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Snippet #2607089

located in Manhattan, NY, a part of Upper East Side, one of the many universes on RPG.

Manhattan, NY



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Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Carolina Daily Character Portrait: Ricardo Slim-Helú
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It was selfish and wrong, but Sydney was more than satisfied when Jane dropped her mock-confidence and returned to her old self. She didn't necessarily need Jane to be the lapdog that most people thought her to be, but a Jane that blatantly denied her requests and stood up to her so brazenly was not something that Sydney was used to, or wanted to get used to. The plead that she made, for Sydney to talk to Sienna tonight, wasn't one that she wanted to hear, but it was preferred over the bitch she had dealt with moments before. "Sienna and I will talk at some point, but tonight is not that night," Sydney declared. Her eyes were averted from Jane's longing gaze for a mere second as she glanced down at her phone. Ricardo had responded to her text, but she knew that whatever it said wasn't important enough to warrant an immediate response. If anything, it was going to annoy her and she could deal with putting that off for a few minutes anyway.

"Why not tonight?" Jane replied, her hands absentmindedly fidgeting with the ties of her robe. Sydney's declaration sounded more like an excuse than anything. She probably wanted to put off talking to Sienna in hopes that she would reach out to her first, so that, in true Sydney fashion, she could claim that it was Sienna who came running back to her, begging for forgiveness. It wasn't like Jane expected Sydney to do that to Sienna, either. She really did recognize that both of her friends had wronged each other, but Sienna never would have done what she did if Sydney hadn't done hers first. And really, in Jane's opinion, no matter how much of a dramatic spin Sydney put on it, what Sienna had done didn't seem to compare to what Sydney did with Vincent.

Jane's tone was not accusatory but Sydney was getting annoyed over why she needed to be persistent over this. It had barely been one day since the fight. Sydney wasn't ready to forgive Sienna for what she had done, and even if Sydney had some type of apology to offer Sia, she doubted the singer would be ready to accept it either. Sydney knew that this was just Jane trying to make everything perfect and innocent and happy, like usual, but this wasn't some normal fight where that would work. What Sienna had done yesterday was game changing and Sydney doubted that things could be mended at this point. "I don't want to do it somewhere so public. You know how embarrassingly loud she can get, and I don't think it would be right to steal the new girl's attention on her own birthday. This is probably the only night that she's going to be really relevant, anyway." Hailey wasn't important enough to even be referenced by her name. Not after that little show she put on on Thursday morning, and even more so after her attempt to buy drugs off of Brent Barclay right in front of Jane. Remembering the new blonde reminded Sydney of last night's ordeal and before Jane could insist again that they go to the party, Sydney decided to do some convincing of her own. It was wrong to redirect the conflict of the conversation onto someone else, but Sydney didn't care about Hailey. In fact, she actively disliked her by this point, so in her mind, it didn't seem comparable to how she had thrown Jane under the bus to change the topic during yesterday's dinner. "Besides, that girl is bad news anyway, Jane. I tried to warn Sienna about it and of course she didn't want to listen, but I caught that girl buying drugs at my party." She whipped out her phone, still ignoring Rick's text as she pulled up the photo she had sent Sienna. "It's probably crack or something, for all we know. She did it right in front of you too, and I know you were drinking too much to remember but still, what nerve! Honestly, she wasn't even invited and this is why. I knew she was going to be a problem."

Jane understood that it probably was best to avoid dealing with their friendship problems in the middle of a party, but when else were they going to do it? Even if they were in the privacy of one of their homes, there was still a good chance that Sienna was going to claw Sydney's eyes out or that Sydney was going to try to turn the tables and make things worse. No matter what, Jane doubted that the pair would be able to speak civilly, but she so desperately wanted this resolved. It had only been one day, but that one day had been daunting in itself and she couldn't imagine an entire school year like this. Especially when this was their last school year, and one that they had all vowed to make the most of. Jane wanted to convince Sydney that she could just pull Sienna aside and talk outside or in a separate room, but unsurprisingly, Sydney changed the topic of conversation to Hailey. Jane had her own reservations about Hailey but drugs? That wasn't something that Jane would have suspected. And then the photo was thrust into her face and Jane's heart dropped. She knew exactly what those drugs were, and it didn't take much problem-solving skills to piece together who they were really for if it was Brent Barclay dealing them with Jane standing nearby. "That's not crack, it's Ritalin..." she whispered, not even recognizing that she was speaking aloud as her eyes focused on the phone screen.

