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Snippet #2609733

located in Manhattan, NY, a part of Upper East Side, one of the many universes on RPG.

Manhattan, NY



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Hailey Neilson Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Lee Min-ho Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Brent Barclay Character Portrait: Sebastian Huntington Jr. Character Portrait: Connor Harkins Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Dustin Sanderson Character Portrait: Kelley Hadley Character Portrait: Carolina Daily Character Portrait: Ricardo Slim-Helú Character Portrait: Edward Till Character Portrait: Victoria Walsh
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0.00 INK

Sunday, September 7th | 12:30 PM

Sunday was turning out to be an extremely busy day for Sienna and she wasn't exactly sure how she felt about it yet. The party last night had been pretty damn fun and exciting, especially seeing some of the more prim and proper students actually throwing the cares and inhibitions away. She herself had had a good time, especially with Jane, Piper, and Charlotte being her party buddies at different points of the night. She didn't know nor care if Sydney had made a presence, and if she had, Sienna had not paid it any mind. She had made it her mission to enjoy herself and downed two Mai Tai cocktails and only three shots, which was definitely safer than her typical antics. Maybe it was because she was trying to be coherent enough to evade Vincent when he did appear with Ricky...

...which brought her to her current issue. "Let me guess, you're vying for best friend of the month award," she snapped into her cell phone while sending out a few blasts online to the various volunteers for the afternoon. It was a very classy event they were hosting, a lunch of sorts with very light entrees, champagne, and a few other delicate treats. She had helped Charlotte and Victoria with the initial planning, but eventually stuck to doing her original job, which was more along the lines of garnering media attention of alumnae who still be around, various donors who would probably donate funds again, a few other social media management duties that had been bequeathed to her. Afterwards, she would have a small dinner with Jay Z and Beyoncé about her upcoming EP, another session in the studio despite having doing one earlier in the morning, and finish whatever homework she had not touched. She had not had time to construct an attire that would allow her l show out and even had decided on one of her most bare looks, opting even for the bare minimum in regards to makeup. The dress she chose was classy and casual, and the shoes were just edgy enough. She even had to deal with the fact that Hailey was preparing to leave since, apparently, Sydney slamming her for drugs Sienna still believed did not belong to Hailey had run amuck through the halls and a few other rumors had spread. It was too much stress and dealing with being new to all of it, Hailey had not been prepared for anything. So, she was leaving and Sienna had oversaw her getting on a flight extremely early in the morning. Which was why she was not in the mood to play by Ricky's rules.

"Oh come on, Sia. Give me a little credit," his voice rumbled through her ears over the speakers, and Sienna scowled because she could hear the chuckle he did not release. "You say it like it's a bad thing." Sienna growled and Ricky laughed a bit at the sound. "Don't you think that if I wanted to talk to him, that I would have already done so?" Ricky smirked on his end, finishing with his tie. He was in the process of getting presentable for this event, having shooed away his conquest from the night before at the crack of dawn. He really hated when girls wore make up that they were only going to fuck up by morning. Honestly, it was an unattractive look and was probably the real reason he had sent her away so early. "The only reason you haven't spoken to him is because you're scared." Sienna paused and his smirk only grew at her silence.

It had never been hard for Ricardo to understand Sienna. She liked to think she was a bit more complex and in a way, she was, but she also was not hard to decode. Her fear at whatever she would hear from Vincent at the explanation of his "relationship" with Sydney was the main reason for her ignoring him, not her anger at the lacrosse star for being in a Snapchat. Ricky had singled that fact out last night when he acknowledged her ignoring Vincent to her face and seeing the almost guilty look in her eyes was enough to solidify the fidelity of his theory. No one could say that the king of St. Jude's wasn't an intelligent individual, that was for sure. Sienna's mouth opened and closed twice, and Esmee looked up from the seating chart Sienna had asked her to look over, running her hands through her pin-straight hair she stared at her sister curiously. Shaking her head, Sienna rose from her seat and left her laptop with Esmee, opting to walk out in the lobby instead of continuing the conversation in the ballroom. "Fine, I'll talk to him before this. Satisfied? She griped into her phone and Ricky could only laugh and admire his attire for the afternoon with pleasure. "Delighted." He replied and was not surprised by the click that followed.

Once off the phone with his Royal Asshole-ness, Sienna huffed and puffed, pouting for just a few minutes. She had fallen for Ricardo's tricks again. She could have ignored his allegations and ended the call altogether, but - and she was very aware that he knew this - she wasn't going to let him just call her out like that. She wasn't scared of talking to Vincent. It was freaking Vincent! She could have this conversation with him and then he could go back to telling everyone she didn't mean a thing to him, and she could go back to hating him. And damn those thoughts for saddening her for the seconds they dwelled in her mind. Messing with the loose strands that framed her face unlike the rest of her hair, which was styled in a side bun, Sienna paced along the floors for two minutes before making her decision. She dialed Vincent's number and waited for him to pick up, not giving him much time to say anything before cutting in, "Look, we've got thirty minutes til this event begins, and I can't leave since Charlotte isn't here yet, so if you still wanna talk, I'm here. And if not..." She bit her lip for a second, contemplating it before continuing. "..if not, then I'll see you when I see you." She hung up before the conversation could go any farther, staring down at her device for a few seconds longer than she would have admitted.

The cool air from outside grazed her warm skin due to various guests exiting the hotel and it reminded her that she needed to be on the move. She needed to make sure that everything was in place so Charlotte wouldn't have too much to stress over other than her speech. Preparing herself for possibly speaking with Vincent and dealing with the unwanted pleasantries that came with lavish events such as these, Sienna turned back and headed towards the ballroom once more, sending out messages to various peoples.

To: Jane, Piper
Plz tell me ur either coming 2 this thing or r doing something far more fun than me :P

To: Lottie, Carrie, Victoria
So far so good

To: Connor
At least u can do is b on time

To: Lee
Don't worry, I only have ur # 4 this 1 event. R u still volunteering or what?