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Snippet #2583500

located in Middle Earth, a part of A New Life: Middle Earth, one of the many universes on RPG.

Middle Earth



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Character Portrait: DĂșlinnor Character Portrait: Reinette Elise Oswald
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The Healer suddenly eyed the arrow for a short moment, as if trying to make sure that all of it had come out of the Elf. "Now, lets see how bad it is." She said as her student brought forward the supplies they would need. The female had DĂșlinnor drink a pale liquid, which he did. It would help slightly with the pain. The woman then began slowly peeling away his tunic, trying to get to the wound. It did not take her long. She looked over it for a moment. It was not overly large though it would definitely take the male Elf some time to fully heal.

She then took a pale green paste, applying it to the openly bleeding wound on both sides of his body. She made sure that there was plenty before she bandaged him up. "You must rest before you shall be allowed to return to the city. I'd say that Haldir will not mind your absence. I will speak to him momentarily." DĂșlinnor simply nodded.

Fresh clothing and a light meal was brought to the male Elf. He dressed though he ended up having to get Aglaron to aid him. He was then sitting on the cot, trying to eat. They'd both cleaned up, the only signs that anything had happened was DĂșlinnor's left arm, which Aglaron had helped to place in a sling. The Healer had said that it was best to move as little as possible until his arm had begun to heal.

"She nearly got you killed.." The older Elf commented, eyeing his brother. DĂșlinnor simply shook his head. "No. I acted on my own. I knew what would happen if I got in the way. not place blame on her." Aglaron said nothing else on the subject though had decided to do as DĂșlinnor wished. The only good thing that had come of all of this was that they would all be able to return to the city once they were deemed ready for travel.

Some time had passed by the time word was sent that Haldir had dismissed them. Their horses were sent for, all ready tacked, prepared for the journey. They waited outside of the larger tent patiently. Aglaron sent for Reinette, having heard the girl's struggles and was honestly surprised at her actions. Did she not understand that in order for DĂșlinnor to be helped...they needed to remove the arrow?

The two Elves waited patiently for the woman, Aglaron upon his horse and DĂșlinnor standing on the ground. As she arrived, DĂșlinnor offered her as much of a smile as he could through the pain. He then offered her his right hand, to help her up as best as he could. He wanted to ask her why she'd been there...but had decided that perhaps it was better to wait.

Once Reinette was settled upon the horse, DĂșlinnor took hold of the horse's reins, intent on not riding. He wasn't even sure how easy it would have been for him to get upon the tall creature. However, Aglaron did not comment, simply allowing his horse to start at a slow walk. The shorter Elf began walking, slowly, though just right behind his brother.

They traveled in near silence until Aglaron started again about halfway back to the city. "I just cannot understand why she would be out here. I know what you said...but I cannot simply let it go. She must understand what she has done! To be sent back in such a state. Father will be most displeased." He was yelling though DĂșlinnor paid his brother no mind, something that he did not do often. He was slowly finding it more and more difficult to concentrate.

The older Elf did not seem to notice, giving Reinette cross looks as they continued. Slowly, Suldal's steps began to slow as if the horse could sense his master's sudden need to slow down. It was only as they were able to see the stable that Suldal suddenly stopped. DĂșlinnor turned his gaze to the horse. He'd become slightly paler as they'd been traveling. "What is it? Why are you stopping, DĂșlinnor? The stable is right there and then we can return home.." However, DĂșlinnor was not listening to Aglaron.

He was suddenly realizing that he was not feeling well. He'd endured such a wound before and never had he felt this way. "Aglaron..something is not right." He said simply. Sudden concern found its way to the older Elf's face. He suddenly dismounted his horse, quickly making his way to his brother. Aglaron barely made it to DĂșlinnor's side before the younger Elf's eyes suddenly went back back slightly as he passed out, his form slowly falling. Aglaron reacted, catching the younger man.The Healers had said that DĂșlinnor would be fine...a simple walk back to the city at such a slow pace would not have caused this. There was something else at work.

Aglaron glanced to Reinette. He quickly lifted his brother up and over one of his shoulders. He then motioned towards the bridge to Reinette. He sent his own horse towards the stable and then did the same as Reinette dismounted. Someone would look after them. He moved quickly then, soon reaching the bridge. He asked one of the guards to aid Reinette though did not wait around. Once he was on the other side he was quickly making his way towards the Healers.

They received concerned looks as they passed by though Aglaron paid no mind. He only cared about getting his brother help. As he reached his destination, Aglaron rushed in, demanding help. Within a short moment he was shown to a private room and DĂșlinnor was placed upon the bed...and then he was ushered out of the room. Aglaron sent word to his parents and Thurilostel. They would come rather quickly and he hoped by that time they would have answers.

As he returned to the small sitting room he caught a glance of Reinette. He sighed heavily, shaking his head and then motioning to one of the chairs. They would not allow any of them back until they knew what was going on. Aglaron refused to sit, pacing about the room until Thurilostel arrived with Bregolon. Aglaron quickly hugged the woman before explaining to her what had happened. He then suggested that perhaps the Mortal needed to speak with her. He suspected she was worried about his brother and he'd offered her little comfort.

No more than ten minutes later his parents arrived. They both looked worried and soon the situation was explained to them. They waited..and waited...and waited for what seemed like a lifetime before the Healer came to them. "We have discovered what ails him." A paused, as if waiting would help the news be easier to give. "The arrow that pierced him was poisoned. Normally, if caught fairly is a easy enough thing to treat. However, the poison used is one that is unknown to us. We were able to slow its progression but as of right now..we have no cure. It is hard to say how much time we have...I'd say that it all depends on him...on his will to live. You may see him if you life..but I must insist that only one to two of you stay the night."

Aglaron could not believe what he was hearing. Had his brother not taken the was certain that the Mortal would be dead. He made his way back, following the healer and soon came a fairly large private room. DĂșlinnor was in the bed, his arm still in a sling though this one was a bit better than the makeshift one that he'd been given at the Borders. He slept, his eyes closed, upon his back. His skin was still pale and it was easy to see that he was having some slight trouble breathing. He was fading. That much was easy to see. "You should tell her his condition. She will not have understood." He said softly to Thurilostel.

Their mother slowly made her way to his left side, tears in her eyes. She gently began unfastening his hair, making sure to straighten the long strands. The younger Elf did not stir, though simply looked as if to be resting. Had it not been for his fading light and closed eyes, one might nearly mistake him for someone simply relaxing.