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Snippet #2687337

located in Demon Civitate, a part of Negative to Positive, one of the many universes on RPG.

Demon Civitate



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Character Portrait: Kouta Maria Baudin Character Portrait: Aruki Willhelm Zestiria
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The first thing that made Kouta nervous about the trip was simply the fact that he was completely surrounded by Exercitus Dei soldiers. He may have gotten used to being around Isolde every day, but knowing how much damage her soldiers had done, Kou still felt a twinge in his stomach when surrounded by them. It still dumbfounds me that Prince Aruki doesn't know what his father and the Exercitus Dei have done to this Kingdom, not to mention so many others. It makes me wonder if his brothers know, and simply aren't telling him... Kouta grimaced at the thought, knowing full well how it felt to be kept in the dark about things. After all, he'd spent most of his life knowing nothing of the state of the world but what he got from eavesdropping. XX
However, his mind was quickly distracted as they made their way through the marketplace. He had only ever been there twice before - once on the day he'd been bought and brought to the city, and once when Aruki had saved his life - and both times he hadn't been paying much attention to his surroundings, so it was like visiting a place for the first time. There were stalls lined up in zigzag lines up and down the city streets, crowds of people bustling about chatting and arguing over prices or the quality of goods. Everything he could think of was being sold here by someone, from clothing to food to jewels to books to animals of all shapes and sizes. And, of course, slaves as well. He lingered for more than a moment near a slave auction. XXX
Despite Kouta's earlier statement about not needing anything, Prince Aruki still seemed adamant on buying him gifts. Kou was quickly turned into a model of sorts, gently coaxed into trying on a variety of different outfits, most of which Kouta never would have been allowed to even dream of wearing had he not been taken in by Aruki. Kouta was also introduced to the world of jewelry, something he never very little about, and he found himself drawn in by how wide a variety of necklaces, bracelets, anklets, rings, and earrings there was. He couldn't help but enjoy the fact that Aruki bought a few for him. XX
Kouta was completely new to the idea of giving gifts, and he couldn't say he didn't like it, though he still felt skeptical about accepting expensive things from a member of the royal family, or anyone who wasn't a slave for that matter. He still made sure to thank Prince Aruki several times, his cheeks growing rose pink with embarrassment every time he did. I wonder what it is Prince Aruki sees in me that makes him want to give me gifts, especially when all I have been so far is a skinny brat who refuses to trust him. Kou continued to chastise himself until they returned to the convoy and headed out. XX
The journey was pleasant, to say the least. There was plenty to enjoy - huge fields of flowers, trees as tall as the castle, animals he'd never even heard of. Aruki took the time to teach Kouta a lot about the different forest creatures, what herbs could help what affliction, which plants were safe to eat, what flowers belonged to what names. I have likely learned more in this one day than I have in my entire life before now. Kou let himself show his emotions freely, though his subconscious still restricted his expressions to a certain degree. A calm, content smile remained on his face for a majority of the day. XX
It was late evening by the time the convoy reached another town. It was a small village, right on the edge of the vast forest and surprisingly bright with life. Music could be heard before they even entered the village. While Isolde went off to find an inn, Kouta followed Aruki into marketplaces to explore. XX
The town's markets were much smaller than those in Demon Civitate, yet they were filled with much more positive energy than the ones Kouta knew. There was music, dancing, chalk art on the roads and delicious scents wafting out from stalls and shops. It was like heaven. Kou wanted more than anything to join in on the dancing, but he also knew the way he'd been taught how to dance would likely be considered obscene outside of a brothel, especially since he was unable to hold up the facade of being female now that he'd cut his hair. Turning from the dancing crowd, Kouta moved to look over a couple of the stalls that were dotted around the square. His gaze lingered on one selling jewelry, and a particular copper locket caught his eye. XX
He recognized it immediately. He'd spent many years of his childhood observing the trinket, running his fingers over the intricate designs and wishing he could have met its previous owner. His aunt had told him it was once his mother's, and that she had given it to him when he was born. There had never been a picture inside - no one had ever drawn or painted her - so instead he'd always filled it with pressed flowers or leaves or tiny sketches his uncle had drawn him. Kouta grabbed the locket in a hurry and felt tears well up in his eyes, until he suddenly grew angry. The locket had been left behind the day he'd been taken, and he hadn't seen his home after he'd left that morning to ride. So how had it ended up here, hundreds of miles away? XX
"Oi, kid, are you going to buy that or what?" Kouta turned to the shopkeeper, glaring at the woman and seething with anger even as tears fell down his cheeks. "Where did you get this?!" He yelled, thrusting the locket in the woman's face. "You have to tell me how you got this! It belonged to my mother! It shouldn't be here! You had to have stolen it, or gotten it from someone who stole it! How did you get it?! Tell me!" His yelling had started to attract attention, and for a moment he forgot he was in a public place, all his focus on finding out just why something had found its way from his home all the way to this random shopkeeper's jewelry stall. They Exercitus Dei...they wouldn't have killed my aunt and uncle, right? They wouldn't have had to... XX

He's not really all that oblivious, he's just never fallen in love before, and has no idea whether his feelings are love or nausea. If Aruki started to flirt with him, for example (as if buying Kou gifts isn't flirting already) he would undoubtedly notice. I do like the idea of him asking Isolde for advice though. He would have to give up a lot of his pride and ignore his hatred of the battalion in order to ask for help of any kind, especially if its in the love department...