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Snippet #2585005

located in Middle Earth, a part of A New Life: Middle Earth, one of the many universes on RPG.

Middle Earth



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Character Portrait: DĂșlinnor Character Portrait: Reinette Elise Oswald
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Reinette moved to him, wrapping her arms about his form in a hug. The Elf immediately allowed his free arm to encircle her, holding her close to him. The woman laid her head upon his chest and DĂșlinnor allowed himself to rest his chin lightly upon the top of her head. "Thank you..." Reinette said and the Elf smiled at her words. "You are most is why I am here."

The Elf allowed Reinette to pull from him and he watched her as she took a step backwards and took hold of his free hand. "Come on, lets go out and relax on the deck." Reinette said before she moved to lead the way out of the home. DĂșlinnor followed her, more than happy to do as she wished. Once they were outside, Reinette returned inside for a moment. The Elf went ahead and took a seat, making himself comfortable.

Not a moment later Reinette had returned, carrying her guitar. She took a seat across from him smiling. DĂșlinnor was most pleased to see her in a much better mood now and returned her smile happily. "I learned a few songs while you were gone," Reinette said, a laugh on her voice. DĂșlinnor was intrigued, interested to hear what song she'd learned. She began to play and then she began to sing.

DĂșlinnor allowed her voice and the music she created to wash over him. It soothed him, sitting there and listening to her. He was silent as she performed her song. He could honestly sit and listen to her for as long as she wished to sing. He had a small smile on his face even as she finished. "Lovely as always." He complemented her honestly. "And I do believe that your Sindarin has improved."

He knew that she still could not fully speak nor fully understand the language yet it made him happy that she was still working on learning it. It wasn't the easiest language..even more so(he imagined) for someone who had little understanding on any language save for Westron. DĂșlinnor was more than happy to allow Reinette to sing as much as she liked. Only once she was finished did he strike up conversation with her.

He found himself laughing with her for much of the time. DĂșlinnor's spirit was light, a thing he'd not felt in many long years. He was happy and it was because of Reinette. He knew that he'd never be able to repay her for showing him the light again. Some time had passed before they were finally heading back into the flet. DĂșlinnor suspected that his parents would arrive soon.

Once they were inside, safe from prying eyes, DĂșlinnor turned to Reinette. "Do not worry about Ringil. I will be by your side until I am fully healed and am back at being able to use my arm. She will not bother you while I am around..and even then she will not dare for fear of making me cross with her." He gently pulled her closer to him and leaned down towards her. He allowed himself to place a kiss upon her lips, lingering for a moment.

He'd found that he rather enjoyed being this close to her. After a few moments the Elf pulled away slowly, allowing himself to steadily gaze at her. He smiled at her brightly. A soft knock on the door signaled the arrival of someone. DĂșlinnor moved from Reinette and made his way to the door. He opened it, surprised to see Aglaron, Thurilostel, and Bregolon. "Mother and Father said that they were coming by tonight so we thought we join as well. It is your first night home, after all." Aglaron said.

DĂșlinnor could see that his brother was being unusually nice. Thurilostel was quick to pull the younger Elf into a light hug before she moved towards Reinette. "I brought you sword. I thought that you might eventually need it." Aglaron placed the weapon on the rack and it was then that DĂșlinnor realized that his brother was suddenly looking slightly apologetic. "I also returned and found your bow. However..I'm afraid that it is damaged."

The younger Elf suddenly became serious. Aglaron moved, reaching just outside of the flet to get the weapon. As the older Elf brought the weapon in, DĂșlinnor suddenly realized just how badly damaged his bow was. It was only being held together by the bowstring, the weapon itself having been snapped in half. As DĂșlinnor's gaze took in the damage his face suddenly showed just how dejected he was suddenly feeling. There would be no repairing the weapon. Aglaron gently placed the bow on a nearby table and then turned to his brother, placing a hand upon his shoulder in comfort.

"Something must have stepped on it during the battle. I'm sorry..I know how much it meant to you." The older Elf said. DĂșlinnor said nothing, his gaze resting on the weapon for a moment longer before trying to cover up the sadness that had been showing on his face. He didn't want Reinette to realize that he was rather upset at the loss. He hoped that Thurilostel had at least been trying to keep the Mortal distracted when his brother had given him the weapon back.

Another knock sounded at the door and Aglaron opened it to allow the eldest pair of Elves to enter. Their mother hugged DĂșlinnor and then moved throughout the room to greet everyone. Their father followed, lingering with DĂșlinnor for a moment before doing the same as his wife, even greeting Reinette warmly.

The women would very likely head into the kitchen shortly and so when they did it left the men alone. They all took a seat in the sitting room. They spoke together for some time, actually..for once, getting along. It was easy for DĂșlinnor to see that his Father was trying to at least be civil. "I do hope that you are remembering to keep your distance from the Mortal girl. It will do you no good to get too close to her, DĂșlinnor." His Father said, suddenly bring their civil talk to a halt. DĂșlinnor eyed the older Elf, as if trying to understand why he would say such a thing. He was fairly certain that he had no idea that he'd kissed Reinette and that..still..he continued to do so.

However, it was hard to tell with Harnor. The Elf knew how to hide what he was thinking rather well. Aglaron was glancing between the other two, as if waiting for one of them to blow up. "What are you talking about? I'm as close to her as I have been since the beginning of her stay here." He said at last.

Harnor shook his head. "No...something is different. Do not take me for a fool, boy. I am not blind." DĂșlinnor had been ready to jump in however his Father held up a hand. "I'm not trying to fight with you. I just want to make sure that you are aware of the road you are taking." DĂșlinnor nodded, surprised at his Father's words.

A short moment later, his Mother suddenly joined them. "It'll be time to eat soon." She said softly, taking a seat next to her youngest. The other women had sent her to spend time with him as she'd not been able to much during his stay with the Healers. The conversation changed the moment she joined them. Harnor did not wish his wife to hear what they'd been speaking of. He did not wish to worry her.