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Snippet #2605049

located in Manhattan, NY, a part of Upper East Side, one of the many universes on RPG.

Manhattan, NY



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Character Portrait: Lee Min-ho Character Portrait: Sebastian Huntington Jr.
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{ Written in collaboration with CharlotteV }
- sorry about the length -

Rolling his eyes playfully at Lee's cockiness, Sebastian only internally vows that one day, he's gonna beat him. And when he manages to - or more like, if he manages to - boy is he gonna gloat about it. Lee won't be able to a day without Sebastian bringing it up. Just as payback for Lee's arrogance today. Poking him right back in the chest, after Lee's retaliation, Sebastian laughs along with him softly. Almost completely forgetting that they'd ever stopped talking for so long. Sebastian found himself starting to believe that the whole incident never happened and that they were still the best of friends. Oh, how many times Sebastian had wished for that to be true.

Pouting as he watches his score on his profile decrease a fair amount, Sebastian shrugs at Lee's question. "I don't mind," He replies, thinking for a moment. As he does, Sebastian finds that he stomach begins to rumble. Biting his lip embarrassedly, he looks to Lee, "Um, we could always make food?" Sebastian suggests, not wanting his stomach to rumble again. Lee glares at him for a moment, eyes narrowed like he may or may not actually answer, before finally sighing and rolling his eyes. "Sure, fine, what do you want?"

Sebastian thinks for a moment, he didn't exactly want to ask for something Lee didn't have, so instead, he asks, "Uh, well, what is there?" Slightly awkwardly, Lee's standoffish behaviour throwing him a little. Lee considers him for a moment, runs a hand up through his hair before shrugging slightly. "Korean shit, mostly. My mother still shops at Korea Town when she can get away with it. There...might be spaghetti. Possibly stuff to make pancakes..." Sebastian's eyes light up a little at the thought of pancakes, but he tries his best to conceal his childish excitement. Instead opting for a nonchalant, "Yeah, I don't mind - Pancakes sound good though, I mean, if you have the stuff for them." He adds a shrug for good measure, but can't keep a small smile from appearing on his lips. "Oh, my god, you actual adorable five year old." Lee rolls his eyes fondly before shoving his friend and pushing himself up off the couch. "We've got to make them from scratch so get off your ass and come help." Sebastian's smile widens into a grin when Lee calls him adorable, jumping up off of the sofa to follow him into the kitchen.

He couldn't help his childishness, there was nothing that Sebastian loved more than pancakes. They had always been his favourite food, ever since he was a child and as he grew up, they became almost a comfort food for when his father was being aggressive and his mother wasn't there. Taking in Lee's tiny kitchen, Sebastian opens the fridge and pulls out a carton of eggs and some milk, "You need these right?" He guesses, Sebastian had never actually made pancakes himself. In fact, he'd barely made any food in his life, which meant this was all the more exciting. Lee looks over his shoulder and nods before digging in the cabinets for the flour, baking powder, and other, little ingredients. "Yeah, grab the butter too, it should be on the top shelf. Also..." he sits the containers down and leans over, unscrewing the lid to the milk and sniffing at it before nodding in approval. "Yeah, just the butter, we're good to go. Do you want fruit? We can throw in some blueberries or strawberries...might have some chocolate-chips leftover..."

Doing as Lee asked and grabbing the butter off the top shelf, Sebastian leans against Lee a little to place it on the counter before replying, "Oh! What about both? Strawberries and chocolate chips!" The delight in his voice evident. Cooking seemed fun, especially with Lee, and Sebastian thought that maybe he should try and do it more often. Lee gives his friend a half amused look before rolling his eyes again slightly. "Switch places with me," he mutters, hands falling on Sebastian's hips as he pushes himself between the small amount of space between his friend and the counter behind him. "The chocolate chips are in that top cabinet. Do you mind?" Lee could reach the high doors if he climbed on the cabinet, but it just seemed easier to get Sebastian to do it while he searched for the strawberries.

