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Snippet #2583612

located in Middle Earth, a part of A New Life: Middle Earth, one of the many universes on RPG.

Middle Earth



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Character Portrait: DĂșlinnor Character Portrait: Reinette Elise Oswald
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The evening went by, DĂșlinnor's parents remaining for some time. His mother refused to move, silently crying as her youngest's fate was uncertain. There was little speech and the small group was not disturbed save for one of the Healer's stopping by to check on them or DĂșlinnor. Harnor glanced to the Mortal girl. None of them knew exactly why she'd left the city. He could see that the girl was being hard on herself. Yet, he found that he could not hold the same anger to her as she seemed to do. His son had chosen to take the arrow. He'd taught both of his sons the consequences of such actions.

It was after their normal evening meal was served that the eldest Elves departed. They both bid goodbye to their eldest and his family and Harnor nodded to the young girl. Shortly after that, Aglaron decided that it was time for his family to go. They would return the following day. He was angry at the young woman and so ignored her as he headed out. He suspected that his wife would want to bid the young woman a good night.

As DĂșlinnor remained unmoving, even as Reinette spoke, a Healer soon entered. It was a different one from earlier and quickly bowed to the young woman. He moved to DĂșlinnor's left side, glancing down at the Warden. He'd not improved at all. The Healer then looked to the woman. He did not speak Westron though tried to get her to understand that he needed to redress the Warden's wound. The last thing that they wanted was for him to get an infection.

He moved then, deftly moving the tunic that DĂșlinnor had been changed into so that he could get to the wound. It was still clearly bleeding and the Elf began to set about his work. The bandages were removed and then disposed of. He then cleaned the angry wound and though he suspected that the Elf was is great pain, there was no movement from the dark haired Elf. Then, a salve and then a paste was applied to both the front and back. Only then was the wound re-bandaged. When the Elf was finished, he bowed to the girl before taking his leave, leaving the pair alone for the majority of the night.

DĂșlinnor's condition remained the same over the next two months. He did not stir. Aglaron and Thurilostel had visited more often than not. The older Elf's anger at Reinette had quickly disappeared. He'd come to realize that the woman had meant no harm had been his brother's own fault for getting hit. He'd seen the arrow coming and still had moved into its path.

That morning, Aglaron had gone with his wife and child to check in on DĂșlinnor. The male Elf suspected that Reinette would be she usually was. They entered together and made their way back to the room that the dark haired Elf had remained in over the past two months. Aglaron nodded to Reinette before making his way closer to his brother. He regarded the sleeping Elf.

His brother was still pale though he noted that his breathing seemed slightly better, though he said nothing. He could only hope that was a good sign. During their visits, Thurilostel had insisted that speaking to him would help him to see to return to the light. They all would take turns speaking and Thurilsotel had even sung a few Elven songs for DĂșlinnor. He never made any indication that he heard any of this however the Healers insisted that it was a good thing to do.

As Thurilostel was quick to make her way to Reinette, Aglaron continued to remain near his brother. He was paying no attention to the women. He wanted nothing more than his little brother to pull through this. It was causing a great deal of stress throughout their family. His parents had gotten to the point that they could not visit. They said that they could not watch DĂșlinnor fade from the world.

Aglaron suddenly began studying his brother, curiosity slowly finding its way to his face. He moved then, approaching his brother's side. "Thurilostel, I believe that something's changed." He watched his brother for another moment before the younger Elf's eyes slowly opened. If he'd not been watching the Elf so closely he very likely would have missed it. DĂșlinnor was clearly still not fully over the poison's effects. He was struggling to keep his eyes open. "DĂșlinnor?" He asked with concern.

The younger Elf said nothing as he struggled to regain his senses. Aglaron seemed to notice this and was soon calling for a Healer. Within moments one came, making her way to the dark haired Elf. " is good to see you joining us after such a period of worry. Now, tell me, are you in any pain?"

DĂșlinnor did not want to admit that he was, indeed, in pain. However, his silence seemed to give the Healer the information she needed. "I see. Then we will get you something for that. However, you will remain in bed until you are deemed able to move about. Take it easy. There is no need to rush." She readjusted the sling that he was still having to wear. DĂșlinnor briefly wondered how long he'd been out. He could only recall what had happened up until they'd left the camp. Nothing afterwards.

The Healer left then, heading to gather a few supplies. Aglaron was immediately speaking to his brother. "You've been out for two months. We've all been worried." DĂșlinnor seemed to not understand Aglaron. "What happened?" He asked, his voice slightly rougher than usual due to him having not spoken in so long. "The arrow you was poisoned. After we left camp it took hold. It is one that is unknown to our Healers.."

It was then that the Healer returned, ushering Aglaron away from DĂșlinnor. She was quick to put a few pillows behind him, so as to aid the Elf in sitting up. She then began to explain to him that his wound was still healing. They suspected that the poison had caused such a slow healing process. It was not as open as it had been though it was still red and quite painful. She then handed the Mortal girl a cup that was filled with a almost clear liquid. "Once we are done redressing your wound, you will drink that. It will help you."

The female was quick in her task and though he tried to hide it, pain was quickly on his face as she made sure to clean and medicate it thoroughly. "One of you may stay. The others need to leave. He needs to rest." She ordered before signaling Reinette to give the Elf the drink. DĂșlinnor was finally able to turn his grey eyes to Reinette. The last time he'd seen her..he'd been far too worried about her to act as he normally did with her. He allowed her to hand the drink to him and was quick to force the bitter liquid down before handing the glass over to Aglaron. "We will go though mother and father will wish to see you soon. They will not be happy at not being able to visit you right now. Rest, little brother. Tomorrow we shall see you."

Thurilostel made her way over to DĂșlinnor, gently pulling him into a hug, making sure to keep as far away from his injured shoulder. She was smiling, quickly turning and leaving with her husband. And then, just like that, DĂșlinnor found himself alone with Reinette. His gaze was on her once again, suddenly a tired smile on his face. "My heart sings at seeing you again." He said honestly. He motioned for her to come closer, to join him. He simply wanted her near.