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Snippet #2613250

located in Manhattan, NY, a part of Upper East Side, one of the many universes on RPG.

Manhattan, NY



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Vincent Mast Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Carolina Daily Character Portrait: Ricardo Slim-Helú Character Portrait: Victoria Walsh
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Sienna braced herself when Charlotte tossed her a determined gaze, opting to pay more attention to the clock as it winded down to the actual beginning of their little luncheon and the fact that, as she requested, there were tweets already surfacing. Reposting a few of them, she distracted herself with that task when the class president walked away in a hurry. A relieved breath expelled from her lungs as Sienna practically plopped into one of the chairs, biting her lower lip thoughtfully. She didn't understand why it felt necessary for her to keep it a secret that Vincent wanted to actually talk from Charlotte; over the years, Charlotte had proven that she was a much better friend than even Sydney sometimes. Yet and still, Sienna felt inclined - not to lie - but to protect. What she was protecting she did not know, but it only came natural. She would tell Charlotte, eventually, but for now she just needed time to process. More than that, she just needed to get through the day.

Jane arrived in her line of vision when Sienna was staring at her phone blankly, not really sure how to respond to Vincent's inquiries about dinner. Her fingers had already typed out her response, but her thumb seemed unwilling to press enter and instead, had pressed backspace. It was only a second in when Jane was standing right before her and smiling, causing Sienna to smile in return. Though, like Jane's, her smile did not hold the typical brightness it was known for. However, it was also in the presence of Jane that Sienna allowed herself to vanish thoughts of Vincent from her mind. She had to chuckle a bit at Jane talking a mile a minute, as usual, and didn't even attempt to answer Jane's questions. Besides, it was Jane who looked absolutely stunning and Sienna had half the mind to tell her that. A simple BCBG dress meant nothing to Sienna when Jane came dressed to impress. However, just as she was about to make her comment, Jane's curious gaze met hers and Sienna felt baffled. Why was Vincent calling Jane? Sienna even had to glance at her phone for a second in befuddlement because there was not another message from Vincent and he and Jane weren't close enough for him to randomly call. An irrational part of her mind taunted that maybe he had a thing for her whole friend group and Sienna never needed a drink so fast in her life, wrestling with Esmee over text message to find someone to get her champagne.

"If I knew you were looking like that, I would have been made my way over here," Ricardo leered from a few feet away and Sienna looked up, taking a shuddering breath in the midst of her internal freak out and eyeing the King Bee. "Don't you have some dignitaries to be charming with your Dad?" She sniped and Rick smirked, his eyes catching some little twinkle from the overhead chandelier and Sienna glowered at him for being unfairly attractive, and knowing it. "I see there's still an extra sparkle in your bitchiness today," he remarked, walking over in measured steps. Ricardo had arrived with his father some ten minutes ago and had weaved his way skillfully through a few upstanding members of the Upper East Side, laughing at a few humorless jokes and flirting with even a few married women, even under the eyes of their husbands. His father would be giving their donations and all he had to do was make an appearance. Which would have been preferable to make with two of his guys by his side, but with Connor MIA and Vincent having familial issues, he had no choice but to attend on his own. And what better way to spend his afternoon than antagonize the one person who was quite easy to antagonize?

Taking the now vacant seat beside Sienna, Rick had to smirk at how she attempted to scoot away from him, making sure that there was a sizeable distance between their shoulders. Leaning in, Rick inquired, "So, did you do as I instructed?" Sienna pressed her lips into a thin line, sucked her teeth, and then stared at her laptop, busy making posts and reposting various tweets from other people. She couldn't wait for some of the students to filter in their photos so she could repost those as well. "Doesn't matter if I did or didn't. He wants to meet for dinner and I can't. I have work." She almost included an insult, something to rile Ricardo up because she knew it would and his presence was not soothing to her at the moment. It was just annoying. Ricardo's eyes narrowed for a second and without another word, he scooped Sienna's phone up and was on his feet before she could utter a word. "Give me my phone, Rick!" It was a loud hiss, but not a yell, and Sienna was glaring full daggers at him now. But Ricardo was not paying her any mind, swatting her reaching hands away while simultaneously sending out a message from her phone.

To: Vincent
Dinner works. Just come around by place by 6 if you can.

"There, all done," Ricardo exclaimed and lowered her phone, allowing Sienna to snatch it out of his grasp. Her eyes flew wide open at the text she now could not retract because it was already sent and delivered, and she glared at Rick. "I have work - " Ricardo immediately cut her off, "That you can miss." There was a glint in his eyes and a knowing grin on his mouth and Sienna wanted to claw it all away. "Leave it to me."Was the last thing he said before going off into the crowd and Sienna grumbled to herself about nosy bastards and meddling jackasses. Honestly, who the hell did Ricardo think he was? And he knew what he was doing because now, she couldn't even reject dinner with Vincent. Telling him that it was a joke would make her seem even meaner after ignoring him as she had and while she originally was willing to continue her trek of ignoring him, the text made it impossible now. Not long after Rick left, a champagne glass was placed on her table and Sienna immediately set to sipping it, trying to hold a little sense of propriety.

In the meantime, Rick worked his way back through the various guests, not really in a rush. It was quite easy to get Sienna out of her next Sunday engagement. Her employer was not one of the richest men in the world, Rick's father was. And what better way to monopolize the time of a man who was one of the biggest name in the recording business than to set up a possible business venture between him and the third richest man in the world? However, that would have to wait for his eyes landed on a stunning blonde. Walking up to her calmly with a knowing smirk, Rick stepped before Mr. Vale first, shaking the man's hands while saying, "It's a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Vale. Glad to see you could make it to this illustrious event." After exchanging a few pleasantries with the Vale patriarch while casting Sydney a rather lascicious wink, Ricardo turned his full attention on her as her grandfather became distracted with a golfing buddy. "I knew I couldn't let the day go by without paying my respects to the most gorgeous woman in the room. And how are you, Sydney?"

Back with Sienna, she was busy going through her phone, garnering messages from followers, classmates, and a few of her minions, all claiming that the rumor mill stated that Sienna was spreading lies. It was a surprise that none of her girls were against her, and maybe it was a shared disdain for Sydney as opposed to fully liking Sienna, she didn't know. But the point of the matter was that it had been there. Even if she made Victoria take the post away and Sydney had everyone hear her claim that nothing about it was true, the seeds of doubt had been planted. Sydney may think that Sienna was too emotional to pull certain things off, but there was a reason why she was one of the best in social media at their school. Because she knew how it worked. So, she was fine with girls thinking she lied. It was a welcome distraction from the knot forming in her stomach and needing more, she sent out a few texts.

To: Victoria
The fact that you're still working money when you should be mixing and mingling baffles me. Come here

To: Carolina
Closest table to the left window

To: Jane
Come baaaaaaaaack!

To: Ricky
Btw I hate u