Sebastian's eyes widen when Lee's hands land on his hips, but quickly relaxes again when he realises that Lee was only doing it to move past him. Reaching up to grab the chocolate chips from the highest cabinet, just like Lee told him to do, Sebastian again, leans over his friend to set them down, beginning to become much more comfortable with all of the contact. In fact, he kind of enjoyed it. "Okay when do we get to the eating part?" Sebastian then asked, however much he may enjoy this whole cooking process, he also wanted his pancakes. Lee arched his eyebrows comically, and gestures at the raw materials as a whole with his arms. "I mean, be my guest. How much plain flower do you think you can manage?" He kicks the fridge shut with his foot, adding the strawberries to their pile. Sebastian laughs at Lee's sarcastic comment, enjoying his friend's dry humour. "Okay, okay." Sebastian rolls his eyes, "I just want to eat pancakes..." He sighs, looking down at all of their ingredients. "We have everything - what next?" Sebastian then asks, truly lost as to what he was supposed to do now.

"How do you even survive?" Lee asks, rolling his eyes slightly. He moves around the kitchen easily, handing Sebastian a bowl at some point, arms brushing against his friends back when he has to step too close. "Here," he hands over an egg and cracks one of his own gently, dropping the eggshell in the sink before doing one more. After that he walks through the dry ingredients, showing Sebastian how to measure them out and throw them in after the eggs. Sebastian tries his best to keep up with Lee, but ends up quite confused. So he just waits for Lee instructions before doing else, not wanting to mess it up. While Sebastian measures out the flour, Lee begins to beat the eggs. However, as Lee brings his elbow out to whisk, he hits it into the bag in Sebastian's hand, causing a shower of flour to fall down upon him. "Shit!" Sebastian curses as the flour coats Lee's side and back, "I'm sorry." Grabbing a sponge from the side, Sebastian doesn't give himself time to think about what he's doing before he finds himself wiping Lee's bare back with the sponge, feeling incredibly guilty.

Lee goes stiff almost immediatly, looking down at the splashes of white covering his already pale skin, but more so the feeling of Sebastian literally cleaning him off. he clears his throat and tries to side-step out of the situation, but there really isn't a lot of room, while he wipes at what he can reach of the mess. "Um, it's fine, I's fine, you don't have to..." When Lee says this, Sebastian blushes a soft pink colour. "Oh, um sorry, I-I, just uh.." He trails off, removing his hand from Lee. Seeing there's still some on Lee's back Sebastian sighs, "It's just you, um, you still have some on your - uh - on your back." Sebastian manages to get out, averting his gaze from Lee to the floor.

Closing his eyes, Lee's fingers tightening on the counter in front of him, breathing through his nose a couple of times before finally giving a little nod. ", then, if you don't mind?" He says and Sebastian mimics his slight nod before placing the sponge back onto Lee's back and trying to get off the flour. It was probably the most awkward situation he had ever been in, and what made it worse was rather than the flour just coming off as he'd hoped, it seemed to cling to Lee's skin and Sebastian wiping a wet sponge over it, made it turn into some kind of paste and stick even more. It took him ages to finally wash off all the flour that had been spilled on Lee, and Sebastian found himself holding his breath for the most part. The tense atmosphere overwhelming. Once he had finished Sebastian took a big step back from Lee, "I, um...Think it's all gone now." Sebastian murmurs, his eyes still on Lee's back.

Lee does his best to keep still, to make the process as easy and as quick as possible, even though that didn't particularly seem to be happening. He kept his eyes closed, focused on breathing through his nose, definitely did not relate the situation to any he'd been in during more...intimate situations. "Thanks," he murmured, when it was finally all over, taking one more breath and clearing his throat awkwardly. "Alright, um, if you want to...remeasure the amount of flour we needed. We can, um...pancakes." Sebastian nods again, "Yeah, pancakes.." He mumbles, taking the flour and extra cautiously measuring it out again. After successfully doing so, he hands it to Lee, making sure that it doesn't spill again.

After Lee had finished mixing up the batter, Sebastian keeping his distance so they didn't end up in another, 'situation', they were finally ready to make the pancakes. The excitement of actually getting to make them overwhelmed Sebastian and he pushed what had just happened to the back of his mind. "Can I pour it into the pan?" Sebastian asks, excitedly. Lee just rolls his eyes and nods, handing the batter over to him. The first pancake Sebastian did was a mess, it was all over the place and thicker on one side. Lee watched him fail with a bemused smirk, before stepping forward and taking Sebastian's wrist. "You're not doing it right." He chastises, guiding Sebastian's hand so that the mixture is even and perfect in the pan. "Awesome!" Sebastian beams, watching the pancake cook.

When the pancakes were all cooked and ready, the boys retreated back to the living room, sitting down on Lee's old sofa and happily tuck into their pancakes. Ignoring what happened between them earlier and focusing on eating instead.