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Snippet #2579979

located in Middle Earth, a part of A New Life: Middle Earth, one of the many universes on RPG.

Middle Earth



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Character Portrait: DĂșlinnor Character Portrait: Reinette Elise Oswald
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You are beautiful."

Reinette could feel the tinge of red tint her cheeks at DĂșlinnor's words. His smile was brilliant, and he stood up to approach her. She couldn't help but smile back at him.

"I would also venture to say that you look as if you were meant to be here." His eyes were on her, and she turned her gaze down to her dress, before looking back up at him. Her smile reflected his own.

"Thank you..." Her voice trailed off. She didn't know what to say, but she could hear her heart beating in her ears.

DĂșlinnor turned then, and made his way toward the door. Reinette followed after him as he spoke. "We should leave. I've no doubt that you are likely famished as Aglaron more than likely did not offer you anything to eat this morning." She hadn't really realized it - her day had been such a whirlwind of activity - but she felt like she was running on electricity, and while she was hungry, the excitement hadn't quiet worn off yet.

DĂșlinnor opened the door, turning to offer his arm to her. Reinette gladly accepted, wrapping her own around his lightly, resting the palm of her hand against his forearm. With that, the two exited his flet, Reinette following DĂșlinnor's lead.

"It will take us a short walk to arrive. I'm afraid that my family lives nearly on the other side of the city."

Reinette felt the twinge of pain rush through her heart at the sound of the word. 'Parents...' she thought sadly to herself, wishing that her own were somewhere, happy, no longer in pain. But she kept her smile, instead letting DĂșlinnor's voice coax her back to the happiness she had felt earlier. It wasn't that she had lost it... Just the thought of her mother and father had dulled it slightly.

The pair talked as they went forward - Reinette asked questions about what the food would be like, what traditional dishes were. Just things to keep her mind occupied. She didn't notice the glances DĂșlinnor sent her way, she was too busy watching the world around her, taking it all in.

Soon, a large and gorgeous home sat before them, and Reinette felt DĂșlinnor stop. She ceased moving as well, looking into his eyes as he focused on her. "Are you ready?" he asked her. She nodded, answering him with a yes, wondering what on Earth she needed to be ready for.

They then turned back towards the door, and DĂșlinnor knocked three times. It wasn't long before the door was opened, and Reinette felt like the air left her at the sight of the beautiful woman beyond the doorway. Her hair was long and blonde, and rivaled her own in length and fullness. She was dressed simply, but it didn't matter - she could have been wearing a trash bag and she would have been just as beautiful.

Reinette took in everything about the woman in front of her as she and DĂșlinnor spoke. The Elven woman was drop dead gorgeous, and Reinette couldn't help but wonder who she was exactly.

Whatever they were saying ended with the woman nodding enthusiastically. DĂșlinnor turned to Reinette, and the young woman turned to look at the male before her. "This is Thurilostel, Aglaron's wife. She is quite excited that you are joining us. She is wishing you to join her for a few moments. She speaks some Westron though you may have to be patient with her. She has not been learning the language for very long. I will return to you shortly."

Reinette nodded, turning to smile at Thurilostel. The two women moved into the home, DĂșlinnor following behind. DĂșlinnor left them, and Reinette followed Thurilostel to the sitting room. She motioned for Reinette to sit, and the two took seats near each other.

Thurilostel turned to take her in - her whole persona just seemed to smile. She opened her mouth after a second, paused, and then spoke. "Your dress..." she paused, smiling, seemingly searching for a word. "It is beautiful." She said after a moment. Reinette smiled, and waved her hand in a dismissive gesture, though she was very pleased.

"Thank you, DĂșlinnor was so kind to get it for me..." She touched the fabric of the dress as it rested on her lap, smiling. "He is so kind..." She continued after a moment, looking up at Thurilostel. The other woman smiled brightly, seeming very curious at the foreign girl.

Thurilostel seemed to be searching for something to say, so Reinette broke the silence. "Congratulations... You must be very happy." She gestured to the rather pregnant woman in front of her, and Thurilostel smiled deeply.

"Thank you, your words... are kind. I am truly happy." There was a loud commotion from the other room, and both girls heads turned in the direction of the sound. Reinette wondered why the voice sounded so angry - she hoped nothing was her own fault.

Thurilostel was listening intently to what was being said, and she soon turned to the other woman. "Come. We will... take our seat." Reinette stood, following slowly behind Thurilostel to the dining room.

DĂșlinnor soon entered the room, taking a seat next to Reinette. She looked at the Elf questioningly, but his face gave away nothing. So she turned to look at who she presumed was his mother as she entered the room. DĂșlinnor introduced her, and Reinette bowed her head deeply to her before greeting her.

"This is my mother,Lady Amareth. She says that it is an honor to have you in her home and that you are welcome here."

"It is so nice to meet you, Lady Amareth." She smiled at the woman, who returned her smile. "Thank you for graciously accepting me to your home. It means a lot to me. I am honored to be here." The woman was setting the table, and Reinette turned wondering eyes to all the delicious looking foods being placed on the table.

She turned to DĂșlinnor, offering him a smile. She caught Thurilostel's gaze on the way, and she could have sworn that she saw a twinkle of happiness and knowing in the woman's eyes. Reinette offered Aglaron a smile as well, fully intending on congratulating him after the dinner was over on the impending birth of his child. She knew that she didn't know them for long - she had only just met his wife - but Reinette had always been someone who loved children, and she was instantly happy for the future that they had.