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Snippet #2613425

located in Manhattan, NY, a part of Upper East Side, one of the many universes on RPG.

Manhattan, NY



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Piper Vine
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Jane gasped when Piper explained the first part of her predicament to her. She couldn't imagine having her credit cards confiscated. Her father had tried it a few times, with them all only lasting for a few hours because of the fits that Jane threw. It really didn't do much good, anyway. She had accounts at all of her favorite stores and could simply put things on the monthly bill without paying for them at that very moment. Besides, she had learned to memorize her credit card numbers as soon as she hit thirteen. At the very least, she could always online shop. Being cut off for two months seemed excessive, especially for something like being drunk! Jane had never met Piper's parents but she had always gotten the sense that they were very strict. It was the only reasonable excuse for why Piper frequently couldn't come on overseas trips with the girls or never invited them to her apartment. Her parents apparently were control freaks who kept Piper on a tight leash, and as much as Jane despised her father sometimes, she knew she didn't have it that bad compared to Piper. "Oh my God, two months?! With no money? Piper, what are you going to do?! Tell them you're going to like... kill yourself if they don't give you your money back! Or run away!" Jane was feeling genuinely distraught for her friend, and it only got worse when she mentioned weight loss. If anyone knew what that struggle felt like, it was Jane. She should have seen where this conversation was going, but after Hailey left, Jane kind of assumed that her pill issues were going to be over for the year. Sydney believed that Hailey was the user and as long as she avoided Brent, she was hopeful that she could avoid the pills too. But how could she say no to Piper, who was on the verge of tears? Plus, no matter how badly Jane wanted to say she was over the pills, or wanted to really recover now that she knew her friends were watching her, the thought of losing ten pounds had her heart racing. She would lose ten pounds, just the unnecessary weight she had put on during treatment, and leave it there. She could still be healthy ten pounds lighter, and more confident too. And it was to help a friend. It would be wrong not to do it.

Piper abruptly left before Jane could even respond to the last request, but it didn't take much thinking time for her to decide that she was on board. She was feeling jittery as she responded to Piper, but it seemed like more of an excited jitter than a nervous one. All it took was one suggestion and a little bit of persuasion in her head for her to feel like relapsing was the right choice, because she justified it as not being a real relapse. She was still going to be in control once the ten pounds were gone and as soon as Piper stopped taking the pills, she would too. No harm, no foul.

To: Piper
i'll do it with you but let's not tell the other girls, okay??? they'll judge us :///. when are you going to get them from him?

She had two other texts, one from Sydney and one from Sienna, to respond to, but with both girls requesting her presence, she was put in the tight spot she didn't want to be in. If past experience said anything, Sydney would definitely be the one to get more offended by Jane not coming to her, but Jane also knew she owed Sienna an explanation after leaving her hanging with the Vincent call. Besides, Sydney had promised to make up with Sienna and now seemed like a perfect time.

To: Sydney
i'm in the back with sia i'm drinking and my dad will murder me if he sees me doing that at an event like this! plz come :(((? u promised!

She made sure to only hit the send button when she really was back with Sienna. She sat back down next to the blonde and offered her an innocent smile. Piper's insistence that they start taking the pills again had put her into a perkier mood and she hoped it would carry through for the rest of the boring event. She probably should have started with the Vincent thing, but instead, she got straight to the point about Sydney. Vincent might have been Sienna's biggest concern, but reuniting their friend group was Jane's. Especially since Sienna had refused to acknowledge her pleas to speak with Sydney since the fight. "So, Sydney just got here and I told her to come over so you two can makeup, okay? She really misses you and I don't want anyone to fight anymore." The last part might have been a slight exaggeration, and Sienna probably knew it, but Jane didn't think that both of the girls could truly hate each other. They had been friends for so long. She wouldn't let this be the end of their friendship, and Jane didn't want to be stuck in the middle for any longer. The longer they remained enemies, the more bad things that would come out and put more of a strain on their relationship. "And Vincent knows he needs to make it up to you, and he said that Sydney feels really bad and stuff. That's why he called." Okay, maybe that was more than a slight exaggeration, but Jane liked to put her own spin on things.