well. And this is the Mortal you found? She is lovely. You must tell me everything! I have never met one of her kind before. What's her name? What is she like?" Thurilostel was clearly happy to see Reinette which caused DĂșlinnor to smile at her. "Of course I would come. Mother and Father would not be happy with me if I did not. This is Lady Reinette, Thurilostel. Perhaps you would like to keep her occupied while I speak with my parents and your husband?"

The female Elf nodded happily. She was Aglaron's wife and was clearly with child. However, still she was much interested in Reinette. DĂșlinnor suddenly turned his attention to Reinette. "This is Thurilostel, Aglaron's wife. She is quite excited that you are joining us. She is wishing you to join her for a few moments. She speaks some Westron though you may have to be patient with her. She has not been learning the language for very long. I will return to you shortly." He said, smiling. It was then that Thurilostel moved, allowing the pair to enter the large home.

DĂșlinnor took his leave from the women, leaving them alone for a few moments. He made his way through the home, quickly finding his mother. DĂșlinnor took after the older Elf quite a bit. When he'd been a child the woman had favored him until Aglaron had begun gaining achievements. "Mother." DĂșlinnor said softly, coming closer to her. The female Elf turned, smiling at her youngest son. "DĂșlinnor, my child. It warms my heart to see you safe once again. Your brother has told me and your father all of which has transpired whilst you've been gone. And from the sound of it you've brought the Human with you. Your father will not be pleased with your actions. You know this."

He was at least glad that his mother did not sound too terribly angry with him. However, his father's voice soon sounded. "Your mother is right. Why would you spend any more time than you need to with someone like her? She will cause you nothing but sorrow and death should you continue down this path." DĂșlinnor forced himself to remain calm, watching the older Elf steadily. "The Lady has granted Lady Reinette sanctuary within our Realm until such a time that she can leave. She has none in this world. She is alone. I could not simply just turn my back to her."

His father was suddenly close to him, the anger nearly radiating from him. DĂșlinnor was certain that the others within the home could hear and he was only too glad that Reinette did not understand Elvish. "You are a fool to allow her within your home. Humans destroy everything that they touch.." His father was interrupted as Aglaron entered the room, speaking. "Father, I have already spoken to DĂșlinnor on this matter. You needn't keep yelling at him. Especially with the woman so near. She will likely know that something is wrong."

Their father moved from the room suddenly, making his way from them. Aglaron placed a hand on DĂșlinnor's shoulder, giving him a understanding gaze. The two brothers left their mother, heading to find the younger women. "I may not like the Mortal but your life is your own. I would only suggest you tread carefully, however. You are my brother and I only wish to make sure that you know what you're doing." Soon they'd come upon the dining room which was already set, Thurilostel already at the table. No doubt upon hearing the arguing earlier and had decided it was best for her and Reinette to get out of the way.

DĂșlinnor would not look at either of them for the time being, instead taking a seat next to Reinette. He'd expected the anger from his father though it had not prepared him for it. It would only be a short time before the food was served and the oldest Elves would join them. Aglaron glanced to the human, merely nodding in her direction, finally offering her a small smile. "Will you tell your Mortal that she is lucky. I doubt that many would have stood up for her as you have done." He said to the younger male Elf. DĂșlinnor simply shook his head. "She does not need to know. I would prefer that she not know just yet what happened. Please." Aglaron was clearly not pleased with his brother's words.

The brothers fell into silence and suddenly their mother entered the room. The woman began setting stuff down upon the table, several different foods. She then turned her gaze to DĂșlinnor and then to Reinette. She felt badly for her son. He only ever acted so when he believed fully in something. She could not be angry with him and so offered a smile to the Mortal in hopes that her son would see. He did and the male Elf suddenly turned to Reinette. "This is my mother,Lady Amareth." He said, making sure that she understood that it best to refer to the elder woman in such formality. His father would arrive soon and he dreaded it though tried to hide it. His mother understood some Westron though could not speak it, so instead spoke to her son. He then turned his attention back to the woman at his side. "She says that it is an honor to have you in her home and that you are welcome here." His gaze was on her now, watching her. He hoped that she'd not realized that what exactly had happened but if she did..he would not lie to her.