Since when did Jane know anything about drugs? Especially something like Ritalin, which Sydney had only vaguely heard of herself. As far as she knew, Jane thought that drugs were just as classless as she. The idea of her friend being able to identify a bag of white pills was surprisingly to say the least, and Sydney honed in on it before Jane had a chance to realize that she had even spoken. "I never knew you were interested in pharmacology, Jane," she said, quirking an eyebrow out of curiosity. "Enlighten me." It was her way of saying "explain yourself" without scaring Jane off. The startled look on her friend's Jane suggested that she was already regretting speaking, though.

"I'm not!" Jane shot back nervously as Sydney wondered how Jane was able to identify the drug so easily. Of course Sydney knew that Jane wasn't "interested in pharmacology" and Jane didn't even consider claiming that she was, because both of them knew that would have been unbelievable. "I just know... someone who uses it." That came out more guilty-sounding than she had wanted to, and before she could stop herself, she was the one throwing someone under the bus. "Piper buys it from Brent some times, okay? But please don't tell anyone I told you that. She would kill me." It wasn't a lie. Well, at least Jane didn't know that it was a lie. Last year when she had met Brent one night to buy some pills, Piper had been there. Jane had no other option than to tell Piper what she was doing meeting up with someone that was so... not their type, and to protect her own reputation, Piper claimed that she was with him for the same reason, despite it being untrue. Because Sydney already disliked Piper, Jane didn't think she was doing that much harm by outing Piper's secret, especially when it was to protect herself. She was still reeling from the girls somehow finding out about her disorder in the first place. She didn't need them to know how bad it actually was, especially if Brent was lurking around trying to force her back into those habits.

The fact that Jane's explanation for the pills didn't strike Sydney as being suspicious pointed to how much she already disliked Piper. She was surprised that the redhead did drugs, but not shocked. She wouldn't put something like that past Piper and hearing the secret actually heightened her mood. Once again, she had been right to dislike someone for no reason because hidden beneath the pettiness was a reason. As Sydney liked to say, her intuition was spot on like usual. "Hmm... not surprising," she surmised, allowing a smirk to creep onto her face. "Maybe Hailey won't be friendless after all, then. The two trap queens can be friends and we can finally drop her from our group." The comment evoked frown from Jane, and Sydney rolled her eyes. "I'm kidding, you know I won't tell anyone." Not yet, at least. Piper hadn't done anything to warrant such a nasty move and Sydney wasn't willing to go that low for no reason after Sienna had just done so to her. "Which is why I don't understand why you couldn't tell me about where you were this summer." She really didn't come over with the intentions of bringing up Jane's summer since Sydney knew that what she had said yesterday didn't come across as the compassionate and concerned friend that she wanted to be, but they seemed to be back in a good place. Maybe she could get an honest answer from Jane now.

The shock of the Ritalin being brought up numbed down Jane's senses enough that Sydney bringing up her summer didn't make her heart race this time. It was already out in the open and if anything, Jane had a reason to brush Sydney off now. Her friend had already addressed the issue so insensitively yesterday that she didn't think she was required to give it much thought today. "I was going to tell you at some point," she said before quickly switching gears. Her bare legs had grown goose bumps from standing in the air conditioned hallway and the reminder of her summer made her feel vulnerable in nothing but the bath robe. "I need to get dressed. Come."

Sydney could tell that Jane was trying to change the conversation and she wouldn't accept that. That was her game, and didn't she deserve an answer anyway? As selfish as it was, Sydney was offended that Jane couldn't even give her best friend some sort of insight, especially now when they were away from Sienna. She followed Jane upstairs, but spoke as they walked. "Then let's make 'some point' now. Like, you know I would have been there for you, Jane. How long has this been going on? You've been a stick forever and Sienna and I were concerned for you last spring but we didn't think that it was anything like this. Why didn't you say something?"

She wasn't going to let this go, apparently. Luckily, Jane's soak had calmed her down and knowing that she had mended her relationship with Sydney and that Sienna was texting her again made her feel better than she had earlier. "I really don't feel like talking about this right now, Syd. It's not 'anything like this'. My dad went crazy after my doctor said something and sent me there without me even knowing where I was going. There was nothing wrong, which is why I didn't say anything. I just didn't want to make a big deal out of a problem that doesn't even exist." She tried to keep her tone light and shrugged nonchalantly as she made her way into her bedroom and headed straight for her closet.

