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Snippet #2710787

located in Black and White, a part of Black and White, one of the many universes on RPG.

Black and White



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yohan Belmont Character Portrait: Rina Jasmine Character Portrait: Sienna Cartlow Character Portrait: Taja Ondine Halterman Character Portrait: Miranda Wallace
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The White

What is purpose to someone? Some believe that purpose is finding inner peace of mind, embracing what many call true happiness. Some believe that purpose is discovering what you are meant to do in this life, whether that be for yourself or others. There are those that believe purpose is but a word, a construction of the human mind in order to motivate and push ourselves forward towards a self driven goal. It didn't matter to Yohan though, purpose had been lost for so long to him that some would say his heart had turned cold by now.

A blow to the face sent him flying to the floor without a moment's thought, the thought of laughter echoed in his mind at his own efforts. He did not even attempt to dodge or block, it was his way of showing how much the world had changed him. But the laughter soon became quiet when Yohan easily rose to his feet, staring down the bag with a cold glare that would send a shiver down weaker fighters spines. It didn't matter either way to him either way, real or not, flesh or not, violence and was still violence, and the bag came in with full force.

This time Yohan's body went flying to the floor, hitting it with a hard enough impact to send a rush of pain through his body, a small bit of blood had escaped and now rested on the outside of his right mouth. When Yohan remained motionless for a few seconds, the laughter started to pick up again. What was this kid doing? That's what they were probably thinking right now. There was no way he could compete, he had no chance. The laughter was struck down when Yohan quickly rose back up to his feet, the cold glare remained in his eyes as his arm rubbed off the blood from his face. Now the fight got serious, and after pushing the bag as if to intimidate it, the bag suddenly came flying in with a furry of vicious strikes and landing some sudden serious blows to the body.

It didn't matter at this point to him, this was the most "fun" thing he had experienced since summer vacation had started. His body may not look like much, but he could take quite the brutal beating. Although a bag could never hold any blood lust within it like the bullies from his past, something about this one in particular seemed to pull his mind back to past times. It was all the same to him as this point, what more could he expect? As his mind began to numb to any feeling, something inside of him started to take over. He was surprised to find himself moving out of the way of the next incoming attack and swing his leg to connect with the bag, the bag suddenly stopping all movement as if the life had just been ended in it. This was unlike him, no, something else had decided to take over inside of him.

Meanwhile, several people chanted for prayers as a man holding up a book read to them lines with such excitement, it filled them all with a sense of hope. As he finishes reading and puts the book down, he notices one of his scouts rushing over towards him. "My lord, we have terrible news!" The scout managed to huff out to his superior. "A wizard has been spotted on Gaia! We don't know what he plans to do, but I can assume it is nothing good!" The man couldn't help but smile and shake his head as he walked over to place a hand on the scouts shoulder.

"Have no fear, I will look into it. Tell the others to be on their guard, in case I am to fall on this day." Though the scout had his expression change to a more worrying one, the man managed to brush this off as he released the shoulder of the scout before walking forward. When the scout turned around to look at the man, he was already gone. The scout closed his eyes and began a heavy prayer for all to be safe.

Back to Yohan, it all felt strange. He decided to move away from the bags entirely, knowing what he did wasn't out of strength or power. It didn't feel like him just now, it still didn't feel like he was himself. Something was inside of him, bothering him in a way that made him feel sick. He thought about leaving, but it was strange to see two people enter in. One was a small looking child, the other he noticed seemed to look familiar somehow. Great, just what he needed, more people bringing about unnecessary attention.

Now to the wizard mentioned before, who was still in town looking for his ring. The elderly man growled to himself as he could not even sense where his ring was, perhaps it was best to leave and try in another town. Before the wizard could leave, however, three people appeared out of nowhere who suddenly became the sole attention of the wizard. "I wasn't expecting The Order of Gray to step in." The wizard rubs his chin as he stares at the three. "To what do I owe the sudden visit?"

"I thought it was you, of all the people to appear in Gaia." The man in the white robe spoke, rubbing his neck as he closed his eyes, surprising his apprentices and the wizard. "Hey, I'm Delta, nice to meet ya, though I'm sure you already knew of my title among the Order." Delta opened his eyes and gave a slight smile, putting his hands on his hips as he looked around, the rain not even seeming to bother him in the slightest. "So! Tell me. Why are you making trouble?"

"I am NOT making trouble!" The wizard replied angrily towards Delta. His apprentices were too scared to even try to confront this horrifying man, Delta just seemed to keep smiling like nothing wrong was happening. "Someone has stolen my ring! MY! RING! It is my property, and I will take it back, with or without your help!" The wizard slams the end of his staff down on the ground, causing the apprentices to shake where they stood. "Though I never expected help from an Order of fools!"

"No need to be so harsh." Delta looked around before pointing to the two tallest buildings in the town. "If it will make you happy, we shall have a duel up there." Delta smiles as he puts his hands into his pockets. "Of course, if you would rather, I can go out all here and now... Nah, let's go." The wizard growls out at Delta in response, the apprentices were the first to poof, with Delta following suit. The wizard grumbles to himself before poofing as well.

