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Snippet #2610460

located in Manhattan, NY, a part of Upper East Side, one of the many universes on RPG.

Manhattan, NY



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Piper Vine Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Carolina Daily
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{Jane's Outfit || Carolina's Outfit }

Waking up with a hangover was never fun, but it at least reminded Jane of the good time she had the night before. Since Sienna had run off at Sydney's party with Vincent - an event that Jane still hadn't interrogated her friend on, and the next night had been a complete train wreck, Hailey's party had been the first night that she actually got to have fun with Sienna. She wished that Sydney had come, or more accurately, that Sydney had come and she and Sienna would have put their issues behind them, but that didn't happen and probably wouldn't for a while. Jane was still struggling to accept that, but last night had reminded her of how much fun she and Sienna could have... especially when they were drinking. The blonde left the party far more coherent than Jane did, but with that in mind, Jane was too wasted to remember that come morning, and just assumed that Sienna left as drunk as she.

"Wake up, girlies! We're leaving in an hour!"

Jane and Carolina reacted similar with similar groans to Nicole's peppy voice coming over the penthouse's intercom system. Carolina relished in the warmth of what only took two night's rests for her to officially call "her bed" for five minutes after her sister's wake up call before getting out of bed. She was exhausted and surprisingly, hung over too, but with one glance at her phone, she knew that she was running late. Unlike Jane, Nicole and Adrian, Carolina was expected at the event before it was scheduled to begin at o'clock. She was the SGA secretary and therefor, had to help make sure that everything was ready before the guests got to the lunch. Her presence probably wasn't that necessary. Everyone knew that Charlotte had the event planned down to the T and that if need be, she could run it on her own, but Carolina wanted to be there to help. She needed to be there to take even a tiny bit of stress off of Charlotte's shoulders and she knew that their first event of the year needed to go well.

Carolina had drank more than she was used to last night, but she got home in one piece and after spending a half an hour devouring a late night snack, was sober enough to take a shower. That worked to her benefit this morning, since it took her only fifteen minutes to get ready. She had to give Nicole credit. She had left an outfit hanging for her on the door to her closet and Carolina didn't even question it before putting it on. It was simple yet pretty, and not too revealing for the elegant luncheon they were throwing.

One of the many pros to living with the Lynch's was that their penthouse was so big, that Carolina didn't run into anyone on her way out. That meant that she wasn't running any later than she already was due to unnecessary chit chat with her sister or Adrian. She didn't expect to see Jane who Carolina last remembered seeing the night before, stumbling with a drink in hand. The brunette had brushed her off far too many times the previous night for her to expect any type of greeting if she did bump into her anyway.

It was only at 12:20, around the time that Carolina was pulling off for Hotel Plaza Athenee, that Jane finally got out of bed. Nicole and her frequent messages over the intercom had become too bothersome to allow Jane to get any more rest, and a cool shower seemed like her only shot at relieving her splitting headache. It did help, though only ten minutes in she was startled by the bathroom door creaking open and Nicole popping her head in. Glass shower doors and the lack of steam from the cool shower didn't help and left Jane shrieking for her to get out in a more expletive-filled demand. That wasn't before Nicole threatened to send her father in if she didn't hurry up, however. Now that her shot at relaxing had been ruined yet again, Jane decided to cut her shower short and really did do her best to get ready in time. Jane was an inherently late person, though, so when she was told that they were leaving at one and she wasn't ready until one-fifteen, she didn't see it as being much of an issue. Her father, whose face she was seeing for the first time that morning, looked less than pleased when she slid into the town car beside Nicole.

"You know I hate being late to events like these, Jane," her father spoke. His eyes were glued to his phone and the way his finger was slowly scrolling up the screen suggested that he was reading an email. "I missed a very important meeting in Paris for this, you know. The least you could have done was be ready on time." She rolled her eyes. If it was such a big deal for him to come to one of her school events, he didn't need to. She sure as hell didn't care whether he was there or not, and in fact, the only reason that she was going was because of him! "I didn't ask you to come. I'm sure that The Red Cross would have been happy to get your check without you personally handing it to them," she responded. She knew she was already walking on thin ice with her father. The bratty remarks and tendency to speak back had always been a part of their relationship but he had hoped that it would have fizzled out after her stay in Illinois. Apparently, he had been wrong. They were only becoming more frequent and if Nicole didn't jump in, he probably would have snapped at her. "I think it's important that he comes to some of your school events, Jane. It's the last year you two have together before you go off to school, and it's some charity for ALS, not The Red Cross. Carolina was talking about it the other day." Jane only rolled her eyes, smart enough to not utter the "whatever" that she was thinking. She remained silent for the rest of the car ride, drowning out the small talk Adrian and Nicole made about the party they were at last night as she centered her attention on her phone. Sienna had texted her while she was showering and she only remembered to answer as they were pulling up.

To: Sienna, Piper
Omg someone needs to cure whatever this ALS disease is so I never have to wake up for another event for it again

Just as Carolina imagined, the ballroom looked amazing when she arrived at 12:30. There was very little left to do when she got there, although she was sure if she could find Charlotte, the blonde would have a list of unnecessary details that she thought needed to be perfected. Carolina spent the next thirty minutes chatting with some of the representatives from the ALS Association who had come to the event and when she noticed guests starting to file in, excused herself to find Charlotte, Victoria, Rose or Sienna.

To: Lottie
Haven't seen you all afternoon. Where are you hiding?!

To: Sienna
Yea all looks good. Seen Lottie?