"You're insulting me, Jane. I'm not stupid. Even Sienna picked up on how you act, and that says a lot. I won't push it any more tonight, but just know that this is not the end of this conversation. I want real answers." Sydney followed Jane into the walk-in closet and sat down on one of the chairs as she watched the brunette shuffle through the racks of clothing. "Don't get too dressed up. I don't feel like going out, let's just do something casual." Jane had stepped behind one of the privacy screens to change, so Sydney turned her attention to her phone to finally answer Rick. Sienna had her minions and Sydney had hers. If a few of them wanted to side with Sienna on this, oh well. Sydney didn't think that it would be an amount considerable enough to hurt her, because at this point, she didn't need feel like she needed a million followers anyway. It was senior year and one rumor that she was not going to confirm wasn't going to be enough to ruin her, despite Sienna's hopes.

To: Ricardo
You are so right Rick. Let's dedicate a moment of silence to me losing the admiration of those completely useless and pathetic girls who I didn't and never will care about </3 :(

"I'm still going to that party," Jane reminded Sydney. She had lost most of her confidence since Sydney first arrived, but she wasn't going to be completely submissive to all of Sydney's wishes. Her best friend still didn't deserve that and honestly, the few self-sufficient comments she had made earlier were liberating in a way. If she wanted to go to Hailey's party, she was going to go whether Sydney liked it or not! She had found a dress that she had purchased with Sienna the day before and slipped behind a privacy screen to change into it. Matched with black lace-up boots, it definitely wasn't a typical Jane outfit but from Sienna's description of the party, it didn't seem like a place for a typical Jane outfit anyway. The dress was small and tight which had her pulling at the non-existent bulge that she was sure was protruding from her stomach, but after brushing her issues off to Sydney, she tried not to put too much thought into it. She wanted what she had said to her friend to be true, and she tried to put the "positive thinking" method that she had been taught in therapy to use tonight. Plus, she was sure that the party would have enough drinks for her to forget what she looked like anyway. "You should come, too. I think it'll be fun."

Sydney didn't understand why Jane insisted on going to this party even after Hailey had been outed as a drug user, but she remained quiet. If Jane wanted to go, then so be it. She would have to learn the hard way, but whatever. It was clear to Sydney that she and Jane were on good terms again and it would make her look like the bigger person if she allowed Jane to hang out with Sienna, anyway. Not like Sydney really had the control to choose who Jane could and couldn't hang out with, but she liked how it sounded in her head. "Um, no thanks. I'm not into doing lines of coke in the bathroom with some wannabe singer." She was talking about Hailey, but if Jane thought she meant Sienna, that worked too.

"Open bar!" Jane chimed in, hoping that it would be enough of a convincing factor for Sydney as it was for her. She knew it wouldn't be, and she didn't really care. Honestly, the night probably would be easier without Sienna and Sydney in the same room if neither of them wanted to make up with each other.

"We aren't all alcoholics, babe. Besides, my grandpa wanted to get dinner tonight, so if you're going to abandon me, I guess I'll go do that. Don't drink yourself to death!" she sighed dramatically, although her tone was playful. She stood up and headed out of the closet, only rolling her eyes when Jane cheerfully dismissed her with, "Your loss!". It took less then three minutes for Sydney's car to pull up and for her to be back on her way to her apartment. She really did plan on staying in with her grandfather tonight, but when she got a text from Vincent, those thoughts flew out the window.

From: Vincent
Ik you don't want to talk to me and I get it but I don't think u should come tonight. It's just gonna be too much drama with you two there.

Was he out of his mind to try to tell her what to do and where to go? And to protect his precious little girlfriend who had fucked her over?! Oh, hell no! It left Sydney reeling and trying to recall what cute neon outfits she had on hand as she ordered her driver to speed it up.

Jane felt like she and Sydney had left off on a good note, despite the blonde probably being annoyed that she had decided to go to the party regardless of her wishes. It left her in an exuberant mood that came close to how she used to feel when she was hyped to go out at night, and it was an extreme contrast to how poorly she had felt all day today. She straightened her hair quickly and put just as little effort into its styling as she left it in a simple ponytail. A glance out her window showed that Max hadn't left yet, which only had her sending a text to Carolina once she was already on her way down to the car.

To: Caroline
I'm omw to the car!!!! Let's go

To: Sienna
OMW!!!!!!!!!! How am I supposed to know what you're wearing if you don't post an Insta?! Or are you saving your post for today for one with me <3?!