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Snippet #2677532

located in The Land Of Evil Eye, a part of In The Name of Evil Eye, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Land Of Evil Eye

"The place where you all come from... Will you miss it?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Servius Lane Character Portrait: Freya Adis Character Portrait: Y'nev Amaren Character Portrait: Petyr Abram
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The Foolā€™s Room
Servius Lane

Onward, the others moved but Servius remained stuck to his spot, shell shocked. A flurry of confusion and nostalgia slammed into him, scanning his mind for any sign of true memory of the place. He didnā€™t butā€¦ When did he not trust his instincts? His eyes glanced back at the door, closed and drifting from the path almost on instinct. There was no going backā€¦ Not that he cared, anyway. There was no one to go back to in his kingdom. And he had a job to accomplish. Yetā€¦ Something felt off.

Shaking his head, he continued onward, slightly perturbed but fascinated by the curling pathway the group tread, the Fool hoping out of vision from one angle and back in at another. He groaned slightly, arms crossed over his chest for a moment to show his distaste before letting them fall to his side. Despite his dislike for the almost plastic Coins representative, he had to agree... It was beautiful Toward the center they tread, Servius having to distastefully deal with more than a few flying objects as they drifted in the air and towards his face. But as angry as he got at such simple things, he feltā€¦ Calm. Why? He was so confused at this sense ofā€¦ Comfort? Control? Satisfaction? He didnā€™t know. Everything felt so new around the Fool. He couldnā€™t understand the half of it.

At the center, they came to a pause. Servius noted the cushions flying toward them. He glanced at the Swords member, watching her easily mount a cushion and relax. Servius sighed, grabbing one and fumbling into it after a moment or two. He acted with less discretion than he liked, causing his lips to form an even sourer expression than usual. After all, the rest of the group probably already saw him as a nuisance if anything. He folded his legs in, eyes widening when it began to overturn. Fingers gripped into the cushion as the four beings in front of him turned upside down. Grimacing, he tugged at one side, hoping to make it go upright. Nothing. To save face, he crossed his hands over his chest and floated, upside down in front of the lot of them.

The Fool, however, saw other plans. The being chuckled, wandering over and righting Servius without a word and then appearing and disappearing throughout the room, bringing cushions to the other two who still remained standing. Upon coming across Freya, the Fool gave a bright smile.

ā€œIā€™ll make sure to explain all of it clearly to you in just a moment! After all, I wonā€™t want you to go in there unprepared. At least, as much as the rest of you.ā€

They hopped onto a cushion of their own, legs folded to reside on their hips as they waited for the rest to get comfortable. Their hidden eyes appeared to close behind the mask, hands on their lap, chest rising for a calm, clear breath and than exhaling again, as if the air in the Evil Eye had been much too stuffy for their comfort. Servius continued to eye theā€¦ ā€œbenevolent being,ā€ unsure how exactly to deal with these mixed warning signs still residing within him.

ā€œPlease listen to every word and instruction I say. This is crucial to your survival as well as the survival of this dimension.ā€ Shivers travelled up Serviusā€™s spine at the start of the Major Arcana Cardā€™s words. They had a different tone now, one contrasting greatly to the picture that had been offered to them in the Evil Eye in front of the Kings. Was it the air of the room? Was it their presences? Whatever it was, it caught his attention enough to have him on edgeā€¦ Possibly at the danger the words said would cost lives? Most likelyā€¦

ā€œAs you all should have been taught since childhood, the Major Arcana caused great change in the Human Realm, causing chaos such as this. However, with such a great amount of power comes a great amount of corruption. As the Major Arcanaā€™s power grew, the Human Realm fell into deeper turmoil. I, along with the Minor Arcana representatives, sealed the Major Arcana into cards and then created the Land of Evil Eye, separating the Minor Arcana so they too would not gain enough power to grow corrupt - as is the order of things. This story has been morphed to your kingdoms by their beliefs and interpretations. I, however, have told you the facts that remain true to me in my old, old age.ā€

ā€œThe Human Realm we speak of has, in the absence of magic, advanced greatly. There will be objects and tools you have never seen before. Attires that bring to question how our worlds are related. Mannerisms that have developed at the eras split apart from this dimension and that realm. Magic, in their world, is nearly gone save one area. The Major Arcana that have escaped can reside only there, gaining strength until they can come back and swallow up the magic of the Land of Evil Eye. You, in turn, can also only remain there. If you leave this areaā€™s boundaries, your magic will fade immediately. Five breaths in and out is the period it will take for you to disappear into nothing. You must find these boundaries and never cross them.ā€

ā€œIn the Human Realm, you will seal twenty one cards. The names of these cards have been hidden from you since childhood but will be revealed to you once entering the Human Realm. Your tools of the Minor Arcana will be found on your being the moment you are fully awakened the Human Realm. You will be offered a book to help identify what each Major Arcana does as well as have a mentor, whether they know so or not. You will also be provided a box to keep these cards in and prevent them from activating once more.ā€

That said, the Fool jumped off their cushion serenely. They drifted down into the floor and then back up, a small book and box in their hands. They nodded to the four, offering the tools.

ā€œAre there any more questions? If not, I can send you straight into the Human Realm as we speak.ā€

ā€œI have a question,ā€ Servius spoke up, surprising himself. The Foolā€™s eyes focused on him and he feltā€¦ Aware of himself. He sat up tall in theā€¦ Strangely concentrated gaze. Taking a deep breath, he asked.

ā€œDo we have to use the enchantment?ā€ Thinking about having to cry out that ridiculous phrase horrified him, especially in such a serious situation. ā€œTheā€¦ It went likeā€¦ ā€˜In the name of the Evil Eye, be cast toā€™ - hm?!ā€

A hand went over his mouth. His eyes stared at the Fool who appeared to be glaring straight at him. ā€œI prefer you donā€™t say the sealing words around me. Even without the tools of the Minor Arcana, words can have powers.ā€ The hand pulled away. ā€œYes, you will have to use that phrase when sealing the cards. As for the tools of the Minor Arcana, they are the tools of your Suits.ā€ They nodded to each in turn. ā€œSwords, a saber. Cups, a mirror. Coins, a shield. Wands, a staff. Each are useful in their own way and I assure you, you will need to use all of them to the best of your abilities.ā€