Ricky, on the other hand, had just arrived back home, and noticed how heavy it was raining outside. Groaning out as he felt tired after driving, he got out of the car and walked inside to his home, where he was already soaking wet upon entering. "Everyone can go burn." He mumbled to himself, stomping his way over to his living room as he turns on one of his fans to try and dry himself off. As he stood there with the wind blowing on him, he pulled out the ring and checked it over, his eyes narrowing as he hated how much money he just gave up to the boss. "Why are you so important anyway?"

Once Ricky felt he was dry enough, he turned off the fan and walked over to his couch, sitting down as he turned on the television and began to watch the news. That's when he saw it, the face of his ex-girlfriend. This sent him into a flying rage, grinding his teeth against each other as his eyes again catch the ring and he looks at it more carefully. "Whoever wears this ring shall be allowed three wishes. However, the user can also have whatever desires they want. . .granted? What kind of crap is this?" Ricky looked to the television before looking back to the ring. Slipping it on, he looked back to the television before making his mind up. "A desire granted? I ain't gonna waste a wish on this. I just hope that fool dies, and I hope the whole town learns of it!"

It was around this time that unknown to Yohan, a strange being had formed above him and was quickly looking over several people. Not even he could see or feel it, however, as the mystical spirit-like being used it's eyes to search out and see a girl was making her way towards the gym. With a nod that was to only itself, the being reached a hand inside of itself and pulled out a white orb without any harm to itself. Raising up it's other hand, it slammed down on the white orb and caused it to shatter and break out into four different pieces. The four orbs end up entering into a person each without them feeling a thing: Rina, Taja, Miranda and Sienna. Satisfied with it's selections, it fades away before it could be noticed by the four.

The wizard and Delta both stood on one building, with the two apprentices merely watching from a safe distance. A white barrier had been put up around the both of them as an intense stare went down between the wizard and Delta for some time. Summoning his own staff, Delta points it towards the wizard's direction, as the wizard points his own staff at Delta with the two staffs pointing at each other. A white light forms at the end of Delta's, with a black light forming at the end of the wizard's. The apprentices couldn't help but look on in terror as the battle began, with white and black lights spawning from each staff colliding into each other.

To the four, they wouldn't of been able to hear it before, but now, they could suddenly hear an odd melody being played out. Yohan's attention seemed to shift as he hears this, though no one that did not possess either white or black could listen to it's strange tunes. Yohan rushes outside as he notices the rain had suddenly stopped, his attention looking off towards the direction of the two buildings, though he could not see the two people standing there. A car suddenly rushes past him, his eyes widening as he realized how reckless the driver had been. His eyes shifting to see a woman behind the wheel, he sees the car make a sudden turn and only the melody rang it's bells for a moment before a sudden crash could be heard.

Behind the wizard and Delta began a changing of scene and color, or perhaps, reality itself. Images changing from one to the other, one moment it could be a peaceful looking forest, the next it could be a castle under siege, to a waterfall flowing peacefully, to a battlefield where men fired old fashioned guns at one another. The colors changed with every image that went by them, the sky could be blue one moment, and the next it could be red. Grass could be green one minute, the next it could be red, or yellow, or white. This only got quicker as the strange melody picked up pace, becoming much more faster now as the apprentices could only watch in fear of the duel between the two.

Ricky was caught off guard as suddenly, the news covering his ex-girlfriend changed into about how she had just died in a sudden car crash. His eyes widen in surprise as he felt his heartbeat increase. Had he really done this? He had desired her to die, so she did? That's when a hand touched Ricky's shoulder, and he turned to look over his shoulder to see a strange black creature now in the same room with him, with a menacing Cheshire cat grin at him and dark red eyes staring at him. "Hello Ricky~"

Yohan couldn't really believe what he just heard, standing there made him feel strange. Maybe it was just the beatings going to his head, though he did wonder why he didn't... Oh, wait, there we go! The sudden rush of adrenaline that had kept him going suddenly was pulled right out of his system and made him collapse right down to his knees, his body shivering with pain as everything seemed to rush in at once and made him feel ill. He wasn't a fighter at heart, his body could only take so much before it got to him. He had no idea if he would be okay to walk home or not, but it looked like he might not be leaving from the gym for just a little longer at this rate.

As the wizard and Delta disappeared from sight, the two apprentices followed suit, and with them, the strange melody they had created faded. The town was normal again, but no rain seemed to come down for some odd reason. It was unusual, and by the time the melody faded, the four would unfortunately feel a rush of pain course through each of them, unknowing of the new connection they had just made. Perhaps it was a sign of adjustment? Who knows, but at least they could stand outside without being rushed on by rain!

"Calm down, Ricky!" The creature spoke to the frightened Ricky, who now sat on the floor cowering for his life. "You do not possess the Black, but I will be your catalyst. Since you have fed me that girl's life force, I will be your guardian from here on out. No, do not worry, I am not like the fools who use The White and have some demon bothering the crap out of them. Ah, but where are my manners while starting to explain your new life to you?" The creature temporarily spawned a pair of legs and made a bow to Ricky. "You may call me Djinn. It's a pleasure to be working with you. Oh, and yes, you still have three wishes Ricky~"