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Snippet #2606241

located in Manhattan, NY, a part of Upper East Side, one of the many universes on RPG.

Manhattan, NY



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Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Ricardo Slim-Helú
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Vincent's Saturday went horribly. He had been kicked out of Sydney's the night before which was bad in itself, but when it was clear that she wanted Kelley, or all people, for emotional support, he knew he had screwed up. When he woke up the next morning, not only were there still tens of unopened messages from guys congratulating him on the coveted Sydney Vale 'score' but also an equal amount of ones from his mother expressing how "disappointed" and "devastated" she was by his actions. She was still in the city from her night out with friends and he reluctantly agreed to get breakfast with her, where she continued to express how unacceptable it was for him to hurt Sienna like that. She went on and on about how close she was to leaving his father years ago when they were dating because he put up the same womanizing from as Vincent did, and how Sienna was smarter than she was at that age and was going to realize her worth and move on sooner than later. Vincent knew she was right, but he didn't want to hear it. He didn't want to deal with his mother dramatically tearing up over Eggs Benedict and choking back a sob when he reassured her that he was going to make it right no matter what it took.

After her car picked her up to drive her back to the island, he was in the mindset to actually make things right with Sia. It wasn't going to be that easy, though. His countless phone calls went unanswered and he didn't want to leave her a voicemail where he could say something that would be interpreted wrong and just dig himself into a deeper mess. He wanted to talk to her in person and explain... well, he wasn't sure what he wanted to explain. He had taken his hits for what he had done years ago when he had come clean to Sienna in the first place. Maybe it was wrong for him to expect her to bury the hatred for Sydney for so many years just to keep tensions from boiling over, but he aside from apologizing again for sleeping with Sydney, he didn't know what else he had done wrong. He didn't think there was anything wrong with hanging out with Sydney yesterday. Nothing had happened. He had only went over to apologize for leaving her party early and to clear the air between not only them, but her and Sienna. If there was any apologizing to be done, he thought after giving up trying to call her and walking back to his apartment, it was Sienna to him and he to Sydney! Sienna could have had the decency to give him a head's up after informing Sydney that she knew all along. The way she had done it, through that online post that he was convinced she was behind, made him look like the complete dick (rightfully so, however), for telling Sienna without giving Sydney, her best friend, the chance to clear her name first.

Even though he didn't think he had done anything wrong to Sienna that he hadn't already apologized for, he wasn't actually mad at her. His mother's visit had reminded him even more of why he loved Sienna and couldn't just let her go. He needed to win her back, even if he didn't think he had done something wrong to lose her yesterday anyway. However, he wasn't going to beg. Not at this point, anyway, and especially not when he caught wind of Ricky being back in town. His relationship with the sports' star was an interesting one. They were commonly called best friends and Vincent did see Rick as a best friend, but there had always been a little bit of tension between them. He often brushed it off as harmless competitiveness between the two of them, but when it came to Sienna, it was far from harmless. Vincent liked to pretend that he didn't care if anyone flirted with Sienna because "she's free to fuck whoever she wants, just like I am", but when Rick did it... it just crossed the line. Maybe it was because Vincent thought that Rick was one of the few guys who could woo her into sleeping with him, or because he expected his best friend to just back off and let him figure out what he wanted on his own time. Either way, finding out that Rick was back in New York today of all days irked Vincent more than he would admit.

When night set in and it was around time for Hailey's party, Vincent wasn't sure if he wanted to go. Sienna was definitely going to be there, and what was he going to say to her? He doubted Sydney would show up, probably citing that it wasn't her "scene" even though he knew good and well it would be an attempt to avoid Sienna. Ricardo's text didn't leave him with much of a choice, though, and left him scrambling to find an appropriate neon outfit in his closet. Vincent had went to a couple of raves over the summer but he just wasn't in the mood to go all out in neon. Honestly, he doubted that he would even stay at the party for very long, especially when the inevitable bumping into Sienna occurred. He ended up in a pair of bright orange, Vineyard Vines club pants and a plain white v-neck that accented his toned body. He didn't text Ricardo to confirm that he would be ready, because it wasn't really necessary. Vincent was downstairs and waiting for his friend when he pulled up, and as he slid into the back of the car, he tried to put on a carefree expression. "Cali finally get sick of you and ship you back here?" he greeted Rick with a grin. Even if Ricardo's return was destined to spell trouble, it would at least mean that there would be another guy around to have fun with, since Connor was normally too much of a refined, good guy to actually get into trouble with.