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Snippet #2710501

located in Black and White, a part of Black and White, one of the many universes on RPG.

Black and White



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Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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Something a Little Different

Meanwhile, as the rain poured over the simple town of Timberland, a group of black clothed figures gathered together in one room. Each of them had something that made them stand out from the rest, but the one who stood out the most and got the most attention from everyone was a sort of larger man who stood shorter than the rest. All was silent in the room, everyone relaxing and minding their own business until they all heard the television start blabbing about news.

"Hey boss, look." One of the men pointed out to the shorter male. "It's the job we just pulled! Didn't expect to see people talking about it so soon."

"That's bad, Jimmy." The short man replied. "It means people will be on our trail for some time."

"Whaaat? Ain't nobody catching us, boss!" The male gave a wide grin. "We too good for them. We've been doing this for years, how they going to find us now?"

"Always got to assume, that's my way of looking at life." The short man pulls his hat down slightly over his face. "Anyway, it means we got to stay low for a while. Got it, everyone?" Even though they couldn't see, his eyes still scanned the room and looked at each of them for a confirmation. When he got it, he leaned back in his chair to relax a little better.

"So how long until we get to meet these people we've been doing jobs for months now?" One of the younger men asked the boss.

"Very soon. As long as we keep up what we've been doing." The boss tips his hat slightly instead of just nodding his head.

"Didn't Ricky get a little reckless back there?" One of the women spoke up, her eyes darting at the card flipping young male. "It's the entire reason people even noticed."

"Hey, how was I suppose to know that car would just blow up then and there?" Ricky gave a confident smirk. "Not like anyone got hurt anyway, so why dwell on it? What's done is done, and we got what we wanted. Isn't that right, boss?"

"Yep." The boss pulled out a ring from his pocket, flipping it a few times before looking over at Ricky. "Hey, you the only one who hasn't got anything special yet. How much you willing to pay, Rickie?" The boss gave a wide smirk suddenly, Ricky could see his eyes alight with a passion behind them as he swallows nervously.

"You putting me on the spot like this?!" Ricky rose up to his feet without hesitation. "You KNOW I got the money, and if I refuse, you'll just shoot me right between the eyes!" This caused everyone but Ricky to erupt into a loud laughter. Ricky's expression grew cold as he glared from one person to the next, a hopeless feeling gripping tightly over him.

"So, you paying me money or in blood?" The boss smugly asked him.

"Fine, you dirty old man." Ricky walked over and pulled out his wallet, slapping some money down near the boss as he holds out his hand towards him. "Now give me the stupid ring."

"Oh, you think it's stupid, eh?" The boss catches the ring before tossing it right above Ricky's head. "Catch, loser."

"WHAT?! ARE YOU NUTS?!" Ricky shouted out, backing up with a panic in his movements as he wildly moves out his arms in various ways before finally catching the ring. However, Ricky ends up tripping over a box, and ends up crashing down into a pile, causing the rest to crash down over him. The others laughed harder than before, as Ricky rises up with boxes falling off of him as he does so.

"Well Ricky, I got to say. You wouldn't make a good hitman, but you certainly got what it takes to be a clown. Why don't you consider a change in career?" The boss mocked Ricky, who shook with fury as he could do nothing but glare back. "I think the makeup would compliment you so well." Everyone began to laugh again as Ricky stomped his way to the door.

"Yeah, I got to go home anyway and check up on some things. I'll call you guys when I'm done." Ricky didn't bother to even look back before he slammed the door shut. Quickly getting into his car, the roar of the engine seemed to almost wash over Ricky before he sped off into the heavy rain. As the radio turned on, loud screaming and some heavy metal began to burst out throughout the car as Ricky's grip on the wheel tightened to a scary point. "I. HATE. EVERYTHING!"

As Ricky became engulfed in his emotions that had been repressed all day, his car speeds past the Timberland Gym, where Yohan had just arrived at. Yohan's eyes widen as he sees the car speed by without a care for anyone else. "Whoa! And I thought the rain was trouble today." Letting out a sigh as he calmed himself down, he could only shake his head as he looked at the gym.

"Why am I even doing this? I don't do well around other people, let alone a gym of all places." Yohan took out the card from his pocket and looked it over, frowning slightly as he puts it back away before walking to the door. "Well, I mean, what could go wrong, huh?" His breathing increasing slightly, he reached out and grabbed a hold of the doorknob before closing his eyes and opening it, heading inside rather quickly before slowly closing the door.

As he pulls his umbrella back in and opened his eyes, he was rather surprised to find how immediately he didn't feel like running for his life. Though he stood frozen to the spot, he found it was rather different than how he originally thought it would be. That's when it hit him, all of a sudden, he realized he was screwed. He had no idea what to do next, and the more he tried to think of what to do, the more he worried he was just going to end up screwing everything somehow.

That's when he noticed there was actually someone here, well he figured someone must of been in here, but to suddenly just notice someone when you stand there awkwardly felt like the worst thing possible. He must of stood out right now, besides his natural blue hair. The only thing he could think to do was try to play this off, like what he saw someone do on television once! He quickly realized that might be a horrible idea, but before he knew what he was even going to do, his mind suddenly kicked into high gear and spoke for him!

"Hi, I don't know what I'm doing, that's my life in a nutshell!" The words of what he said dawned on him slowly, like a bad itch that nagged it's way into insanity. He must of looked real nervous right now, because his heart was racing with intensity from the raw fear that took hold over his mind and body. School hadn't even started and he was already going to screw something up. If there was a God out there, he must of been laughing at poor Yohan right now.