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Snippet #2613792

located in Manhattan, NY, a part of Upper East Side, one of the many universes on RPG.

Manhattan, NY



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sydney Vale Character Portrait: Sienna Alvarez Character Portrait: Jane Lynch Character Portrait: Charlotte H. Buchanan Character Portrait: Victoria Walsh
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Sienna Alvarez was not a dumb blonde and Jane must have honestly thought that she was one. Awaiting a response to the antagonizing text she had sent Esmee and for at least something from Piper - was the redhead picking Sydney over her when it was obvious Sienna was nicer to her? - Sienna was also taking idle sips of her champagne, trying her darnest not to drink too fast lest she do something like get tipsy before meeting with Vincent. It was bad enough she did dumb things with him like fucking him even when she was sober. It would be an entirely different story if she were already impaired due to drinking long before a "hello" escaped her mouth. But back to the point - Jane sat down and flashed her a smile, and Sienna knew she was up to something. Jane was not slick. She was not, in any way, as stealthy as her friends. At least, Sienna had previously held on to such a belief. However, with that innocent smile and the knowledge that Jane had held a serious ailment as a secret from them with that same smile, she couldn't help but narrow her eyes.

So, she let Jane talk before calling her out, which she felt a bit off about because she knew she wasn't going to like whatever Jane had to say. That smile hadn't been Jane's typically innocent "I may or may not have drank the last of your mom's 1939 Rothschild" or "I may or may not have made out with Connor's math teacher at St. Jude's." Not that she had ever really done the latter, but something like that would have happened with Jane and Sienna would typically laugh or smile it off. No, that smile had spelled danger, at least for Sienna, and so when Jane explained the predicament, Sienna didn't even try to control her reaction. She rolled her eyes with contempt, not even bothering to hide her irritation. She always hide such from Jane, never wanting to weigh the brunette down with her being upset because Jane couldn't keep her mouth shut or did something for Sydney when she was supposed to have Sienna's back. She didn't want to fault her on those things. But this? So soon after their blow out? In Sienna's irrational (but rational to her) mind, Jane was being insensitive and her naivetΓ© wasn't rendering Sienna pliant and willing to do whatever it took to make her smile. Polishing off her champagne glass, Sienna didn't even choose to pay attention to the Vincent portion of the conversation, not really caring about him after Sydney's name had been uttered. "Jane.." She didn't offer a nickname like she normally did nor as her voice was friendly as it had been before. It wasn't the hard edge she felt digging into her chest, just annoyance. "If Sydney missed me or wanted to talk to me, she would have done so by now," Sienna stated rather blandly, swooping her gaze over her friend. Yes, it had been Sienna whose mind had focused completely on the fact that her argument with Sydney would hurt Jane the most immediately after said argument. But some part of her had acknowledged that she always put Jane before herself and at the moment, she didn't want to think about others. She would, inevitably, but not now.

"And honestly, do I look like I'm gonna be talking to her about that here - of all places?" Sienna's countenance turned exasperated at the thought and she immediately felt bad because she knew how Jane felt about being snapped at by friends. Sienna knew all too well because she could be the same way and immediately, softened her expression. "I'm sorry, sweetie," she said and grasped Jane's hand gently. "I miss her...the not...selfish, backstabbing, condescending her that is my friend...I just..." It was hard explaining something so private in a public setting, but she needed Jane to see her reasoning. Even if the Vincent thing had never happened, Sienna and Sydney would have had a falling out. Maybe not to this extent and for that, Sienna felt a wave of shame due to her actions, but it could not be undone. And what was harder was that Sienna was not one to admit her deepest fears and pains, not even to her closest friends. Maybe that explained Jane's secrecy? Inwardly, she shook it off and concentrated on the matter. So, she stared into Jane's eyes imploringly before continuing, "I just...I don't always like the me that I have to be in order to be friends with her. And I know we talk about being best friends forever, but...I don't know if I can play the part anymore."

Not even for you...

It was a blessing in disguise that Victoria Walsh had then arrived, despite Sienna wanting her to have come before Jane returned. But, given the current air around them, Sienna did not question it and, like always (especially when she felt too vulnerable and too on the spot), she put on a show. She turned to Victoria a wide smile, propping her elbow on the table and allowing her chin to rest on the back of her hand for support. Instead of immediately answering the tech wizard, Sienna allowed her gaze to rove over the pale brunette. She knew Tori didn't like her much and honestly, it did not matter to her. Sydney had expressed her disdain of the persistent girl back when they were first becoming friends, claiming that Victoria was obsessed with her. Sienna, overdramatic as she was at the time and younger (so more inclined to be emotional), believed her whole-heartedly. But years on the inside that Tori so coveted led her to realizing that Tori - and every other girl that desperately wanted to be considered friends with the Sydney Vale - did not want to be friends with Sydney. They just wanted what came with it: the reassurance that none of her schemes would harm them, the invites, the boys, the admiration, etc. They didn't want her friendship, not like Sienna did. Or at least, in her mind, they didn't. But, she obviously was not in Victoria's mind and therefore could not call her on something like that. What she did call her on was for coming for Charlotte. Any friend being attacked without their knowing it warranted a protective Sienna and since then, she had kept Tori under her gaze. Tori considered herself a pawn or minion of Sienna's, perhaps. Sienna considered her...something. She just didn't know what yet. So, she held Tori under her thumb and waited for her to start squirming.

"God, you are really pretty," she finally declared after some time with the utmost sincerity and bluntness in her voice. Because Tori was - Sienna had to offer her that much. Why girls like Tori and Charlotte - beautiful, ambitious, naturally intelligent (and not using someone else to make themselves appear smarter than they were), life all planned out - weren't at the top of the ladder, Sienna could not even fathom because she could go days admiring them. Plus, she knew it would throw Tori off because Sienna being nice to her usually spelled her needing something. Which she didn't. But again, without her having known it, Sienna had developed a bit of Sydney in her. Or maybe it wasn't Sydney. Maybe it was all her own and she had never realized it. Who knows? She glanced at Jane, "Seriously, J, isn't she so pretty? Like those lips are totes Angelina Jolie perfection!" Giggling, Sienna turned her gaze back to Tori, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "But no, I really didn't need anything. I just wanted to see your face and now that I have, you are going to let me dress you for the SGA Halloween party. No 'if', 'ands', or 'buts' about it. Sit with us."

Momentarily allowing her gaze to drift, Sienna eyed the room for Charlotte seeing how the luncheon would be starting soon and she knew the blonde would be freaking out about her speech. Thinking quickly, Sienna sent her a text.

To: Lottie
Knock em dead, Madam President <3